Gezurz, its been a while since my last journal entrie. But no worries, I didn't go into a comma or anything. I just get sooooo much to do nowadays. soooooooooo. Ok, so its superbowl sunday right? Well, upstairs right now are my parents and their friends screaming at the TV while they are cramming "healthy" snacks down their throughts. its actually pretty funny. i only watch superbowl for the comercials, and apperantly theyve got this freked out 3D thing going on with the commercials, but whatever. i sorta watched an interesting movie last night. Its called "Weird Science" and it was on demand. So, it was made in like, '85, so it was sorta cheezy funny. Its about two geeky boys, who make a woman with their computer. (like frankenstien, but she isn't all scarred up, and she was never dead) They just, made a woman out of thin air, and I think the woman is sorta in a more mary poppins kinda gal. She just made the boys think they created her. But anyway, she was this English 25 year old, and well, you get the picture. So, she took the boys on these crazy nights adventures, and had some um, sexual, preferences with them. (This was not that kinda movie, it had no scenes like that you sick minded peoples) So yah, this was like an odd way to get the boys prepped up for stuffez in life. So then they threw a party, and the lady made these gangstas appear. (by the way, the lady is sorta computerly magic, she made cars appear, froze grandparents, changed clothes instantly, and cleans house like the cat in the hat.) So the gangstas came and the two boys stood up to them and so the gangstas left. so then the boys met two girls and they fell in love and yadayadaa. So then the woman basically helped the two boys out, so she's like mary poppins. excpept Mary popins never wore really tight clothes, had crazy coolhair, diva make up, leather boots, and a whole loto attitude. After the party, they really didn't need Lisa anymore (they "named" her Lisa). So the woman just magically said goodbye and said she would miss them, had a couple tears going on and then left in a misty cloud in their closet. (she came in from their closet). so yah, its was an interesting movie. I thought it was sorta sweet, yet some what mollestic. odd combination. Oh yah, and I have a theatre performance and informance tommoroow!!! Coolio, I can't wait, the anticipation is bubbling inside of me. can't you tell? No you can't, cuz your looking at a computer screen. Thats right. Sooooooooo, I wonder if anyone besides Alice ever went to Wonderland. I mean, she could of imagined it all up but still, one gets the notion that even Wonderland is perseptible to young minds in need. i mean, Alice really didn't pay attention much, and she wanted to make a world of her own, and was always doing nonsense. so, i bet other kids do the dame thing, so they must have been to wonderland too. ye, that brings up a queston, would I want to go to Wonderland? No, not really, yet, yes i would. In wondeland, everything doens't make sence, wich is my kind of thing becaus eI almost never make sense, so if everything didn't make sense, then it all actually would of made sense for me. Does that make sense? No, not really I suppose. But, wonderland is highly vulgar, crude, Mad, and darn right frustrating. yet, some people find me to be like that. hmhm, that makes me chuckle. odd, I wonder why the english vocabulary has so many words, for only one meaning. Take Chuckle for example. I mean Chuckle, laugh, baffleing, giggleing, it all really means the same thing. Huuuuuuhhhhhhh. Owzwellz, im dun. hehem bad grammer. smile
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