The Angel's Fire
Chapter 8
Angel brought me to an abandoned cave, I never even knew it existed.
"Now, I told you once, I cannot help you, for I am not your guardian, but there is something that I can do." Angel handed me a chain necklace with angel wings on it. "Whenever you want to return to this world, you have to call out my name and hold onto this pendant."
I slipped the pendant around my neck and nodded at him.
"I will." We entered the cave.
It was pitch black inside, I could'nt see anything, not even Angel who was standing right in front of me.
He began chanting in some language I have never heard of before, as the room filled with a sudden bright light that sent a shiver throughout my body.
"This will keep you alive for a limited amount of time. A human cannot survive in Hell for very long. You have a limited time Purge, use it wisely."
"How long do I have?" I spoke a little louder then I intended.
"No less or more then 24 hours."
Then a sudden burst of heat hit me in the face as Angel dissapeared from sight, and I opened my eyes to the sight.
I entered Hell. And what I saw, I do not want to describe.
"DAMU!" A voice boomed into his head.
"Yes Kosa?" He winced.
"We need you to return emmidiatly! A human had entered the relms of Hell!"
Damu gasped in disbelief, then sighed.
"Yes Lord Kosa, I will be home shortly."
"Intruder!!!" A demon yelled as they saw me.
"S**t.....already?!" I though and began running.
As they began shooting at me with arrows, I continued running, but the path seemed endless.
"What was I thinking?!" i though, when I suddenly ran smack into demon. My heart stopped, until I looked up.
Long red hair............and blue eyes...............It was Donna! My sister!
"Donna!?" I gasped.
She blinked in confusment for a moment.
"Donna! It's me! Purge! Your brother!!" I snapped.
"What am I doing?! She's a demon! She won't remember me!" I though suddenly and began running agian.
"Wait!" I heard her call out finally. I stopped as she walked up.
"Who are you again?" She asked.
"Purge.......Purge Nightshade........Your twin brother....." I whispered.
Comprehension flared in her eyes.
"Purge........*gasp* You didn't die did you?!" She now seemed horrified that I was there.
"No, I'm here to save Damitri, I mean, Damu's life."
"Damitri?.........but, he's the one that killed me..." Donna growled.
"So it WAS him." I thought.
"I know, but I can't explain it right now, I'm being chased." I said.
Donna looked down the hall and listened to the faint sound of the demons approaching.
"Come with me!" Donna grabbed my hand and ran with me.
She led me to a room, dark and sullen, behind the biggest door I've ever seen.
"If you're not dead Purge, why would you be stupid enough to come down here? To find me?"
A look of sadness filled Donna's face.
"Well, I mean, I didn't know this is where you went! i figured you'd go to Heaven! You were the perfect child!"
"There was a lot about me I kept secret." Donna gave a sly smile.
I smirked, maybe Donna and I weren't so different after all.
"Anyways, I have to save Damu. He's a good guy. He saved mom and dad more then once. I don't know why he killed you, but he IS a good guy." I said.
Donna laughed silently.
"As you speak of my murderer."
I smirked.
"Sin, you have returned!" A voice said outside the door. My heart jumped.
"Sin?! That's who I have to kill to save Damu!" I thought and cracked open the door.
"Yes, have you caught the intruder?"
"No Sin, but we did see him. he dissapeared among the shadows of the crematorium rooms."
"Crematorium? Well then, have a group of guards search around that area and tell me immediatly if you see anything."
"Yes sire, but, what if the human wandered into the crematoria accidentally?"
"Then he would be killed instantly, but I have a feeling he is still alive and well. Get going."
"Yes Sin!" I heard the people leaving and peaked out again.
But my heart stopped, Damu was right outside the door.
Donna pulled me back in.
For so long, we sat there, in silence, waiting for Damu to leave.
"Why is Damu back here?" I thought.
Donna's eyes got big.
"There's no hope for me......" She whispered.
"Don't you get it?! Damu is the King of Hell! Damu is Sin!" Donna gasped.
"But, if that's true........I'd have to kill him.....and I can't save someone who's already dead agian." I said, and frowned.
This trip was for nothing. It was hopeless. I couldn't save Damu. or my sister.
Suddenyl the door flew open and Damu stood in the room.
"Well, I think I found him. Welcome to Hell...........Purge."
(What will happen next? Find out in chapter 9!)
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