I woke up with Root holding me closely to his chest. I looked up at his face and he was staring forward at something. I turned my head in that direction and saw the sun rising from the sea. The beauty of the sight made me sigh lightly. Then I wondered aloud, "Root?". He looked at me, noticing I was awake. "Sh..." He said softly. The earth felt like it was tilting side to side, up and down like in a canoe in a flowing river... "Oh!" I put the pieces I had together. We were on a large canoe of some sort, but the floor of this massive thing wasn't wood... It was the same feel as the small rocks the outsiders had thrown at us... My eyes adjusted and I looked around us. Roots wings were stuck in the small... What was the word they used for this thing? A cage. We were in a cage. I pushed myself closer to Root, I don't like this one bit. Root held me closer in response, "Boulder is in another cage." he began to explain, "The outsiders found us, we tried to fight, before you could wake up they shot you with something. It made you sleep even deeper, then they hit me and Boulder with another one of them. We faded into a deep sleep as well. I'm sorry. I wasn't enough." he looked away. I touched his face with my hand, turning his face so he would look at me. "Root, it's ok. I've escaped them before. I can do it again." I said, trying to soothe him. He moved his face away, still filled with shame. I wimpered softly, I hated seeing him like this. It made me feel hopeless... I pushed my face into his chest and cried. He smoothed my hair trying to help me calm down. I heard the footsteps of some outsiders walking closer to our cage, they all were laughing darkly...
I know, I took too long and I know that was a really annoying to cut off. But it'll keep you reading right? ' ^^
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I'm a different kind of flower,
Beware of my thorns,
Enjoy the dew drops,
That make me,
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I'm a different kind of flower,
Beware of my thorns,
Enjoy the dew drops,
That make me,