I CUT MY HAIR OFF>It's as short as these girls':

Maybe a bit longer... **shrug**
Well, eh heh....
Here's CHP. 2!!!!!
Chapter Two
-Not as creepy as you think-
-Not as creepy as you think-
The rest of the day had gone by quickly, with the news of Ms. Aki’s death was known by all students by the end of first period, and the aura of the school was consumed by depression. At least all of the students in the whole school knew Ms. Aki, since she was such a nice person. But the news had shaken everyone to the bone, just thinking about the fact that she killed herself could make any of her close students cry, or any of the fainthearted staff.
I, on the other hand, am not so soft towards such things. Over the many years of seeing people come and go has made me learn not to get so close to someone.
“Hey Mayumi, do you have a minute?”
I was opening the car door, not noticing the two people walking towards my car from the occupation of my thoughts until the voice sounded.
I looked up, “oh yeah, what’s up?”
On the other side of my car stood two a guys. They were also friends that I met my first year in high school as a Freshmen.
One was named Haru Uzumaki, he was tall, and light skinned. He was 18, but looked much older. His unusual copper colored hair covered halfway down his neck, and his straightened bangs hung over most of his left eye, falling past his cheekbones. With the eye that still could be seen more clearly, the irises were a scintillating, topaz yellow.
By his side, stood Mamoru Sato, a serious looking, and somewhat intimidating guy who was younger than Haru, tanner, and a little shorter. His straightened midnight black hair, fell over his neck, barely touching his wide shoulders, and it also covered his ears. His bangs slightly covered his eyes, but he would usually brush them aside to the left, revealing his forest green irises.
“Are you going to come to the ceremony?” Haru leaned on the other side of the car with his arms while looked at my car’s surface; probably examining it’s non-dusty cleanness.
I saw in the moment he was looking at me that his eyes were hazed, same with Mamoru’s, so I guessed the bad aura had gotten to everyone today. “I don’t know.” I replied simply while rolling my shoulders into a shrug, “I’ll have to ask.”
“Are you alright?” Mamoru asked, he stood by Haru, not touching the car; staring at me solicitously.
I looked at him, “yeah, why?” I asked.
Though Mamoru looked like a cold hearted juvenile from time to time, he was really a very nice person who always thought more of others than himself. The only bad thing was that he didn’t show his emotions too much, and he usually gets frustrated easily.
“Well, Ama-san said that you have been quiet all day, so I was just wondering.” He replied then shrugged, “everyone has been hit pretty hard by this tragedy, so don’t be afraid to hide your feelings.”
I smiled a little, “no, I’m alright.” Like my other friends, Mamoru and Haru both think that my parents are biological, and that they’re nice, rich people. “Thanks for asking though.”
And the one thing that no one knew and never would, was the inside feelings that I always kept in a mental, capped bottle. I can’t remember my real parents, and any love that they had given me. I can’t even remember the night that I was supposedly dropped off at the door step of the orphanage. And no matter how hard I try to remember the littlest detail of either of my parents, I couldn’t; my memories were all but clear.
“Well, see ya’ there if you go.” Haru said waving, “we have to get home and tell grandma.” He looked at me and grinned slightly.
I waved back, “see ya’.”
I had learned that Mamoru and Haru lived together in my Sophomore year. Mamoru’s grandmother had taken Haru in as a small child and ever since, they had been like brothers.
The reason for this was because Haru’s family was torn apart by the insanity within the household. One of his sisters was kidnapped, rapped, then murdered, the other was found with a slit throat a week later, and his mother committed suicide since she couldn’t handle all the stress from the loss of her children. As for his father… Well, Haru’s father left him alone with nothing and was never seen again.
“Bye.” Mamoru cast one last look before following Haru across the parking lot.
Then there is Mamoru; the reason why he lives with his grandmother. His mother had died while giving birth to him and was left to be cared by his father who wasn’t really the best father to have. That’s when Mamoru’s grandmother stepped in and took him away, making sure that Mamoru’s father would never come around again.
How hectic.
I watched them go then looked around, most of the students had left already. I then looked up at the sky, not noticing that the clouds were beginning to grow darker, so I knew that it would start raining soon; and I hated driving in the rain so I should just hurry home though I didn’t really want to.
“You’re home early.”
I looked up as I walked through the door. The aroma of cigars and beer was smothering. “We were let out early today.” I closed the door softly, “they found Ms. Aki dead in her house last night.”
“Oh, that’s too bad.” This was my foster mother, Kikuchi Honami. A very beautiful woman from the outside, but behind those hazel eyes, she wasn’t so beautiful. Her crimson red gown hugged her long, slender body and her dark, oak brown hair fell over her back in silky bundles of curls. She was sitting on a couch, legs crossed, her movie projector glasses on, a cigar in one hand, and a beer bottle in the other.
I nodded and cautiously began to walk towards the stair case.
“Oh, Mayumi dear…” Kikuchi called, “there’s some dishes in the sink that need washing.” A smile cracked over her thin face.
“Yes mother.” I paused at the first step, “I’ll get them done before I go to work.”
“Good girl, and while your at it, you can clean the kitchen as well. Your father and I had a pretty messy lunch”
I didn’t reply, afraid that if I spoke, something that I’ve always wanted to say would slip out; then I would be punished for speaking my mind. Instead, I trotted up the stairs and walked into my room, closing the door behind me.
I was mentally cussing at my parent’s laziness, wishing that they would do it for once, but knowingly, they would not. After all these years of living with them, I should’ve lost all hope that they would at least give a one-day break from everyday chores. Sweep and mop the kitchen, vacuum the whole house, clean and dust the rooms, wash the dishes, do the laundry, etc…
But instead of looking at it negatively, I saw it all as a lesson in responsibility. If I were ever going to own a house, I needed to learn how to keep it tidy while working and keeping up with the fast pace of life. The only difference was that I’d be cleaning up after myself other than two fully grown adults who would be fully capable of taking good care of themselves and the place they lived without having to worry about working and anything else.
About thirty minutes later, I walked out changed into a tight, black long sleeve shirt and dark blue skinny jeans tucked into my boots. Casual dressing for a casual girl living her casual life. Perfect.
“Oh, you’re home.” This was my foster father. He had short, combed and gelled down, black hair and chocolate brown eyes with black framed glasses on the brim of his nose. His name was Tobayashi Honami, he was taller than mother, and skinny like her as well.
I looked at him, “it was a half day.” I replied, seeing the disappointed look on his face.
Tobayashi lifted his hand to his lips, “I see.” He was holding a cigar, and inhaled its fumes.
I turned to leave but was pulled back by my wrist. I turned to look at him.
“I’m not done talking.” He said as the smoke seeped out of his mouth, “are you going somewhere?” He asked seeing that I was changed out of my uniform.
I pulled my arm away from his grip, “I have to go to work.” I nodded.
“Don’t forget to wash dishes first.” He placed the cigar back on his lips and inhaled once more.
“I know that.” I began to turn.
Tobayashi grabbed my chin and turned it so we were face to face then with the other hand, he took the cigar from his mouth a blew the smoke into my face. “You should know better than to talk back.”
I began to cough while attempting to pull away from his grip.
“Next time, I want to hear you say: ‘Yes sir.’ If not, you know the consequences.” He let go of my chin and pushed me towards the stairs.
I stumbled back but caught the railing of the stairs before falling down them. “Yes sir.” I said, not looking at him then made my way back down the stairs, trying to get the taste of smoke and booze out of my mouth.
Everyday, I wouldn’t really carry on long conversations with my parents, instead, I would always just do as they said, then go to my room. Like the saying: “To be seen, not heard”. And all the while of being home, a small crack of a smile could not be seen on my face, unless we had guests over. Then in was to the same façade that I’d usually play at school.
After washing the dishes, and cleaning the whole kitchen, I was in my room getting ready to go to work. I worked at a music store along with two of my other friends whose mother owned the store. And since I went there everyday, and everyone there is so nice that they felt more closer as a family than the people I lived with.
No surprise, but I still kept a safe distance from them; since I never enjoy getting too close to people. A lesson that was learned over seven years of my life when my foster parents couldn’t make up their mind where to live. So I was stuck as the new kid in several different schools for a very, very long time.
“Hello Mayumi-kun, how are you today?” Kikyou, the store manager, said as I walked through the front door.
“I’m well.” I replied blankly and walked towards the front desk in a normal pace.
“That’s good.” Kikyou was a young looking woman, about in her mid-twenties, or early-thirties. She had long, straightened, golden blonde hair and honey brown eyes that always seemed to sparkle with the kindness and love of a true born mother. Though she had given birth to her sons at a very young age.
“I heard about Ms. Aki, if you want to go to the ceremony today you can, since I’m going too.” She wore a black turtleneck sweater, black denim jeans, and black heels.
I smiled at her, “Sure, is it alright if I go with you?”
“Your parents don’t want to come?” Kikyou asked.
I shook my head quickly, “they have a lot of work to do.” I lied, “but they do share their grieving.” I bowed my head slightly before returning my gaze back to the confused woman.
“Oh, then yes, you can some with us.” Kikyou turned around, “I’ll go tell the boys that you’re here.” She said and walked into a room with a sign on the door that read: “Employees Only”.
I began to look around the store, it was empty, no costumers today. There were many varieties of items that had to do with music: Cds, Walkmans, MP3s, instruments, and some video games. A perfect job for me, since I loved music, games, and instruments such as the piano. I usually played in when there were no costumers, like my two friends would do as well.
“Hey, we didn’t see you today.” Two voices said in unison. Something that I grew used to after a couple of weeks working here.
I turned around, there were two guys, their names were Jin and Jun, and they were identical twins. They had light brown hair that lingered down the neck, Jin’s bangs were long and covered his right eye, Jun’s covered his left. But with the uncovered eyes, you could see that they were a rich caramel color.
“Oh, I didn’t really notice.” I smiled sheepishly at them.
“It’s alright, everyone has been sort of… Out of it today.” Jun spoke quietly.
“Well, they did cut out lunch for the day.” I pointed out, “so that’s probably another reason.” I noticed that they were both wearing a black polo long sleeve shirt, black jeans, and shoes. Typical, identical; dress-up for twins.
Jun stared at me, “I still think that replacement teacher is a little creepy.” He said scratching the back of his head.
“I agree strongly.” Jin said loudly and nodded.
I always thought it was funny that even though the two were twins, they had opposite personalities. Jun was a more quiet, and kept to himself more; while Jin was outgoing and a very talkative person.
“He’s just a teach-” I was cut off as the door opened and we looked to see who it was. I thought I heard Jin gasp.
Speaking of the devil….
Mr. Osamaru came walking in, eyes directed at us; and this time they looked more interested than usual, yet his expression was apethedic, and his walking was graceful, while his steps were silent. Like a cat’s silent feet following its prey, careful not to alert it of its presence; but he didn’t look tense at all, like he was forcing himself to walk so smoothly, instead he looked relaxed, as if he were raised to walk in such a manner.
“Well, I have to go to the bathroom.” Jin said nevously, darting towards the back room, nearly tripping over his foot along the way. It’s what to be expected from him.
Jun watched him, “yeah, I should make sure he doesn’t hurt himself while doing so.” He then quickly walked off after him, shaking his head.
I watched them go, trying not to smile at their cowardly behavior. I didn’t really think too much of the man, yet this morning it was a little strange, but it wasn’t enough to freak me out.
The boy’s behavior baffled me, I didn’t understand why exactly they were so scared of one man; just a normal, casual man. A person just like me, or anyone else in the world… Right?
“Your one of my students, Mayumi Honami, am I correct?” Mr. Osamaru now stood in front of me, close enough to make me feel unfomfortable.
I looked up at him and nodded, “yes, and your that replacement teacher.” I said taking a quick step back. “Mr. Osamaru.”
Personal space was important to me, in which case I called: “My bubble” At least a three foot distance please and thank you very much.
“You work here?” Mr. Osamaru looked around, “I thought your family was rich?” His hands remained in his jacket pockets, and I noticed that the only skin that could be seen was his neck and face; nothing else.
I stared at him, my thin brow cocked, the other was pulled down; wondering how he knew that. “Yeah, but I still have to buy stuff on my own.” I replied simply with a quick shrug, letting my expression relax. “And when you’re my age, you’re expected to earn your keep.”
“I see.” Mr. Osamaru looked back at me, “you’re adopted, aren’t you?”
Was this why he looked so interested when he entered the store? Was he curious about my life? But how’d he…?
My eyes narrowed, brows furrowed again. Obviously he did some background check or something, either way it was none of his business. “I haven’t the slightest clue of what you’re talking about.” I said, struggling to keep my voice sincere, and to make my face composed once more. “But I’m sure that you’re not just here to talk about my life.” I turned my back to him, “I have to speak to the manager.” I then began to walk towards the front desk.
“Well, thank you for your time.” Mr. Osamaru smiled a dazzling smile, “and tell your friends I said hello”
I stopped and turned my head to look at him. I caught my breath as I stared at his stunning smile then remembered the anger that burn in the pit of my stomach. “I’ll be sure to.” I said darkly, but a smile forced its way across my face, it wasn’t pretty or convincing though.
“And that I’m not as creepy as they think.” He nodded to me then turned to leave but stopped at the door, “see you at the ceremony.” And with that, he left.
I stared at the door, the guys were right, he was a creepy man. Creepy enough to do a background check on me to find out that I was adopted, but why? Did he do it to everyone else, or just me?
The thought made me shiver with unease. Something about that man wasn’t right. Yes he was an amazing looking man in appearance, but his hobbies weren’t so amazing.
But I knew one thing for sure: I was locking all of my doors and windows tonight! ((XD))
“Good going Mayu.” Jin now stood by my left side, “I couldn’t even dare look him in the eye.” He laughed, nervousness shook in his laughter as he stared at the door.
“He said to tell you two: ‘Hello’, and that: ‘He’s not as creepy as you think’.” I said once Jun was out of the back room too and standing at my right.
“Are you serious?” Jun asked. He looked down at me with slightly widened eyes.
I nodded, my face blank, but my eyes were still narrowed while my brows curved, making a crease between my eyes as I began to get lost in thought.
“What were you two talking about?” Jin asked, “you seemed to be mad.”
Jin’s voice knocked my thoughts aside, but the looked remained on my face. “I only told him that I am here to talk about my work, and nothing else.” I replied, “then he left.”
“I hope he doesn’t come back.” Jin said then patted my head softly, “but after that, I’m sure he wont.” He smiled. “I think you scared him away with your super ‘make-the-creepy-man-go-away’ powers.” He was teasing and I could tell he knew that I was troubled.
I nodded, “yeah, I’m sure he wont.”
“Now do you think he’s creepy?” Jin asked with a wide grin.
“Pft… Creepy, is an understatement…” I replied while shaking my head then turned to enter the back room, not really knowing what I’d do. I just needed time to think.
Jin and Jun watched me leave the room then looked at each other. “What’s wrong with her?” Jin asked.
Jun shrugged, “maybe she needs time to herself.”
I had called my parents and told them where I was going… Well, I told it to a voicemail, and hopefully they would get it.
Now, I was driving towards the school, following Kikyou’s car. My music was turned on low as I drove slowly down the busy street. I glanced up into her rearview mirror then looked back out the front window but paused and looked back into the mirror again, staring at the person behind me, but the windows were tinted so I couldn’t see their face too clearly.
“Maybe I’m just paranoid…” I muttered then looked back at front, keeping my eyes on Kikyou’s car as they approached the school’s parking lot.
It was a large school with separate buildings for each subject, even a separate building for the cafeteria and a large court yard that was the center of the whole place.
“Did you bring an umbrella?” Jin said to Kikyou as they got out of the car.
I was out of mine and was looking through it for an umbrella, just in case if it did start to rain. Which I was sure that it would, and soon.
Kikyou got out and held up two, “yup.” She nodded and smiled widely.
I sighed and closed the door after locking it, and put the keys in my pocket. I couldn’t find one. “Hopefully it won’t rain…” I muttered and walked over to the twins, “how long will this be?” I asked while crossing my arms, feeling the wind softly blow past me; sending sudden chills up my body.
“That’s unpredictable.” Kikyou replied and closed the door of her car then two beeps fallowed after, “but if it starts raining they’ll probably end it quickly.”
I nodded and looked around the parking lot, I couldn’t see anyone I knew just yet.
“C’mon, let’s go.” Kikyou began to walk towards the front. It looked like she was looking for someone as well.
I sighed, “it’s a shame at how fast someone’s life can end.” I said looking ahead, staring bluntly at the entrance of the school past the talking crowds of people.
“Yup.” Jin stood beside me, “why does the good die young?” I could hear a slight hint of entertainment on his voice, probably he was in a good mood rather than in a sad one like most people here.
Jun looked at him, “that’s just a saying.” He grinned crookedly.
“I know, but it always seems to be true.” Jin replied, “though… Ms. Aki wasn’t ‘that’ young…”
“Mayu-san!” Hinata’s voice sounded behind us, high pitched as usual.
I turned, seeing my three friends walking towards us. “Hey.” A feign smile on my face as I waited for them.
Jin and Jun stopped, “I’ll go find us a spot in the bleachers.” Kikyou said seeing that we had stopped, knowing that it would be a while before we would stop talking, then walked off.
“You didn’t call me.” Hinata said puckering her lips while crossing her arms childishly.
The feign smile remained on my face as I spoke, “I’m sorry, I forgot.” I then beckoned them to start walking again.
I didn’t want to be a hypocrite, since I didn’t like it when people stopped and talked while I would try to go around them to get to wherever I needed to go. That mainly happens during school, so I try not to be the burden to others.
“Are you feeling okay?” Ama now spoke as the three girls followed me along with the two guys, they were all dressed in black.
“I’m fine.” I replied then looked at Maki, “how bout’ you?” I asked softly, remembering how hard this event had hit my weak hearted friend.
Maki nodded, “I’m alright, still a little shaken up though.” She shrugged, trying to pass it off as nothing, but her true emotion reflected in her eyes.
“Good evening Jin, Jun.” Ama waved to the guys, probably just noticing their appearance.
“Good evening.” They replied back at the same time, like usual, and waved.
“Where are Mamoru and Haru?” Hinata asked.
Jin shrugged, “they’ll get here.” He said and looked around, a small smile forming on his face.
“They’ll find us.” Jun nodded as they all entered the building. We were in the room where the front desk was, but there were students and their families talking, while others made their way down the halls towards the exit.
“There they are!” Haru came running towards our group like an excited kid about to get a big ice-cream cone.
“Hello Haru.” Jin said.
“We’re going to get some seats.” Ama said obviously not wanting to be apart of a ‘guy’ conversation. “We’ll see you later.” She patted my back softly before following the other two who had already began to walk off towards the halls.
“You made it.” Haru looked at me smiling widely.
I nodded then looked past him at where Mamoru and his grandma were walking towards us. “Yeah, Kikyou said it was alright.”
“The store was so empty today.” Jin said to Haru randomly, or just because I mentioned his mother.
“Really? I guess the news of Ms. Aki got around.” Haru shrugged.
“Mr. Osamaru came in though.” Jun added, his voice was full of suspicion.
“Oh really, the replacement teacher?” Haru asked, eyes getting wider with interest.
“That man doesn’t seem to suit the ‘teacher life’.” Mamoru said from beside Haru while elbowing him softly in the side.
“Why do you say that dear?” His grandma asked. She was a short woman with gray hair pinned back in a bow. And like everyone else in the room, she was also dressed in all black, but the color made her pale green gaze stand out from behind her small glasses.
“You’ll have to see him to understand.” Haru replied while nodding defensively, “once you do then you’ll fully understand.”
She nodded, “I see.” She then looked at me, “oh hello Mayu-san, how have you been?” She asked with a bright smile that made her cheeks sag over the corners of her mouth..
“I’ve been well, how about you Yui-sama?” I returned the smile to her.
“Slow.” She replied then looked up at Mamoru, “let’s get a seat before it gets too packed.” She suggested. “I’m sure you don’t want to report me missing.” She chuckled softly.
“Alright, let’s go Haru.” Mamoru said and began to walk off.
“See ya’ later.” Haru waved before he followed.
“We should go too, and find mom.” Jin said.
“Okay.” Jun nodded, “let’s hope that she didn’t get lost.” He laughed.
I only nodded and followed.
“Today we are in remembrance of one of our fellow teachers, Miss Shouko Naku Aki.” All was silent in the crowds of people sitting in the bleachers, except for the ones who were crying. “She always had a smile on her face, even if it was the darkest day in the world.” The speaker continued, his expression was dull but he kept his posture straight. “So today, we will honor her life with love and thankfulness for all the joy she has brought to all of us.”
I stared at the man as he spoke, and for the first time, this place felt dead. It felt so empty and the air was thickened with sorrow.
I looked around at all the people on the bleachers, then the ones who were standing. One person stood out though, out of all the people here, this was the only one wearing white. I stared at the person, wondering who it was.
“What are you looking at?” Jun whispered from beside me.
I looked back at the man who was giving a speech, “someone is wearing white.” I replied.
Jun looked over at the white suited person, “Hm… That’s strange.” He muttered, “I wonder why.” He looked back at the speaker, his mouth narrowing down in a confused frown.
I watched as the man stepped down the microphone letting someone replace him. It must’ve been a family member, since they were already bawling into a handkerchief
I looked back down at where the person in white would be, but they were gone. Then I looked over at Jun, “I’m going to the bathroom.” I whispered and stood. Thankfully, we were at the bottom, but I was still cautious going down the steps; careful not to land a face plant right in the middle of a speech.
Once inside, I walked down the halls looking around for a bathroom, all the while occupied by the thoughts smothering my mind from anything else. I spaced out often, especially during class, but today felt different. Today ended up being very different, it was abnormal to my usual life. I was expecting the day to go by, same teachers, same happy faces, the same everything. But instead, I got a different teacher, mourning souls, and a very, very different day.
The thought of someone leaving on a vacation seeped into my mind, but they always come back. But death was different, once they go, they’ll never come back again, and you’ll never see them again. Maybe in your dreams, but that was it; not in reality.
I had finished drying my hands by the time I returned to reality. I looked at myself in the mirror, staring myself in the eyes, seeing the darkening circles under my eyes but also wondering why today was different.
I didn’t like change too much, it’s too stressing and it’s just something that threw me off. “Just a couple more hours.” I sighed quietly, “before I go home.” I looked away and walked towards the door.
“Oh, hello there Miss Honami.” A familiar voice said from the side, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin.
I let the door close behind me as I looked over at the speaker, my hands were raised in front of my chest protectively, like I was preparing to fight.
It was the person wearing all white, and it just happens to be Mr. Osamaru.
No surprise… An unusual man dressed unusually for this unusual day.
“Hello.” I spoke cautiously while letting my arms fall back to my side, seeing that I had nothing to worry about.
“How are you this evening?” He asked. It was another three piece suit, but with a black polo shirt, and a red tie.
“I’m well.” I examined him quickly.
“I want to apologize for earlier, I understand that it is none of my business about your life.” He bowed his head slightly then continued to stare at me, “will you accept my apology?”
I blinked, giving it a moment of thought while wonder why he was speaking so formally to me, one of his students. I soon found myself nodding, “yeah, apology accepted.”
He smiled his dazzling smile, “thank you miss Honami..” He said softly and I could see that his eyes were sweeping over me, examining my posture and my casual dressing. For a moment, I thought he was going to ask me a question, but his lips remained pursed.
“May I ask you a question?” I asked, seeing that he wasn’t going to speak, and it was bothering me to the point that I didn’t care if it was rude or not to ask about his unusual dress-up for a funeral-like ceremony.
“Let me guess.” His smile grew slightly, “why am I wearing all white?”
I nodded, feeling a slight flutter of excitement dance around in my stomach. Was I… Getting nervous. . . ?
“You see, black is the color of night.” He explained, “and though some people may think that the color white means purity, it also means death.”
I stared at him, dumbfounded. “I see.” Though I didn’t.
“No you don’t, do you?” He ran his fingers through his hair, his smile began to disappear. “It takes a lot of explaining to understand.” He looked around the halls carefully. “Hmm… I guess we both chose a good time to come inside.”
“Huh?” I stared at him then looked around, “what do you mean?”
“I should go now, it’s about to get crowded.” Mr. Osamaru nodded to me, “it was a pleasure speaking with you.” He lifted his hand and turned, “see you in class tomorrow.” He then began to walk off as the sound of murmurs began to fill the halls.
I watched him go, completely lost.
“Gah! You got lucky Mayumi!” Jin was walking down a hall with a crowd of people behind him.
I looked at him, “What happened?” I asked, seeing that everyone was soaked. Well duh, the answer had to be obvious, but I was so caught in the moment I had with Mr. Osamaru that I felt completely out of my mind.
“It began to pour outside, so everyone came inside.” Jin explained, “but we’re going to leave, I just wanted to let you know, so see you tomorrow.” Jin patted my head, getting it a little wet, then began to walk off while shaking his head so the water flew out of his hair, leaving it sticking out every and which way it could.
I watched him go then began to walk through the crowd of wet people, looking for a familiar face. I stopped again to look around more, wishing that I wasn’t so short, or else I would be able to see over everyone’s head. .
“Hey Honami, how’s it going?” Someone placed their hand on my shoulder, consuming it with warmth and wetness.
I turned around, “oh, hey guys.” Three guys stood before me, more friends from my first year, thanks to Mamoru and Haru.
The one that had spoke was named Kiryu Yae. His hair was just like Mamoru’s, but it was blonde, and his irises were light ocean blue. And instead of looking like a juvenile like Mamoru, he looked more like a goody-good type kid with amused gleams in his eyes though he was more built than any average teenage boy.
To his right was Rin Saka, a tall, and muscular guy. He looked like the oldest, but wasn’t. He had short brown hair with long bangs that rested below his high cheek bones, and mocha brown eyes. He may look like a large guy who would beat you up for no reason, but he was really just a very large teddy bear who loved to joke around and enjoy himself by laughing until he cried; which sometimes was an everyday thing.
To Kiryu’s left was Sanae Kurama, a pale skinned, very laid back, go-with-the-flow type person who was easy to get along with. He had bushy brown hair that fell over his neck and face in some parts, and he had pale blue eyes. He didn’t really speak up much in crowds, but when it came to one on one talking, he would talk more than anyone would imagine. But he usually never is seen anywhere after school, because he’s always stuck in after school suspension for always falling asleep during class, why? Nobody really knows.
“How have you been?” Kiryu asked with his usual happy voice of an immature idiot.
I forgot to mention that part, didn’t I? Oh, and the fact the he was a little… Perverted at times, sometimes… Most of the time.
“I’ve been well.” I replied. I saw that they were also very wet, other than Sanae, who probably had the hood of his jacket on giving him the chance for his hair to evade the rain.
“Do you want to help us find Mamoru and Haru?” Rin asked looking around.
“Sure.” I looked around as well, “I was going to say bye to them.”
“You’re leaving already?” Kiryu asked while sticking out his lower lip, giving me a pouting face.
“I have to get home.” I sighed, “my parents will expect me over for dinner sometime.” I faked another smile, not really knowing if that was true or not. My parents usually went out without me. Even if I was home.
“I see them.” Sanae spoke softly then pointed over across the room.
“Let’s go.” Kiryu began to walk towards them.
“So, how have you two been?” I asked, standing between Sanae and Rin while following.
“I’ve been alright.” Rin replied first, “but this whole dead teacher stuff is a little suffocating ya’ know?”
I nodded then looked at Sanae, “who about you?”
Sanae shrugged, “just another day for me.” He replied simply, “but I have to admit, the replacement teacher is strange.”
“He’s strict.” Rin muttered. “but all the girls are like: ‘Kyah! Kyah! He’s so charming! Blah, blah, blah!’.”
This time I smiled for real, “wow, I’m surprised that their not afraid of him like Jin and Jun.” I said and chuckled quietly, “even when he broke the news of Ms. Aki’s death to us.”
“Really?” Rin looked down at me, “was he blunt about it?” He also had a smiled on his face after hearing my small laugh.
I nodded, “yup.”
“Talking about Mr. Osamaru huh?” Haru looked at the three of us as we approached, obviously overhearing our conversation.
“Yeah.” Rin sighed.
I took out my cell phone and looked at it, “I should be going.” I said looking at the guys then Yui, “I’ll see you all tomorrow.”
“Good-bye dear.” Yui said smiling. “Be sure to drop by sometime, cooking for these two boys sure is tuff you know.”
“Bye Yui.” I gave her a hug then waved to the guys who waved back. “I’ll come by soon.” I assured her.
“Drive safe.” Mamoru said lifting his hand and tilting it to the side.
I nodded, “I will.” I then turned and began to make my way towards the exit while fighting the crowd. All the while hoping that I wouldn’t fall flat on my face, which has happed to me before, several times.
“What a nice girl.” Yui said still smiling, “she will make a great wife one day.”
“Grandma!” Both Mamoru and Haru said with wide eyes.
“That was random…” Sanae grinned.
“She’s a random person, what’d you expect.” Kiryu laughed.
“You should keep things like that in your head grandma…” Mamoru muttered, slightly blushing.
Yui only patted his back, “I was just pulling your leg.”
“That’s enough pulling for one day.” Haru coughed a quick laugh.
“Any who… Have you guys met the new student?” Kiryu asked.
“We have a new student?” Mamoru asked, happy that the subject had changed.
“Yup, I think his name is-”
I ran out to my car while trying to get my keys out of my pocket but they weren’t there. “No… Don’t tell me…” I stopped beside the car door and looked around the ground, seeing if I had dropped my keys. “Damn it.” I muttered, feeling the rain pour over my head like I was taking a shower.
“Excuse me, but are these yours?” The rain had stopped falling on my head and I turned to face the new comer who was holding my keys up in front of me.
“Oh, thank you very much.” I smiled and took the keys, relieved completely.
“No problem.” It was a guy. A very pallid guy, but extremely attractive. “My name is Hiroshi Hanakari.” He had long, spiked black hair that laid about an inch over his shoulders and his bangs slightly covered his eyes while other strands of his hair were naturally out of place.
“It’s nice to meet you.” I nodded, “I’m Mayumi Honami.” I noticed that his irises were a bright green, like Maki said that the new student had. “Are you new here?”
Hiroshi nodded, “yes, I am”
“I’ve heard about you, where you from?” I asked.
“I had to pay a one year visit to my family in Ivory Grounds of the Moon Region.” He replied. “But I’ve lived here before, I was just home schooled.” His voice rung delightfully in my ears, like a crystal clear, low octave of a chiming bell.
There are six different regions. Night, Moon, Crimson, Forest, Water, and Thunder Region. The Moon Region is the largest where the Star Light Kingdom is home to the royal family who are in charge of all Regions. Thunder Region is the smallest region, but rumor says that it holds the best views, food, and places to live.
“I see. Welcome to Mousy Sky. ” I smiled and looked at my keys, “and, thank you for finding and returning these.” I looked back up at him, admiring everything about him. From his oval shaped face shaping down to his perfectly centered chin, to his wonderfully held posture that he had kept the whole time that we spoke. Not even shifting on his feet like I did.
“No problem.” He smiled at me kindly.
I found myself staring, marveling at him but the I turned quickly and unlocked the door, “s-see ya’ later.” I waved backwards and got into the car, feeling the water dripping from the tips of my hair and bangs, onto my face and all the way down my face until it was dripping off my chin.
“See you soon.” Hiroshi nodded then turned to leave.
I closed the door and watched him as I started my car. I then quickly looked away, “am I… Or was I admiring him…?” I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head violently, sending water droplets scattering all over the seats, making my hair curl. “What?” My eyes opened and I found myself looking over at where he continued to walk; talking to my self-conscious as it babbled on about him. “Well, he is…” I stopped myself and turned up my music. “I got lucky…” I was forcing myself to try to forget about him as I backed out of the parking spot.
I then made my mind rewind to the time I had gotten out of the car, then to the time that Hiroshi had showed up.
I didn’t remember dropping my keys, or setting them down anywhere, but all that mattered was that I had gotten them back. But now was the part that I had to return home, wondering if my parents would be there or not.
Well, there you go!
Hmm... Nothing very interesting next chapter so I wont give a little sneak peak.
But maybe some other time. ^^
So... I'm done for now.
Have happy lives, and I'll post CHP. 3 later... After getting done editing it! Byez!