Ok so i have some good news. Over the summer my aunt Nancy was diagnosed with cancer that was srpeading through out her body. They didnt know where it started but it wasnt good. She went through cancer treatments and they found out that the cancer is responding! We were so happy for her! That must have been my cousin's best wedding gift....
Yes. My cousin Julie got married. Her dress was beautiful!!! Im so happy for her too! Her and her husband Josh make such a cute couple! blaugh
Now im on fall break. And so far its fun!.....well not really. I got strep throat on sunday! xp so i guess its not all good news. but i have medicine and its working and i havnt thrown up...yet! (when ever i get strep i always throw up! xp )
Oh and on saturday i went to see Wallace and Gromit with my family! It was a great movie! my dad laughed so hard he almost cried and because i was sitting next to him i almost laughed so hard i cried because he was laughing so hard! xd it was a great movie!
(Donation Update) Yay! people are donating! well 3 people. but now i have 12900 gold! HUZZAH! (oh yes that is my new word btw. if you couldnt figure it out on your own!)
Well i guess thats about it. I need to work on my quizzes on quizilla but that requires me to look for the shaman king episode that i taped and who knows when ill get around to it! xp Oh and ive finally gotten around to working on the good draft of my comic. I have 1 page done! blaugh but on the rough draft i have 170 pages done! well ne ways im off cause ive written to much! teehee my bad! thats what happens when your sick! well bye bye ppls!
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Rose Petals: The Story of the Midnight Rose
This is the story of the midnight rose. Or just somthing for me to do when im bored. I'll type a mini story or what ever i feel like typing that day. So deal with it! Heehee!
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~+Draw my OCs+~
Wanna know how much I love you? Go outside when it's raining and count all the raindrops that hit you. All the raindrops that don't hit you is the amount I love you.
~+Come Visit my Shop+~
Wanna know how much I love you? Go outside when it's raining and count all the raindrops that hit you. All the raindrops that don't hit you is the amount I love you.
~+Come Visit my Shop+~
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The Pirate who used to be a ninja (crap, Johnny Depp is so cute and the one piece manga skyrocketed in my ratings system o.O it beet Naruto, can you believe it with that whole luffy giving nami the straw hat, that was so cool!))