"Hey....do...do I know you from somewhere." He asked. No words came out of my mouth. "Wait a minute." Yes! I thought. He remembered me. I'm the girl who saved you! "Your the girl I found at the beach and took to the hospital!" He said. gonk OH COME ON! Yes that was me! But don't you remember me saving you from the storm?! You waking up on the beach me sining but suddenly vanishing!? Come on! Doesn't that count for something!? Now I was depressed.
"But you seem familyer from somewhere else" He said. Yes. You've got it. Just say it. You got a bit of a good look at me the day I saved you just say it damn it! I'M THE GIRL WHO RESCUED YOU! SAY IT! "I just can't place me foot on it." He said. I feel forward loosing my blance and he caught me. "Whoa...careful." He said. "Are you accident prone or something?" Accendint prone. Yeah. When you get knocked down, and can hardly walk on two HUMAN feet I suppose so. That's me...MISS ACCEIDENT PRONE!
"Maybe I should help you home." He said. "Where do you live." AEGH! WRONG QUESTION! Don't have a home. What the hell am I supposed to tell him! Um here's a good idea tell him "I'm homeless you idiot!" UH NO! BAD IDEA! "Can't you talk." He asked. "What's your name! Come on you got to talk!" He said. I tried to say my name. But when I opened my mouth nothing came out!
How could that be! No voice! Now I understood! Ursula had made it to where I couldn't talk to him! That b***h....she could have told me this! "Oh...I see." He said. "You can't talk. You lost your voice." I sighed. Great! How was I going to comunicate with him now! "then I don't suppose your the girl who rescued me. It's a shame you looked like her." I almost wanted to kiss him on the lips right there and then! He did remember me...he just wasn't sure it was me! How was I going to-Suddenly I started playing a game of what humans called "shrades" and tried to tell him without speaking what was going on without revealing who I really was: A mermaid. But In the process I tripped again, and he had to catch me again.
"what is it?!" He asked. "What are you trying to say." DAMN IT! I needed another way to talk to him. This wasn't working. Suddenly I burst into tears and hid my face in Jordan's chest. "hey? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I WANT TO TALK TO YOU BUT I CAN'T!! "Um come on. I'll take you to my place so we can calm you down and everything. I don't think it's even safe for you to be alone. You being in this state." He said, picking me up, which was nice but didn't stop my tears, and carried me to his place. He had to be carrying me because apparently I seemed uncowardanated...which was true...well...only because I was human instead of a mermaid.

to be continued in chapter 8...