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Angelic Love pt.4
In the morning everyone woke up and Genis asked “How are you feeling today Colette”

“I’m feeling much better thank you” said Colette

“Now that the Chosen is feeling better, I suggest we return to Triet to restock our supplies before moving on to the Ossa Trail” said Kratos

“I agree” said Raine


“Lloyd why don’t you take the Chosen and the little elf to get some supplies while we get a reservation at the inn, we will head out to the Ossa Trail first thing tomorrow morning” said Kratos

“Alright let’s go guys” said Lloyd

“Ok” said Colette

“That’s good he didn’t find out I’m a half-elf” thought Genis

Next Morning

The group left Triet and started their trek to the Ossa Trail. About midday the terrain started to change and they reached the Ossa Trail. As they started into the trail a voice called out “STOP”

A young woman with black hair jumps downs in front of them wearing a light purple battle kimono, black pants, and light purple boots with buckles. “What do you want” asked Lloyd

“Is she a friend of yours Lloyd” asked Colette

“Never saw her before” answered Lloyd

“Is the Chosen of Mana among you” asked the assassin

“Oh that’s me” said Colette

“Prepare to die” yelled the assassin charging towards Colette

Just before she reaches Colette, she trips over a lever that opens ups a maintenance door that the assassin falls into. Moments later a large crash is heard and Colette gets up and said “Oh no, I did it again”

“I wouldn’t worry about it. If she didn’t fall down that hole she might have killed you” said Raine

“I hope she is okay” said Colette

“Even assuming her weight to be 45kg, and this hole to be 10m deep, and calculating the gravity constant at 9.8, the impact shouldn’t have been fatal” said Genis

“See, I sure she is alright” said Lloyd

“Ok” said Colette

“We should get moving, the area is confined making the footing poor, we would be at a disadvantage if she came back” said Kratos

“You’re right let’s go” said Raine

During their trek though the Ossa Trail Lloyd asked his dad “She was a Mizuho kunoichi wasn’t she”

“Yes she was. It appears that Tethealla has sent someone stop Sylvarant’s regeneration” said Kratos

“It must have been the Renegades. They are the only ones that can travel betweens worlds besides us” said Lloyd

“We best be on our guard. I have a feeling we will run into her before we leave the trail” said Kratos

Just as he said that, the group walks by a wooden blockade that falls down revealing the Mizuho kunoichi. She staggers out gasping out “W...wait”

“Wow, she did catch up with us” said Lloyd

“Oh thank goodness you are all right” said Colette

“D…don’t move” the kunoichi stutters

“A wise choice” said Raine

“You won’t catch me off guard this time. Prepare to DIE!” exclaimed the kunoichi

She whips out a card and throws it to the ground summoning a guardian. It had a ring with kanji around it and coming out of the front of it was a bird like creature with blades on the ends of its arms. Lloyd and Kratos attacked the kunoichi first while Colette and Genis kept the guardian at bay. The kunoichi used cards with seals on them and was very fast. She was able to get past Lloyd and Kratos and struck Genis, knocking him back, right before he finished his spell. But she paid for this by receiving two demon fangs in the back curiosity of Lloyd and Kratos before getting knocked out with a blow to the head from Raine’s staff.

Genis got back up and they all turned their attention to the guardian who has started attacking widely seeing its master knocked out. Lloyd and Kratos held the blade arms at bay while one of Colette’s chakrams cut the guardian’s throat causing it to scream out in agony giving Kratos time to plunge his sword though the guardian heart crumbling it to dust.

The kunoichi wakes up and staggers to her feet gasping “Just you wait. I will kill you all next time” she throws down a smoke bomb and disappears

“Why are there people trying to kill us” asked Genis

“There are always those who will oppose to salvation” said Kratos

“Maybe she is a desian” said Genis

“Who knows? At any rate, we are in constant danger and that’s all you need to know” said Kratos

“Those clothes” Raine started to say

“Something wrong” asked Lloyd

“No, its nothing, lets go” said Raine

“Did she recognize those clothes are from Tethealla? If she did, how, she is from Sylvarant” thought Lloyd

About a half an hour after leaving the Ossa Trail, they arrive in Izoold. Lloyd walks up to one of the men and asked “Do you know of a ship that could take us to Palmacosta”

“There aren’t any passenger ships running. It’s too dangerous. I got here by getting a ride on a boat from a guy named Aifread” replied the man

“Is he still here” asked Lloyd

“No, he left to go back to his hometown” replied the man

They continue on their way to the docks when they hear a woman say something about Aifread. They walk up to her and Lloyd asks “Are you looking for Aifread”

“Yes, have you seen him” the woman asks

“We heard that he went back to his hometown” said Lloyd

“This is my chance” screams the woman running towards the docks

The group heads to the dock shortly after that. When they arrive there, they walk into an argument between the woman and a fisherman. “You are refusing my request! This is my chance, he has returned to Luin” exclaimed the woman

“It’s not like that. It is too dangerous, there are giant monsters out there and I care about you too much to let you go” replied the fisherman

“Fine, you go there and give him this letter yourself” said the woman

“No way am I going to be a go-between for my rival in love” said the fisherman

“Fine then” she turns to Lloyd and the others behind her “Hey you” she said

“What” replied Lloyd

“Deliver this letter to Aifread in Luin for me” said the woman

“We can’t do it if we can’t get across the ocean” said Lloyd

“Max can take you across in his boat” said the woman

“WHAT” yelled Max

“Ok” said Lloyd

“Then it’s settled then. Here is the letter” said the woman handing the letter to Lloyd “Make sure he gets it”

“We will do our best” said Colette

The woman walked away and the group walked up to Max and he said “I guess there is no way out of it. Just tell me when you are ready”

“We are ready now” said Lloyd

“Alright get aboard. Don’t blame me if we get attacked” said Max

Everyone boarded the ship and it set sail. During the trip Raine was hugging the mast like her life depended on it. Lloyd, Colette, and Genis were at the front of the ship looking out at the sea ahead of them. “The view is so beautiful” said Colette

“Yeah it is” said Lloyd looking at Colette

“What is with Lloyd” thought Genis

“Enjoy it while it lasts Lloyd” thought Kratos

The ship arrived at Palmacosta and Max said “We’re here”

“Thanks for the lift” said Lloyd

“How are you going to get back” asked Genis

“I will ask for an escort from the Palmacosta navy” said Max

“Sorry for making you come all this way. Please be safe on the way back” said Colette

The group disembarked from the ship and entered a marketplace on the dock. They walked though the marketplace and started down a road and came to a T shaped intersection where Colette bumped into a woman who dropped a potion she was carrying. Lloyd caught Colette before she fell and caught the potion before it broke. “Are you ok Colette” asked Lloyd

“I’m alright thanks Lloyd” said Colette

Lloyd helped Colette back up on her feet and walked over to the woman and said “Here is the potion you dropped” handing the potion to her

The woman pulled her hand back at the last second making Lloyd drop the potion. “Look at what you did to our potion you clumsy idiot” said the woman

“You better run while you can” said Lloyd in a cold voice

“You think you can beat us” said one of the men in the group

“I don’t think, I know” said Lloyd drawing his swords

“I think we better get out of here” said the woman

“I think you are right” said the man

The group ran away from the scene with Lloyd behind them yelling “You’re not getting away from me”

Lloyd caught up to them outside of Palmacosta and yelled out “ERUPTION”

The group got caught in the spell and was blown into the air with their clothes badly burned. They crashed back to the ground and quickly threw all their belongings in front of Lloyd saying “We’re sorry about the potion. Here take all our stuff, just don’t kill us”

Lloyd looks over everything on the ground in front of him and notices an old book and said “Alright I guess this is enough for now. I just better not see you ever again because if I do, I won’t be so nice”

“Thank you” they said as they got up and quickly fled the scene

Lloyd picked up all the stuff and put it away and looked at the book and thought “What were they doing with the Book of Regeneration. It is only suppose to be given to the Chosen when they arrive at Palmacosta. Unless she pretended to be the Chosen just to get all the free stuff from people to sell to collectors”

Lloyd put the book away and went back to Palmacosta. Once he got there he saw everyone waiting for him. Colette ran up to him and asked “Are you ok Lloyd”

“I’m fine Colette” said Lloyd

“What happened to those guys” asked Genis

“I scared the hell out of them and they gave me all there stuff as a peace offering and ran off” said Lloyd

“Now that incident is over we can begin looking for clues about the next seal” said Kratos

The group enters the main part of Palmacosta where they see a boy talking to a man and a little girl. “Governor-General Dorr! My daddy was taken to the ranch and hasn’t come back yet. And I have been a good boy” said the boy

“Just hang on a little longer and I will rescue everyone from the ranch” said Dorr

“But I lonely without my daddy” said the boy

“Don’t worry, my father loves everyone in this city. My mother died of illness but your father is still alive, so I sure he will come back” said the girl

“Really” said the boy

“Yes, they were taken for opposing the desians. I swear I will rescue every one of them” said Dorr

“Alright, I will wait for my daddy to come back” said the boy

“Good boy. Let’s go Kilia” said Dorr

“Yes father” said Kilia

They both walk into the building behind them as Lloyd asks an old man beside him “Who was that”

“That was Governor-General Dorr. He is recruiting soldiers to fight the desians” said the old man

“After he lost he wife to illness he has been raising his daughter by himself” said an old woman on the other side of them

“As long as Governor-General Dorr is here, we will never submit to the desians. Because we know if we get caught, he will come rescue us from the ranch” said the old man

“Wow the people of this city are strong” said Colette

The group enters the building Dorr and Kilia entered a few moments ago. Inside, they walk up to the desk and Dorr says “Welcome, as per the teachings of Martel we welcome all travelers. May you have the blessings of Martel for your journey. May I asked where you are from”

“We come from Iselia on the Journey of Regeneration” said Lloyd

“World Regeneration” asked Dorr

“Yeah, Colette is the Chosen of Regeneration. You did see the Tower of Salvation, right” asked Genis

“Are you saying you are the Chosen” asked Dorr

“Yes” said Colette

“You lie! The Chosen was just here a few minutes ago. You are to be arrested immediately and handed over to the church” yelled Dorr

The force of his anger made Colette stumble back and cause her wings to come out. “Wow father, look, she has wings like an angel” said Kilia

“Stand down everyone; she is without a doubt the real Chosen of Mana. Please forgive us Chosen one” said Dorr’s aide

“That’s ok, a lot of people don’t believe I’m the Chosen” said Colette

“That means we gave the Book of Regeneration to an imposter” said Dorr

“So that’s what this old book is” said Lloyd taking out the book

“That’s it! How did you get it” asked Dorr

“We ran into the imposters when we entered Palmacosta” said Lloyd

“Why didn’t you say anything before Lloyd? With this we can find all the seals” exclaimed Raine

“I didn’t know what it was. I just picked it with the rest of the stuff they gave me” said Lloyd shrugging his shoulders

“Well I’m glad it’s safe. You can keep Chosen, may it help you on your journey” said Dorr

“Thank you” said Colette

“Let’s head to the church and study it” said Raine

They entered the church and sat down with Lloyd handing the book to Colette saying “You should be able to read since you are the Chosen Colette”

“Alright” said Colette taking the book

“It’s badly damaged but I will try to read what I can” said Colette

“Raging flames in an ancient city deep within clouds of sand overlook the city, lighting the darkness. Pure, flowing water floating, overflowing, in an isolated land becomes a giant pillar and rains down from the sky. Sublime wind, ancient city, the world’s… Enshrined in the center of a giant stone seal lurks evil, impersonating a holy force. Shining…gazing up at the summit of the gods, giving praise to the pillar of the world…from the top of the tower of ancient gods. Two giant… …The rest is too damaged. I can’t read it” said Colette

“That means we don’t know how many seals are left” said Genis

“Indeed” said Kratos

“There are three” he thought

“The “raging flames” part at the beginning must be the Seal of Fire” said Lloyd

“Pure, flowing water floating, overflowing, in an isolated land probably means Thoda Geyser” said Kratos

“The Seal of Wind must be…the Asgard Ruin” said Raine

“What about “gazing up at the summit of the gods”” asked Genis

“I think that’s probably the Tower of Mana. From there, you can see the mountains around the Tower of Salvation, so that’s probably the summit of the gods” said Colette

“So where should we go next” asked Genis

“Why don’t we go to Thoda Geyser since it’s the closet and find out if it is a seal” asked Lloyd

“Alright we will head out to Thoda Geyser first thing tomorrow morning” said Kratos

They all left the church and checked into the inn and fell asleep.

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