This is for Monday, December 15, 2008.
Mood: Apolegetic
I'm so sorry I didn't do a journal entry! I was watching a Charlie Brown "I Want A Dog For Christmas" show. Then after that there was this show that was called Drama High that looked interesting that lasted until 10:00. By that time my parents made me go to bed.... I don't know why though. It's not like they usually do that. Anyways, yesterday the 5th graders came from one of the elementary schools. We had to convince them to join band next year once they enter middle school. It was kind of stupid, but hey, I got out of a whole period of social studies and most of Spanish. That was better than actually going to the classes. During Algebra II I got so mad though! My phone went off right near the end of class and I got really embarrassed. I'm guessing my face turned hot pink because that's what it usually does. I don't like being the center of attention.... Anyways, it was my mom and she was wondering if I had my coat. Seriously, you don't call someone while they're at school to ask if they have a jacket! Because I didn't actually have my phone out (it was in my backpack) the teacher didn't take it up. (Or at least that's my reason. She's a really nice teacher and she said that "that happens sometimes." Whatever, she's definitely one of my favorite teachers. Other than that, I think that's all I have to say. Now, on to the actual today.
This is for Tuesday, December 16, 2008.
Mood: Bored and Partially Upset
I didn't really do much today. We have another thing where the 5th graders come tomorrow. We worked on a new science project today. In social studies we just did work out of the textbook. In Spanish we did another crossword puzzle like yesterday! Again, I was the first to finish, which is sad because I got in late yesterday.... In math I didn't do anything but help other people. I think I should get paid to do that. Maybe I should start some tutoring thing and kids can pay me.... Is that legal? I think it is, but I'm not positive. There's nothing else to say other than I'm about to eat some Little Ceasers!
P.S. Yes, I do realize I'm doing this kind of early, but I'm about to go Christmas shopping and I don't know if I'll have time when I get back home.
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Whatever I Feel Like Saying...
Basically about my life... Of course, it's not gonna have things that I don't want you reading about, but that's kinda obvious, isn't it? It will most likely be an every day thing. If I miss a day, I'll probably write two on the next. It will all be
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The 5th graders coming is FUN... XD and yeah we get to miss class but it's FUN... crying i wish Krystal was here though.. crying I MISH HER SHO MUCH!!! (( sweatdrop and plus she always did mosta da hard stuff... but she never got a frikin solo.. crying or a hard one at that... Mr. Smith gave me the "In the Center Ring" thing and it seems really hard... @.@ and confuzzling i'll show ya if u want layta )).
XD that happened to aphinya/chelsea earlier... sweatdrop i was so dazed today that I don't even remember what class it was in.
At least your mom cares!! XD think of it that way.... sweatdrop yeah. parents can be stupid and embaressing sometimes but it's okay. Better them caring and embaressing you rather than them not caring and not bothering right?
I am NOT going to get a good grade on this science project thing. crying i got a hard and confuzilating job ( the same as jen's ) and i have a bad group *at least i think* (( Dahlia, Robby,Patcience*sp?* ))
Yeah, you CAN do that... probably won't get that much money for it YET but I'm sure it'll increase eventually.
XD i just ate little ceasars last weekend (( 8D when i said i wash eating bwead stikz <- yesh dat ish spelled right 3nodding ))
P.S. XP i already did it (christmas shopping) in november!! XP ... i think i'll need one more present or so though... XD two of the most important too..
P.S.S.S. 8D you decide!! XD you probably should know by now... but just... it'll be kinda hard to describe what i want because i don't want much if anything at all... (( sweatdrop just ask my parents.. they WANT to buy me stuff but i don't know wat to get so if there is anything you want just tell meh and i'll ask them for it and give it 2 u * not something ridiculously expensive like a house or an actual car please!! XD * l8er cuz i'm awesome like that wink ))