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Angelic Love pt.2
Martel Temple

The Chosen One, Colette along with her friend, Genis ran up the stairs of the Martel Temple when a badly wounded priest came wobbling down the steps and fell to the ground before them. “Chosen One” said the pastor weakly

“Pastor are you all right” asked Colette

“What happen” asked Genis

“Desians attacked the temple” said the pastor weakly

“But Iselia has a non-aggression pact with the Desians” said Genis

“To protect me” added Colette

“I don’t know why…but they attacked…you have to go receive the oracle” said the pastor coughing

“I will” said Colette

“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect…” the pastor tried to say before he died

Colette stood up and started walking up the stairs when Genis yelled out behind her “Where are you going Colette”

“I’m going to receive the oracle” said Colette

“But you can’t go yourself, you get killed” screamed Genis

“I don’t care, it is my job to receive the oracle and I am not going to let anyone stop me” said Colette

“Well, I’m coming too. I can’t let you go by yourself” said Genis running up to catch Colette

“Are you sure? It is going to be dangerous” said Colette

“Friends stick together” said Genis

They both run up to the entrance of the temple seeing Botta and his renegades approaching Colette’s grandmother asking “Where is the Chosen”

Phaidra sees Colette and yells “Colette, run”

One of the soldiers turns around and said “Lord Botta, there she is”

Botta turns around yells out “Get her”

Two soldiers charge at Colette as she pulls out her chakrams and keeps the renegades at bay while Genis is casting magic in the background. One of the renegades breaks though and charged at Colette and was about to strike her when her chakrams came back and struck him in the back of his head knocking him out and Genis is able to knock out the other renegade out with one final spell. Botta looks on and said “This Chosen appears to have a lot of luck on her side, well let’s see how long her luck lasts against this”

Vidarr walks out of the temple and said “You have no chance against me”

Vidarr runs towards them swinging his ball and chain and with one swing knocks Colette and Genis down. As he was preparing to give the final blow, a red and purple blur appears in front of them.

Seeing Colette and Genis get knocked down, Kratos and Lloyd jump into action. Kratos lands in front of Vidarr and cuts the ball off the ball and chain and before he has a chance to pull his sword out, Kratos plunges his sword through his heart, killing him. Botta sees this and said “Damn, I didn’t think they would show up. Retreat for now” Then him and the rest of his renegades run away

Lloyd lands in front of Colette and Genis and he helps Genis up first. He then offers his hand to Colette and she humbly accepts it and he helps her up. After she gets up, they both look into each other’s eyes and Lloyd starts thinking “Wow, she is the most beautiful girl I ever met”

“Wow, he’s cute” thinks Colette

Kratos has just finished clearing away the body and turned around and saw Lloyd and Colette looking at each other and he thought “Oh no, I recognize that look. That is the same look me and Anna had when we first met. If they start to have a relationship, I don’t even want to think what will happen when we reach the Tower of Salvation. I better put a stop this now”

Kratos walks over to Lloyd and Colette and yells “Lloyd”

Both Lloyd and Colette snap out of their trances and start blushing a little. Genis looks on and thinks “Why is Colette blushing”

Phaidra walks over to them and said “How can I ever thank you for saving the Chosen”

“Ahh, so this girl is the next Chosen” said Kratos

“I going to receive the oracle now” said Colette

“But all the priests that were to guard you were killed by the desians and I don’t feel good about sending you in alone” said Phaidra

“As long you pay us, we will be happy to take on the job of protecting the Chosen” said Kratos

“Who are you” asked Phaidra

“I am sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Kratos Aurion, a mercenary and this is my son…” said Kratos

“Lloyd Aurion” said Lloyd

“Well, I guess I have no choice. Please protect Colette” said Phaidra

“Then it is a deal” said Kratos

“Colette, what a pretty name” thought Lloyd

Kratos notices this and said “Lloyd, focus”

“Sorry dad” replied Lloyd

They start walking into the temple and Genis yells “Hey, I want to come too”

“No, you just get in the way” said Kratos

Genis looks down and Lloyd said “Come on dad, you always said, it is good to have a magic user in the group”

“Alright, fine” said Kratos

“Thanks Lloyd” said Genis

“No problem” said Lloyd

As they walk into the temple Kratos said “This isn’t a field trip”

Inside the temple, they stopped in the lobby and are deciding on which path to take. “Well we can’t take the path on the left since it is blocked, so our choices are the center and the right” said Kratos

“I say we go down the center one because the oracle should be in the center” said Lloyd

“Well then, lead the way” said Kratos

They walk down the central passageway and are blocked by a force field. Genis spoke up first and said “There is some sort of force field blocking our way”

“We should be able to get though using the Sorcerer’s Ring. It is said that it is enshrined in this temple” said Kratos

“Well then Colette should know where it is” said Genis

“I’m sorry, I don’t” said Colette looking down

“Well considering the left was blocked and we are in the center, it would have to be down the right passageway” said Lloyd

They turned around and headed out of the central passageway and down the right passageway. They go down a flight of stairs and come into a huge room with a glass floor with stone paths underneath. They walk out onto the glass floor and Genis asked “What is that shining thing over there” pointing at the Sorcerer’s Ring

“That is probably the Sorcerer’s Ring” said Kratos

“What is that” asked Colette pointing at a Golem

“That’s a Golem” Lloyd yelled out charging at it

Lloyd gets there first and draws out his swords and attacks the Golem. Kratos joins in soon after while Colette is in the mid ground throwing her chakrams at it keeping it distracted and Genis is in the back casting magic. With one final thrust from Kratos and Lloyd the Golem falls and turns into a square rock. “It turned into a rock” said Colette

“It was a rock to begin with” said Genis

“Whoops” said Colette as she tripped and pushed the rock into the hole. But before she could hit the ground Lloyd caught her

“Are you alright Colette” asked Lloyd

“Yeah, thanks Lloyd” said Colette smiling

“No problem” said Lloyd lifting Colette back up

Then another Golem appeared and Genis said “Look, there’s another Golem. We must have to defeat them and push the blocks though the holes to reach the Sorcerer’s Ring”

After pushing the final block into place, they made their way to the Sorcerer’s Ring. Lloyd took the ring off the pedestal and put it on and said “Now we can get past that force field”

They make their way back though the right passageway and go down the central one and come back to the force field. Lloyd raises the ring at the force field and fires a blast off disintegrating the force field. Lloyd lowers the ring and said “After you Colette”

“Thank you Lloyd” said Colette as she walked by to the transporter shortly followed by everyone else

Colette and everyone else appear in a huge room with a hole in the roof where the light of the Cruxis Crystal is pouring though. The light goes away and a ball of light slowly descends to the ground and in a flash of light, Remiel appears.

“I am Remiel, an angel of judgment sent here to guide Colette, daughter of the mana lineage, on her journey as the seventh Chosen” said Remiel

“It is time to awaken the Goddess Martel, who lies sleeping at the center of our world” he said

“Just like the legend Raine told us” said Genis

Remiel pushes the Cruxis Crystal towards Colette and it attaches to her neck. “From now on, you are the Chosen of Regeneration. We of Cruxis bless this event with the Tower of Salvation” said Remiel

Outside of the Martel Temple, the Tower of Salvation appears in all its majesty. Lloyd looked outside and thought “Cheap trick”

“Now the world is going to be saved” exclaimed Genis

“Colette, Chosen of Regeneration, unlock the seals that guard the Tower of Salvation and climb its steps up into heaven” said Remiel

“I humbly accept this task” said Colette

“We of Cruxis will bless you with angelic power with each seal you unlock. Once you are reborn as an angel, this world will be regenerated” said Remiel

“I swear upon my life I will regenerate the world” said Colette

“Head south to the Seal of Fire and offer your prayers in that distant land” said Remiel

“Yes Lord Remiel” said Colette

Remiel starts to fly away when Colette tries to ask “Wait, are you really my fat…”

“Head to the Seal of Fire my beloved daughter Colette” said Remiel

“So you really are my father” said Colette

“We shall meet again at the fire seal, my daughter” said Remiel flying away in a burst of light

“Good going Colette. Now he is going to use that against you” Lloyd thought

“That was the oracle. I wish Raine could have saw it too” said Genis

“Now that you have received the oracle, we should return to the village” said Kratos

“Ok. Lloyd, could you please make sure Genis gets back to the village okay” said Colette

“Of course” said Lloyd

“Thanks Lloyd” said Colette

“I will see you at the Chosen’s house then” said Kratos

“Ok dad” said Lloyd

Kratos and Colette leave first on the teleporter and then were followed by Lloyd and Genis. They arrive in the lobby to her someone yell out “MARVELOUS”

“Oh no” said Genis

Raine turned around and asked “Genis what are you doing here”

Raine approaches Genis and spanks him and then turns to Lloyd and asks “Who are you”

“My apology for not introducing myself, my name is Lloyd Aurion. I and my father were hired by the Chosen’s grandmother to be her bodyguards. My father has already taken the Chosen back to the village and she asked me to make sure her friend got back safely” said Lloyd

“Ok, Genis I might late getting home tonight, so go to bed on time okay” said Raine

“Yes Raine” said Genis

As they were walking out of the temple, Lloyd asked Genis “How do you know her”

“She’s my teacher and…” said Genis, then he looked down and said “my sister”

“Ouch” was the only thing Lloyd could say

They arrive in Iselia without any problems. Genis asked Lloyd “Can I come with you to Colette’s house”

“Sure” said Lloyd

They both walked over to Colette’s house and Lloyd knocks on the door. Colette’s father comes to the door and said “Ahh, you must be Kratos’ son”

“Yes sir” said Lloyd

“Nice to see you again Genis” said Frank

“Nice to see you again sir” said Genis

“Won’t you come in” said Frank

“Thank you very much” said Lloyd walking into the house

Lloyd and Genis walk into the living room and see Kratos, the mayor, Colette and her family sitting down at the table discussing the journey. “We will entrust the protection of the Chosen to Kratos, Lloyd and Raine” said the mayor

Kratos looks ups and sees that Lloyd is there and said “I see you have returned Lloyd and brought the Chosen’s friend with you”

“Well, he said he wanted to come” said Lloyd

“This is your son Kratos, he looks just as old as the Chosen and he is going to be one of her bodyguards” exclaimed the mayor

“I assure you sir, my son is more than capable of handing himself in battle. I have trained him myself” said Kratos

“I want to come along on the journey too” said Genis

“No, it’s going to be too dangerous. The battles at the temple are mere child’s play compared to the fights we will encounter on the journey” said Kratos

“Aww, come on dad, why don’t you let him come along. The only two people he knows in the village, his sister and friend, are leaving on a journey. Do you really want to leave him behind, alone? Besides, his knowledge of magic could be useful on our journey” said Lloyd

“Since we can’t use our own” Lloyd added

“Fine, he can come along. But if anything happens to him, it will be your fault” said Kratos

“You are just like your mother when you do that. I could never win an argument against her either” said Kratos

Lloyd smiles and replies “I know”

“Thanks Lloyd” said Genis

“Lloyd, why don’t you go outside and wait for me so we can go find a place to stay for the night” said Kratos

“Ok dad” said Lloyd walking out the door

Lloyd and Genis are standing outside when Colette come outside and walks up towards then but she trips and falls but Lloyd catches her before she hits the ground. Lloyd helps her up and she said “Thank you again Lloyd” blushing

“No problem” said Lloyd

“Colette’s blushing again” thought Genis

“Oh yeah, Happy Birthday Colette” said Genis

“I bake you some cookies” he said handing Colette a box

“Mind if I try one” asked Lloyd

“Sure, go ahead” said Colette

Lloyd takes one of the cookies out of the box and eats it and exclaims “Wow, these are delicious; you are a excellent cook Genis”

“Thanks. I better be getting home, see you tomorrow” said Genis walking away to his home

“Bye Genis” said Colette

“Thank you Lloyd for convincing your father to let Genis to come along with us” she said

“Think nothing of it. I thought it would be nicer for you if your friend could come along too” said Lloyd

“But still, thank you. I better be getting back inside now, see you tomorrow” said Colette as she went back into her house

About an hour later, Kratos came out of Colette’s house and Lloyd sees him and goes over and asks “While we are here, could we go visit mom and Noishe”

“Sure thing” said Kratos

They walk out of the gates of Iselia and into the forest. After traveling though the forest for a while they come upon Dirk’s house.

Inside Dirk’s house, Dirk hears a knock on his door and he goes over and opens it and yells out “Kratos”

“Nice to see you again Dirk” said Kratos

“What are you doing here” asked Dirk

“Well I and Lloyd were hired to be the Chosen’s bodyguards for her journey and Lloyd wanted to come visit before we left tomorrow” said Kratos

“My, Lloyd has sure grown into a fine young man and I see he is wearing his mother’s crystal” said Dirk

“Thank you” said Lloyd

“Won’t you come in” said Dirk

Kratos and Lloyd walk into Dirk’s house and Lloyd is tackled by Noishe who starts licking his face. “Nice to see you too Noishe” said Lloyd after he got Noishe off him

“Do you have a place to stay for the night” asked Dirk

“No we don’t” said Kratos

“Well then you can stay here” said Dirk

“We wouldn’t want to impose” said Kratos

“It’s nothing” said Dirk

“Thank you very much for your hospitality” said Kratos

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