here's a place where i just put down random thoughts that come to my head =p
I WAS RIGHT!!! i'm talking about mia's ex bf. they broke up the same day i wrote that journal entry but i forgot to write it in here. apparently i'm going to look back on these entries and laugh... well that's what ash said. i'mma not going to say anything wink i'm really bored again. something really cheap happened to me >.< i was playing jigsaws then when i finished it, it kept granting me gold but wouldn't give me anything. u know after u finish the puzzle it says "granting gold..." or something. i kept saying that but never gave me gold! that's sooo cheap! grrr stressed i should destroy that game but i might get banned sweatdrop heh. well i'll just not have to get caught... jk xd but seriously. that was cheap of gaia. and i'm upset cause i wanna change my profile cause it seems too dark but my fav gaia layouts website, skem9, isn't working or something. according to my other friend, DaOnlyElly, they are updating it or something. but it hasn't been working for a week. two weeks at most as far as i know. sheesh. does updating take that long? evil right right. calm. deep "breathes" according to Elly again whee it's ok Elly! we still love you! blaugh but u know a secret? she's not really as innocent as we thought whee