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Life as a Mule Account
This account is used for games, game item storage, selling of game items, and transfer of gold. he is also used as a counter gender.
zOMG Sewer
PT 1
Elizabeth: Hey, listen. You're pretty capable now armed with the knowledge you already have, but if you're interested in a bit more advice, I've got some things you could do.

* Sure. What sorts of things?
* No thanks, Elizabeth. I can take it from here.

Elizabeth: Well, the way I look at it, since you're new to Barton Town, you probably don't have much in the way of roots. You'll want to get in good with the locals so they know they can trust you if things get tough around here.

Buai: That sounds like good advice.

Elizabeth: It is! So which way do you think you lean? Are you a defender or an explorer?

Buai: Huh?

Elizabeth: What I mean is, do you like to fight, or are you more of a people person?

Buai: Ummm...am I making some sort of life commitment here?

Elizabeth: Ha! No, not at all. I'm just wondering what sorts of tasks I should throw your way.

* I'll help defend the Town!
* Let me meet the people around here!
* Ummm...on second thought. Let me come back later.

Buai: Ah. In that case... I'll help defend the Town!

Elizabeth: Fantastic! Since you're new to this whole deal, I'm going to send you back over the Train Station here in Barton. Talk to Terry and Perry, the Conductor twins. They'll have something for you to do.

Buai: Okay. I'll head west and go meet the Twins. See you for now, Elizabeth!

Terry: I can't hear you. Come closer!

Terry: Welcome, Buai!

Perry: Glad to...

Terry: ...see you! What can we...

Perry: ...do for you?

Buai: Elizabeth sent me to you two. She said you might have something important for me to do, connected to the Sewers?

Terry: Elizabeth? Hmmm...I don't know...

Perry: Oh! Wait! I know! Remember Barry's request?

Terry: Barry? But...

Buai: Hey! I know Barry!

Perry: No, really! It'll be perfect!

Terry: That's supposed to be...

Perry: ...family business. I know. I know. But...

Buai: Does anyone rememeber I'm still here?

Terry: Oh, sorry, Buai. Our Conductor Family is sort of de facto responsible for the Sewers...

Perry: Along with the Barton Regulars.

Terry: ...yes, along with the guards. Our family protects against Animated incursions from down there...

Perry: Along with the Regulars.

Terry: Yes, Perry. Along with the guards. Okay?

Perry: ...I just wanted to be clear.

Terry: Well, we're clear on that now, aren't we?

Buai: So I take it there's something you want me to do down there? Something about your family's responsibility?

Terry: Yes, exactly. There's a pocket of activity down there where these Animated plungers just appear and just sort of...parade around.

Buai: Animated plungers? Hey! I saw some of those down in the Sewers when I was helping Dani!

Perry: There's more where those came from. Lots more.

Terry: We could use your help. Those things aren't much of a threat to anyone, but if we don't go down and clear them out every once in a while...

Perry: ...they just keep multiplying until...

Terry: ...the place is knee-deep in them...

Perry: ...and only frog ponds should be knee-deep...

Buai: *groan*

Terry: ...so we could really use your help to go knock...

Perry: ...their numbers down a bit. Whaddayasay?

* Sure. I can go clean up the plumber's helpers for you!
* No, not right. Maybe later. Thanks!

Terry: That's great, Buai! Thanks! Perry, can you send the info to Buai's PDA?

Perry: Sure thing, Terry! You just need to head to the...

Terry: ...manhole cover marked on the map that Perry sent to your PDA.

Perry: Use this passcard to bypass the security system on those covers...

Terry: ...and climb on down. The rest should be simple.

Buai: Okay, guys. I'm on it!

PT 2

Terry: Done with the Peelungers...

Perry: ...already, Buai?

Buai: No. Not yet. But I'll get to it!

Terry: We have nothing but...

Perry: ...faith, Buai. Don't forget the info in your PDA!

Buai: I won't! See you soon, guys!

Terry: Okay, Buai. We'll see...

Perry: ...scary things under our beds at night.

Terry: What?!? That is NOT what I was going to say.

Perry: I know. But it's true, isn't it?

Terry: Perry! *sigh* Good luck, Buai.

Buai: You too! Sounds like you need it.

PT 3

Elizabeth: Hmmm...I'm thinking you haven't been wrung through the wringer enough yet.

Buai: What do you mean?

Elizabeth: You're on a path now we're using to groom those that want to assist the Barton Regulars...a kind of 'deputy' program. I'll know when you're done because your last contact will ping my PDA.

Buai: And...?

Elizabeth: They haven't pinged me.

Buai: heh. I didn't think so.

Elizabeth: I'm sure I'll see you soon though!

PT 4

You use the passcard to open the manhole, and then climb down the ladder...

Peelungers 15/15

The exit ladder has been marked on your PDA Map

You can tell from here that the manhole at the top is sealed. No exit here!

PT 5

Terry: So? How did...

Perry: ...you do? Did you...

Terry: ...clear them out?

Buai: I sure did! You were right. It was like they were on some sort of pattern, doing the same things over and over again. It made the clean-up really easy.

Perry: Fantastic! Thanks, Buai!

Buai: That was maybe even *too* easy. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Terry: Well...maybe not for us, specifically.

Perry: Ooo! I know! Nicu! You're talking about Nicu!

Terry: Perry, you *always* know what...

Perry: ...you're going to say. I know!

Buai: Anyway, you were saying?

Terry: Like Perry said, there's a tinker across town...

Perry: It's Nicu!

Terry: Yes. We *know that*, Perry. Anyway, this tinker, he...

Perry: ...COLLECTS THINGS! And you should help him!

Terry: *sigh* Yes. That's what I was going to say.

Buai: Where is this tinker located?

Perry: I know! I know! Send the map info. I know, Terry!

Terry: Anyway. You can find him now, so talk to him if you want more to do.

Buai: Thanks a lot, guys. It's been very...interesting.

Perry: Bye for now, Buai...

Terry: ...and be safe!

You're done with that task. Now find Nicolae, the Tinker, using your PDA Map.

PT 6

Nicolae: Greetings, oh fragrantly-scented one.

Buai: Wha...? Oh. Yeah. I've been spending a lot of time in the Sewers recently.

Nicolae: Well, we all have our hobbies.

Buai: Hey! It's not like I'm down there playing in the sewage. I was helping folks!

Nicolae: Oh? I see. Hmmmm...I have a small task you could help me with. But I'd need someone enterprising enough not to mind a little messy work.

* Oh, yeah? What's up?
* Oh, no. Not right now. I'm still getting the stink off from last time.

Nicolae: As you may know, I am a purveyor of all things splendid and wondrous. I am a fisherman of the spectacular, casting my net wide across the seas of humanity, sieving for lost treasures.

Buai: Plus, you've got quite the gift for gab.

Nicolae: Yes. Well, we can't all be Paladins of the Town's nether regions, can we?

Buai: Hey! Was that a slam?

Nicolae: Oh, perish the thought. I'm clearly envious of your skills. I've wanted to meet a talent like yours for some time now.

Buai: What for?

Nicolae: I'm no longer satisfied to find items of value in one spot to sell them in another. Since travel has become so much more... complicated... recently, I'm dusting off my research skills.

Buai: You? You're a scientist?!?

Nicolae: Hardly! Why would I ignore everything I can't touch, burn or weigh? Now that the rise of the Animated has made it blatantly obvious that *anything* is possible in this world. So I'm dusting off old family traditions.

Buai: Traditions?

Nicolae: Yes. My grandpapa, and his family before him, were strong into research on the aethers focusing on two major areas: attempts to create life from nothing and the transmutation of elements.

Buai: Wait...do you mean *alchemy*? That's Dark Ages stuff!

Nicolae: We all thought so, right? But the Animated showed spontaneous generation to not be the crackpot theory we'd believed. Maybe that means that the other theories of Alchemy were incorrectly discarded, too.

Buai: But...errr...well, yeah. I guess I can't argue with that. But how does that translate into a job for me?

Nicolae: Well done bringing me back to the point. There are green hamsters down in the Sewers that seem to possess many properties of the Grunnies that GCorp created, and then lost control of, a few years ago.

Buai: And...?

Nicolae: If those 'Gramsters' have the same properties as the Grunnies did...then there is power there and I want to find out more about it.

Buai: So what do you need me to do?

Nicolae: Folks that've been down there, tell me about Gramsters that postively ooze with a green goo that sounds really similar to some stuff my grandpapa noted in some of his journals. I'm looking for samples of that goo.

Buai: So...go squish Gramsters, scrape up the goo left behind, and bring it back to you?

Nicolae: Yeah. That's pretty much it. Bring me five vials of the stuff and I'll drum up a suitable reward for ya.

* Splendid, eh? Okay. I'm game. Where do I go?
* That sounds positively disgusting. Maybe later, after I get over the mental image.

Nicolae: Good choice! I'll send a location to your PDA, so use it to find the manhole cover and climb down the ladder there. You're looking for a particularly *gooey* form of Gramster, okay?

Buai: Right. Smash the gooey ones. Scoop. Return to you.

Nicolae: Exactly. Five vials of the stuff, please. Here. Take these rubber gloves. You'll need them.

Buai: Can do!

PT 7

You use the passcard to open the manhole, and then climb down the ladder...

Gramster Goo 5/5

The exit ladder has been marked on your PDA Map

PT 8

Buai: Hey, hey, Nicu! I've got some stuff for you!

Nicolae: Fantastic! You got the goo?

Buai: Sure enough! It's nasty stuff, but at least it wasn't acidic or anything. Just the same, thanks for the gloves.

Nicolae: Heh. Hand the vials over and we'll rummage up that reward I promised you.

Nicolae: Well done, Buai. This is perfect. There just *has* to be something here. It's too big a coincidence for the Gramsters to not be Animated, but to show up at the same time that the Animated appeared.

Buai: So you're actually trying to help get rid of the Animated?

Nicolae: Get rid of them? Are you insane? I haven't made this much money in one place since that summer everyone I was selling those monkey's paws for wishes.

Buai: Oh. I thought you were trying to...nevermind. I should have known.

Nicolae: This is going to be great! I can only imagine what new things I can make with this goo. Just imagine the customers!

Buai: Ummm...yeah. So, is that it?

Nicolae: Oh. Right. The reward. Gotcha. Let's see...here ya go. You earned it, I suppose.

Buai: Wow. So, you wouldn't happen to have anything else you need done?

Nicolae: Nope. But hey...go talk to James over by the Bar. He always has something for enterprising individuals to attempt.

Buai: Okay. I guess you're done with me then?

Nicolae: What? You're still here?

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