Welcome to Gaia! :: View User's Journal | Gaia Journals


View User's Journal

My Life.
proflie themes
#content #main, #about, #journal, #friends, #multimedia, #comments, #signature{height: auto;}
#content #main, #about, #journal, #friends, #multimedia, #comments, #signature{height: auto;}
/*[Gummibear.fizz]- coding*/
/*Broken Illusens - Layout*/
/*DO NOT STEAL! or alter the codes in any way.*/
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/*-------PROFILE BY HONGSKE-------*
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/*-------PROFILE BY HONGSKE-------*
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/*-------PROFILE BY HONGSKE-------*
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/*-------PROFILE BY HONGSKE-------*
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/*-------PROFILE BY HONGSKE-------*
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/*-------PROFILE BY HONGSKE-------*
#journal {position: absolute; left: 57px; top: 480px; width: 100px; height: 15px; overflow: hidden ; padding: 7px;}

/*-------PROFILE BY HONGSKE-------*
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/*-------PROFILE BY HONGSKE-------*
#friends {position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 618px; width: 550px;}
#friends #friendGroup li {border: 1px dashed #BBB; margin: 7px;}

/*-------PROFILE BY HONGSKE-------*
#comments {position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 1122px; width: 555px;}

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/*-------PROFILE BY HONGSKE-------*
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/*-------PROFILE BY HONGSKE-------*
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height: 300px; }

border-right: 0px;}

background: #E3F0F9;
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