Mood: Excited
Ok, I have a lot to say, so sit tight. First of all, like I said yesterday I believe, on Friday it's going to be Medieval Day. By the way, this is the correct way to spell it; I always get confused with the e and i in it.... Anyways, I'm excited about that. Tomorrow I get to go on a field trip. We're going to a Holocaust museum because, since the beginning of the year, we've been studying that in english/reading. You'd think that would be something you would study in social studies, but it's not. I get out of about 3/4 of the school day! I get to miss science and social studies, my two least favorite core subjects. Then I will also miss Spanish, the worst class ever. The subject is fine; now, the people in the class on the other hand... not so great. We never get anything done recently because the kids won't behave. That's why, if I'm ever a teacher, I will refuse to teach non-Pre-AP/Honors students. They honestly can't be controlled. Tomorrow night we have a band concert. I get to play with both the good band and the lower one. I've already learned the music for the lower band and I just got it today. That probably tells you either how good I am or how bad they are. Not that the higher band is really any good, though. The only reason we have the people we do in the higher band is that we wouldn't have had enough people on each instrument. Our band is small, but it's usually the best in the district, so I'm hoping we can pull it together before Spring; that's when UIL is for us. Then I have a concert on Saturday, but I'm not going to go into full detail on that like I did on the last one. I guess that's all for why I'm excited, but I haven't even told you about my day, so... here we go! We got one of the three projects in science today. We have to make our own island from a bird's eye view because right now we're studying topography. I think that has something to do with maps that show the elevation of something, but I can't be positive. Anyways, I've got my volcano! It wasn't required, but I wanted one.... I got out of social studies to go practice with the lower band. It wasn't the best thing ever, but at least I got out of the class. In Spanish we barely got through our "Bellringers," if we even did that much. I don't really remember. I should mention that I walk from the school for a little ways and then my sister picks me up for what I'm about to say. It was so windy! They did say a cold front was coming through around lunch time, but the meteorologists usually aren't right. They were this time though, and wind really annoys me. It's around the top of the "things I hate" list. Or at least strong winds is... I'm usually fine with light winds. Well, once I got home guess what! I got on the computer! I bet you never would've guessed that, would you? When my mom needed on I went to go practice my French Horn. Well, technically it's my mom's, but I call it mine since I'm the only person who uses it. This was probably the first time I've practiced in about a week. It's sad that I'm first chair in the highest band, yet I [almost] never practice. Oh well... that's a good thing though, right? Anywho, after that I got back on the computer. If you are wondering why I'm not at church read on. Otherwise, skip the next 3 sentences. If you read the Sunday journal entry you would know why I didn't go to church tonight. Now, if they actually did something church related rather than just have some obnoxiously loud band play, I would probably go. But they do have an "obnoxiously loud band," so that's the end of that. That's about it for my day.... See ya!
P.S. I think I'll show you my schedule for the school day so that you can follow along better.
1st period: Pre-AP ELA/Reading
2nd: Pre-AP Science
3rd: Pre-AP Social Studies
4th: Spanish
5th: Office Aide (I probably won't mention this much, if any, because we really don't do much there. We basically just sit around and talk. The only competition it has for the "Worst Class Ever" is 7th period.)
6th: Honor Winds Band
7th: P.E. (This is the one I was just talking about. The only reason I'm taking it is because I'm required to have 2 years of something athletic in middle school. I took it in 6th grade and I tried to get into tennis last year, but it would make me get out of band, and I wasn't going to do that. Our school is really small, so the scheduling is a lot harder than it would be at a big school where there are a lot of the same class at different times. So I was stuck doing it this year because, once again, tennis would have kicked me out of band. I'm going to try to do tennis again next year... and the year after... and the year after.... Every year I'm going to try to do tennis. The good part about having this 7th period is that I get out early for this next class.)
8th: Pre-AP Algebra II (I'm a math nerd. Well, basically a nerd in general, but I specialize in math. Anyways, I have to go up to the high school for math, and I could've only done it first or eighth period. I chose eighth period because first would have, like tennis, kicked me out of band. I'm sticking with band all four years of high school; I'm very dedicated to it.... In 6th grade I went up a year in math. If I wanted, I could probably just skip a grade all together, but I want to graduate with my friends. I'm too loyal to them, but you only have so much time with them in school, so I make the most of it.)
So, that's my schedule! I know this was all so long, but I had a lot to say, and I still have a lot to say as well. Sorry if you did read all that. I know it's pointless, but I'll write my life down anyways.
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Whatever I Feel Like Saying...
Basically about my life... Of course, it's not gonna have things that I don't want you reading about, but that's kinda obvious, isn't it? It will most likely be an every day thing. If I miss a day, I'll probably write two on the next. It will all be
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