Anyone living in the fabricated consumerism has to, at some point, enter a supermarket. In Britain, it's a slog, but a fun one. The most common supermarket is called Tesco, and my local branch is in Wells (famous for its weird cathedral and being the filmsite for 'Hot Fuzz'), and I was there last week, stocking up on Christmas stuff with mum (or is that 'mom'? or 'mother'? bugger, help me!). I was pushing the trolley, and, of course it was freaking pandemonium (or is that pantomime?) with some very large people standing in the middle of aises, screaming children and ripped carpets with crashed trolleys as people stocked up for the world championship trolley races 'round the most powerful supermarket in europe, Tescos (even more than Lidl!).
Yet you know what? As I went round, I noticed that there were no piss-ups (if that's the word), no fights, no 'keep your f***ing daughter/son/animal under control!'. It was like an oasis of calm argy bargy. People even said sorry, excuse me, please, thank you...even to the zombie fatties who had glazed over at the frozen food section. Yes; the recession is here too folks. You could hear two stockists flirting on the other side of the building, a group of farmer exchanging gossip.
This probably has a lot to with the population density, and this country's long ingrained industrial thinking, working together, being a good sport, etc.Anyone who barged straight on through was shot.
I immitated, but it probably looked false. It's odd to understand people as your mother tongue, but not understand them as people. I now understand how Americans must feel when they're in London...
I have lived in England for eight years, and I have only recently required a passable English accent. I still sound French/American (French, Egyptian and American schooling made that accent!)
http://www.coats-of-arms.com/Coates.jpgHonour, peace, love and crumpets. THAT'S THE BRITISH SECRET WEAPON(s) GUYS!!! "I'm here to kick a** and drink tea. And I'm all out of tea." golden words!
parapleut · Mon Dec 22, 2008 @ 02:37pm · 0 Comments |