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zack's picture book!
i will put any pictures i can sneak in here!
just another day's work
prince romanov
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Hello friend

*grunts and smiles, putting my arms around your waist.* and how are you? ^_^

*wraps my arms around your neck and smiles* Doing ok. How are you?

*kisses you, grunting more.* incredibly horny... i'd stay and chat but it is late and my sister has a friend sleeping over. i was just getting off. i will reply tommorrow before going out, k? maybe if your in the mood i can get some relief too, hm? *smirks.*

*blushes* Heh maybe. We'll see tomorrow ^.~

hmph. *smirks again.* alright. nighties then sweetling. *kisses you and givs your thigh a surprise little squeeze before disapearing.* love you... *my voice says without me, trailing away.*

*smiles* Goodnight and hope you have lovely sweet dreams. *see's you start to disappear* love you too...

hola! ^.^ oh look, someone gave me three presents! o.o

Hello and thats awesome XD

people are jealous of how insane i am to have a religion... >>

O.o oh?

*gumbls grumbles.* ... they can make their own religions if they want, don't gotta be all wierd about me making one... >>

I dont think it's weird

i am glad, thank you for that.... so far only one person has like it, and he is someone i don't realy talk much to at all....

Oh o.o

but yeah. so how're you doing sweetie?

Doing little bit better. My heart got broken on Monday

you didn't tell me about that, what happened? sad was it that military guy?

*shooks head* no it wasnt him it was someone els... reason I didn't say anything was I didn't want to make a big deal about it...

rmmngh... well i want to make sure you are ok. *hugs you and holds you close, petting you.*

*hugs tightly* Would you like to know what happend?

yes, i would. *nuzzles you once.*

Ok but I'll start on how I met this guy. His username is Mavrick Hunter Zero. We're both VC in one of the guilds I'm in and one day I got bored (RMS the military guy wasnt talking to me that much) and started talking to him. He was a very nice guy and we had the same interest then for a month I started falling for him. We became more then friends and started to date on Nov 29. But on Jan 4th he started to act... distant. turns out he had to find a job and start to get ready for school (he's in collage) then on monday he said we should be friends and said sorry.

rmmngh... well, i am sorry it didn't work out... but is that realy a heartbreak? maybe a heartache. *pets your hair more.* it will be ok. *kisse syour cheek.* i promise.

*tears form* .... I really loved him.... so it's going to be hard to let go....

oh my... *holds you close and rubs your back soothingly.*... i know... i can see that... *sighs.* oh boy... hey now though, if i can live through the same thing so can you! ^_^ k?

*still hugs you*

alright... you just relax then, let it out.... mmnnn... i love you dear. you'll be ok?

I think I'll be ok... thank you *kisses your cheek*

i'm glad. i am still worried though...

*looks at you* why are you worried?

because you're upset. *kisses your nose.*

I'll be alright. It'll just take some time...

alright, but i'm always here. ok?

*smiles* Ok. Thank you *hugs tightly again*

*grunts.* ^_^

^_^ hehe


*dosnt let go*

*grunts, and happilly keeps you close.*

*smiles warmly*

shanti poured water down my back, and i'm going downtown in like a couple hours! crying

Awww T.T

well, i gotta go. nighties.

Ok I'l tak to you later

*nibbles on your ear.* hello dear.

*laughs* Hello

i have a new Master now i think.

O.o you think?

well, i'm still being difficult. i bet i can remain untamed. if h can't honestly leash me he can't have me. i will fight to the end for my freedom.


i'm an oddling, i know. he has to break the stallion before he can ride it. cool

Lol sounds scary to me

so far it is.... my neck and shoulders still ache from his bites.... and sydney has been preparing me for potential abuse. sad

What?! O.O

i can handle it, but it is getting frightening. if it weren't though, he'd not even be suitable for my Master. that is the only way he can tame me. is if he can honestly domestically abuse me to the point where i am broken to him, where i follow his every word on command. taught tricks like a puppy.

o.o;;..... sounds very frightening...

i am sorry, i must be scaring you... i forgot you are not used to such brutallity as i am... even my own sadistic flings with you are gentle.

*scratchs head* I just dont have an understanding about it is all. sweatdrop

i am certain you understand it much more than you realize you do.

ever felt that strange longing to be treated like s**t by someone, even though know you won't like it? that sense of just wishing that they would make you feel like a whore, and feel ashamed of it? somebody to completely control you? you cannot pinpoint why, but whenever you feel like they are being cruel and unfair to you you cling to them more, want to be closer to them, almost as if they will protect you from being hurt, even though you know you have to brace yourself from them possibly just hurting you more? that's teh feeling that S&M and BDSM tries to embrace and exalt.

Nope never felt like I want pain for enjoyment.

O.O ... *blinks rapidly.* ... wow.... i guess it's not so ... normal... after all... >////////////<

Thats just me. XD lol

i feel very .... insane now...


nothing... is ok, i'll be fine. sides, not like my insanity is news, right? ^_^

Lol dosnt bother me though XD *hugs*

*hugs you back.*

*smiles* your so warm...

*snuggle syou happily, and kisses you.* and so are you.

*smiles more* Lol it's cold tonight were I live

you just don't want my nose or hands on your skin though love. *smirks and nuzzles you, before giving you a kiss on the lips.*

*laughs a lil then leans and kisses you*

*grunts, and makes out with you softly but dominantly.*

*cotinues kissing you*

*breaks the kiss.* sweetling, i am afraid i must go now. but if you remain in the mood do let me know. because tommorro or monday iw ill hope for a passionate continuation.

*nods* How about we'll comtinue this tomorrow and see what happens? ^.~

*grunts.* i'd like that. ^_^


i don't suppose you'd let me feed? i have been allowed to feed recently and now i cannot control the cravings anymore.

Feed...? O.O oh.... *blush*

my my, so cute... make sit tastier... gah! i will refrain, it probably disturbs you anyway... *fingers twitch and i can't stop glancing at your neck.* ... *tkes a deep breath and slumps, grunting.* there. all better...

*moves closer*

*tenses again, gazing predatorilly at your throat.* ...

*looks at you* You... want to... taste my neck?

oh, you never understood my feedings, did you...?? you see, i am what is called a psychic vampire. i sustain myself on the energy of others. i also happen to be one of the deep feeders, that is i don't just take ambient energy or aura energy... i go for the soul energy, the prana, the qi, the ki, and other such energies. *gulps, and licks my lips.* god damn i havn't had a real feeding since summer last year and have been very weak and uncomfortable because of it. distracted myself on all kinds of candies and alchahol and electronic music.... sydney let me have a short feeding recently though and i have been craving more ever since!

*laughs* Ah I think I got it... but how do you feed on engery?

i just take it. if i may demonstrate.... *pulls you into my lap and kisse syour cheek, waiting for an answer.*

Well... before I give you an answer.... will I pass out or feel sleepy if you take it? *looks at you*

almost definately. in fact, you will likely have a killer headache and not wanna get out of your chair. iii-_- *sighs and leans my head agains your shoulder.*

I see... *kisses your forehead*

*smiles.* ^_^ cuteling. you know you make a lovely little faerie.

*laughs* Why thank you ^.^ And... you have my permission to feed on my engergy

*grunts, and kisse syour neck.* i am very greatfull. *begins sucking on your neck, and breathing deeply over it, licking it even, gripping you shoulder and hip tightly and gently rubbing with my thumbs. *

Mmm... *closes eyes*

*holds you close and gently, letting you lean against a giant bean bag cushion and my lap, while i suck on your neck, chewing just a bit, drawing energy out like a bunch of liquid threads.*

*starts to feel little lite headed and relaxed*

*grunts, and continue sto feed, wanting so badly to take you now, to even just crawl ontop of you...but refrains, just draining you of energy instead.*

*opens my eyes a little and looks at you while starting to feel more weak*

*avoids eye-contact, just gorging myself on you, my tongue presses against your throat and slips just inside. you can feel a tug on your heart as if a wire were attached to it. energy flows from their through the wire and into me, and i grip your more firmly. i crawl onto you and pin you down, grunting as i drink.*

*felt the tug but dosnt say a word then feels more lite headed*

*begins to undress you, and then myself. *kiss your shoulders and the tops of your breasts, and go down on you, entering roughly and slowly. i grind and grunt and keep feeding off of you, holding you down.*

*watchs you and blushes* Mmmm....

*fully enjoying myself, i allow myself to dominate you completely. i grab a n****e in my mouth and begin sucking hard and greedily, i grips your a** and your shoulder tightly and squeeze with my fingernails digging into you. my thrusts and grinds are rough and deep, scraping against your walls slowly and digging deeply down into you. still you feel energy leaving you, directly from your chest and into mine. your head lightens and tightens, the chemical balance trying to compensate for lack of energy. your muscles lossen and seem to feel filled with air.*

*feels like I'm floating then starts to close my eyes again* mmm...

*roughens up, shifting into beast form, which expands me in both length and width, and i hold you down roughly, pushing you into the bean bag while i take you brutally. i make you mine, grunting and snorting in ecstasy teh whole time. i begin to c** a little, and i force your legs to spread open wider. i do not stop drinking your energy either, even just these little strands that they are, i drain them ravenously, hoping to tap the second layer.*

*wants to moan more but is to weak and starts to feel like passing out as you roughing me*

*keeps draining you, however it has slowed down. i refuse to stop, wanting more. i use the tightness in my stomach to increase the force with which i take you, spreading your legs as far apart as the will go and holding them apart. the pressure of my thrusts and grinds are more than enough to keep a weakened you helplessly pinned to the ground.*

*starts to c** not knowning I did as I get more and more weak* ....

*lifts your legs up and pushes your knees to your chest. i re-enter you from lower on your v****a, where it is tighter and fresher, and continue just as brutally there, grunting dominantly with each trust and huffing as i grind. i grip your thighs tight enough to bruise, and my claws cut deeply into them, causing them to bleed. with a new tiring surge of energy rushing it i feel it hit me liek a wave and drain it up, letting it strengthen me.*

*feels motionless and slowly starts to feel unconscious* mm....

*grunts more, and keeps taking you, very happily. i am pleased with myself, and satisfied with that i have you for tonight. i whisper to you.* sshh... go to sleep now dear, rest. i will continue to take from you, but you needn't be consious for teh duration of it. *i kiss your leg and continue to drink till you have nothing left, and take you as long as i can.*

((i am getting offline now, and i suggest you go to bed. you'll be unconsious very soon.))

*couldnt hear your whisper as I just pass out*
((yes your right. good night dear))

*grunts when i wake up, stretching out. i lean over and give you a kiss on the forhead, and make breakfast. i cook eggs, making them spicy and serving them with salsa. i keep yours under a lid on a platter, for when you wake up. when you do you are in a beautifull bedroom suite on a bed of soft silk sheets under a comforter stuffed with the softest cotton, and silk curtains parted just enough around the bed to give you a broken view of the maroon-coloured room. if you look straight ahead past the foot of the bed you can see your reflection in the mirror of a desk, and if you look to your right a garderobe stands past a bedside table with a dim lamp standing on it. the floor is carpeted and also maroon, the furniture is a greyish white, and the curtains are pale lavander.*

*slowly starts to wake up and notice I'm in a lovely bedroom then starts to rub my eyes. I sit up a lil feeling yet still sore and sleepy from last night*

*smiles at you, with twinkling silver-streaked brown eyes.* hey sweetie. feeling alright? i made you breakfast. *gestures towards the lidded platter of scrambled eggs and salsa.*

*looks at you and smiles* I think I'm ok. Mmm it smells good...

i am glad. i went very wild last night.... i am sure this will get you on your feet, four eggs, scrambled with white pepper, black pepper, garlic powder, chili powder, red pepper flakes and medium sharp chedder cheese, and then cold salsa to pour on them if you like. ^_^ i also have other condiments, and herbs such as basil or oregano.

*laughs* You didn't have to add alot of stuff on the eggs but thank you. *sits up a lil more*

i always felt that the extra kick the spices add make it more effective and energizing a breakfast, and the tangyness of the salsa and herbs helps it to go down joyfully. the simple pleasures of life should always be enjoyed! ^.^ i had six eggs myself, and there are more if you want.

Heh I see. Well it looks yummy so lets eat! ^.^

*fixes myself another littl bowl and sits down next to you, snuggle-close, to eat with you.*

*grabs a fork and grabs the plate and starts to eat*

mmm... i'm realy enjoying your company dear...

*looks at you* Really? ^_^

of course, I always do, even when i hae not the time or energy to spare. those are sad times for me, making my longing to be around you much more intense when i do get the oppurtunities.

*kisses your cheek*

*kisses yours in return.* the eggs helping at all?

*keeps eating* yes there helping me very well *smiles at you*

*smiles gladly and leans against you, closing my eyes.*

*loks at you* Heh you ok?

*nods, then opens one eye for a moment.* i'm good. just content. ^_^ *smiles more broadly.*

*smiles then keeps eating the eggs almost finished*

*just resting, looking perfectly reposed.*

*finish eating and looks at you and smiles*

*doesn't move, or open my eyes or anything, and doesn't even notice that you are looking at me. i seem asleep.*

*puts my plate aside then leans my head against yours and starts to fall asleep*

hm-!? *i startle for a split-moment, and then smiles and snuggle up again, putting arms around you and resting my hands over your belly. i kiss your temple.* i love you... * i mumble into your ear.*

*didn't hear as I was in a sleep slumber*

*had fallen asleep again soon, and now wakes up late at night to work on my projects.*

*wakes up again*

*looks to you stoicly, then smiles.* ^_^ *goes back to what i was working on.*

*looks at you* What are you doing?

*takes a deep breath, and answers without taking my face away from my paperwork.* ohhh, just discussing philosophy and metaphysics, the occult, and such, and working on developing my RP setting and my own Philosophy... dealing with political things, arguments, thoughts and ideas, ... got alot of stats and speaches and whatnot to go over... plus i have to schedual a weekly meeting at the library for my orginization, and i have sara and holly to work for, and i have credit debt to pay off, my folks are gonna help me with that by going over my statements and try to convince the bank to take off the late fees and then they'll pay for the other fees and i'm working to pay my folks off for that. i'm in alot of debt. plus i gotta work to earn another 50 dollars to pay for the GED test money i spent at the mall last year, and another so i can actualy take the test now that i'm ready. i hope to get my high school diploma now. and after that, i have to start using ebay to start my business, it'll be small income but it can supplement other work. and i have novels to write, and more tess to take so i can get into the santa fe community college.

*blinks* Oh.... o.o

*looks up at you and the pulls you gently down enough to give you a kiss.* just another days work dear. ^_^

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