"So what's it like under the ocean where you live?" Jordan asked. "It's....lovely... there's always something under the water that comes from up here. So that's why I always wanted to come to the surface. Because I wanted to learn about humans and how they lived. Ask them question's and get some answers." I said. "So that's how you found me?" He asked. "Yes. I saw a ship pass over my secret cove of my human treastures, and followed it. I saw there was some kind of party on the ship so I followed it. Then I saw you." I said.
"Then the storm hit." He said. "Yes...and when I saw the dog...uh...Max... come off of the ship but you didn't I paniced and swam to find you." I said. Jordan didn't say anything. "But what are you doing up here..on the surface?" Jordan asked. "Your father doesn't allow the merpeople up here so why are you here?" "That is a long story." I said. "I've got time." He said. "Well were I always wanted to see how human's live after finding all those treasures and meet you. My father found out. And destroyed all my tresures." I said in a solem voice. "I was really upset...and cried over the broken statue...the one your friend gave you for your birthday." I said. "Oh...that thing." Jordan said. "Yes. Well these two eels said that there was a Sea Witch named Ursuala that could help me see you again. To become human and find love." I said.
"So she turned you human." He said. "Then you got what you wanted." He said taking my hand. "That's a bit of the problem." I said. "What do you mean?" He asked. "She took my voice... or at least the part that would allow me to talk to you. I could talk to everyone but you." I said. "And I could only get it back if I got true loves first kiss." I said. "Then where's the problem...you got it back?" He asked. "That's just it....she never said what else would happen after I got it." I said. "Is something else supposed to happen." He asked. "I don't know. I thought I was supposed to turn back into a mermaid...or that was the case if I didn't get the kiss." I said. "So...you can't go home." He said looked out towards the sea. "Exactly." I said. "I'm starting to feel a little homesick." I said. "Then...how are you supposed to get home." He asked. "I don't know. She stole my form from me. We signed a contract." I said. "A contract." He said. "Didn't you read it?" "No." I said. "I wanted to see you again so bad I didn't think about it."
"So you don't know when or if you can return home?" He asked. "No." I cried. "Don't worry. If I can help. Then I'll help you get your true form back." He said wipping my tears away. Little did I know....Ursula wasn't going to give up on keeping Jordan away from me.

To be continued in chapter 13....