So your name is: Poison
From your features, you look: Human
You've strained to become a(n): Berserker/Theif
You look healthy at the ripe age of: 17
I see that you could kill me with your: Twin Daggers
I'm always up for a good story: Poison's town was originally the human stronghold Annihila (Anny-hill-ah). She wasn't called Poison, either. Her original name was Belladona. The town was destroyed with the coming of the Onyx War. It was the first one to be destroyed by Solvidare to set an example of what happens to people who rebel. Poison was seven when it was destroyed and she escaped only by the secret tunnels under the city. When she went back three weeks later, all she saw was desolation and masacre. At that moment, she stripped the name Belladona to become Poison and grew up in the Shifter city of Masaat (mah-sah-at). Now she's out for revenge, even if it costs her everything.

So your name is: Solvidare
From your features, you look: Undead
You've strained to become a(n): Necromancer
You look healthy at the ripe age of: 119
I see that you could kill me with your: Kwan-tao
I'm always up for a good story: He was raised in the town of Thanos (Thah-nos). When he reached his coming of age at 55, something odd happened. His parents mysteriously went missing and all that was found was the bloody wreckage of his house. Oddly, he seemed uninterested. The truth was his first kill with his necromancy powers was his parents. From then on, he claimed to hear voices in his head and followed their direction right up to world domination. He's the self-declared monarch of all the land and none dare protest, lest they end up like Annihilla.

So your name is: Marsella (marsy, sella)
From your features, you look: Shifter
You've strained to become a(n): Ranger/Trainer
You look healthy at the ripe age of: 31
I see you could kill me with your: Gauntlets
I'm always up for a good story: Lived in the shifter capital Masaat. Her parents actually had her when they were relatively old and died when she was only 11. She learned how to take care of herself. When she was 21, she took in Poison as her foster daughter, much to the anger of the shifters since Poison was human. Marsella became an outsider to them living in the community because she wouldn't cast Poison away. When Poison took on the adventure, she decided to come with as well, having nothing better to do, unless running the local bar counted.
High Elves - Palest of all the elves with the longest, pointiest ears. They are a very regal race and would die for honor. They are taller than humans, but only by a little.
Hobbits - Smallest of all the races. They have large, hairy feet with thick, leathery sole making shoes abosolete. They are very friendly and welcoming, but when put in a position of danger, they are known to fight back visciously. They're made of stronger stuff on the inside than others give them credit for.
Dwarves - Taller than Hobbits, but shorter than humans. They are very human looking, just bulkier and gruffer. They love mining, jewels and gold, but are loyal. The men typically have long thick beards.
Humans - Human. They are the most emotion driven of the races and gets along with most of the other races. They are good, strong allies and always up for an adventure as long as they aren't cheated in the reward.
Fun Fact: When Annihilla was destroyed, a good 80% of all humans were wiped out. Not all humans lived in their main town. Poison is one of the only known humans to survive the destruction.
Neutral -
Shifters - People that can shift into one specific animal. They don't mind helping others under certain circumstances, but generally want to be left alone and left to their own business.
Fun Fact: All "tame" shifters, those who live in towns and have respectable jobs and such, do not cut their hair. Those who cut their hair short are seen as rebels, wild ones. They tend to be more of the party animals.
Sprites - Fairies, pixies, nymphs. They're tricksters and very bright. They don't hinder only one side, but both. As long as it's funny in the end, they don't really care.
Giants - Norse men, heavy, tall. Barbarian features, adapt to snowy mountain areas. Gruffer than even the Dwarves. Keep to themselves and it takes a mighty fine speech to persuade them.
Wood Elves - Tan in color. Pointy ears, but not nearly as long as the high elves. They're as tall and sometimes shorter than Humans. They tend to be a bit arrogant and hold their pride close to their hearts.
Trolls - Would be a little shorter than humans except that their sprines are bent permanently foreward. Very ugly, nasty creatures that take joy in others pain. Also tend to be cowards when things get really dirty or they don't have the upperhand. Their skin is a dirty, dark grey color and what teeth they do have are blackened and sharp.
Orcs - Same as the trolls except that they are bulky and are short to begin with. Pretty mindless crew but are not cowards and fight harder the harder things in battle get.
Undead - Dead human looking bodies. They range from various states: skeleton, rotting, human looking....Are generally really pale and deathly looking. Viscious and tricky, they tend to help you lead yourself into your own death.
Dark Elves - Similar to the High Elves, only cold and self-centered. Their ears are narrower than the other two elf classes. Their skin tone is a dark bluish-grey in color.
*Thief - Quick, stealthy, and a kleptomaniac. Good for long adventures because when supplies get low, a thief can steal money or the items for the group.
*Trainer - Has one pet that they normally raise and train themselves from the first day of the pet's existence. Only a few have ever mastered two animals. Any pet is possible, but mostly trainers choose ones that will fight along side them in battle.
Rogue - Stealthy, silent and deadly. Great for whiping out key individuals in order for the group to proceed quickly and quietly.
Mage - Caster. Has the ability to controll fire, water, electric and arcane magics.
Warrior - Physical damage dealer.
Palidan - Uses light-type magics to buff allies and damage enemies.
Warlock - Can summon a few demons and specializes in shadow magics.
Ranger - Specializes in tracking. Can use any type of weapon that they come across.
Berserker - Does hardcore physical damage. Can carry and use two weapons.
*Elementalist - Uses the powers of the elements to harm the enemy.
Shaman - Can raise a spirit to fight for them. Sometimes the spirit likes them, sometimes they don't.
Druid - A more nature-intuned caster. Uses earthy magics.
*Priest/Priestess - Heals and buffs their allies using holy magics.
* -Jobs with a star may be combined with other classes, but it MUST be okayed with me first.
Cascara Sagrada (good)
Annihilla - Anny-hill-ah. it was the main human town before Solvidare burned it to the ground and started rebuilding it as a base for his growing army. No one besides Poison is known to have survived the desolation of the town.
Bervennea - A cozy town full of very short people. It's the Hobbits main town. It's a place to spend idle time and just enjoy the very simplest things in life. Everyone is friendly and there's always enough food and drink to go around.
Merneva - This is the Dwarvish main town. A bustling mining town at the base of the Silver mountains. The main commerce is all things mining, like jewels, metals and other such goods, though there is general commerce as well.
Lovage - The High Elves main town. Based in a mountain valley in the Silver Mountains, it's never rejected any traveller, but the residents make it well known when one is no longer welcome or when they weren't welcome from the beginning. It's a beautiful town full of very mystic beauties and even more beautiful elves.
Yampa (neutral)
Masaat - The shifter's main town. The town is in the very heart of the Crystal woods, in a clearing they cleaned out centuries ago. The towns structures are all made of wood and there isn't much special commerce. It's a pleasant town during the day, but even the residents get the queer feeling of unease at night. Many travellers avoid the place unless necissary.
Shard - The sprites main town, if you can call it that. It's based deep in the heart of the Crystal woods and most of them live in the treetops or under roots. Most travellers avoid this place unless coming to consult the oracle. Generally it's a tricky place to stay unless you are a sprite or know how to handle yourself in riddles and tricks.
Rihad - The Giants main town. It's on the eastern edge of the Crystal woods located in a large plain. It looks like a typical norse villiage, with a large castle to it's north. It's a very community based town, though by community, they mean Giants.
Alinor - The wood-elves main town. Their houses and buildings are built into the trees and there fore the town is also located near the heart of the Crystal woods. Sometimes it's hard to tell that you're even in the town unless you are familiar with the elves.
Hellebore (Evil)
Falinesti - The Trolls main town. Their town is located on the inside the Kamatian mountains. They tunneled down into the heart of a mountain and set up their town in tunnels and caverns. People avoid the place like the plague.
Sharnhelm - The Orcs main town. It's located in the ravine just off the Kamatian mountains. You can't really tell it's a town, more like a giant strip where the Orcs seem to migrate and conduct whatever business they have.
Necrom - The Dark Elves main town. The town is located on a plain that used to be green and lovely in olden days, but now is a barren waste-land where nothing grows. The ground is covered in rocks and rubble. (this is NOT a desert. NO SAND!)
Thanos - The Undeads main town. In the olden days, it probably was a beautiful town carved of dark stone, but all that's left now is ruins and darkness. Strange beasts crawl about the area at night and feed on the unwitting. Only the Castle remains mostly intact, though it is showing it's age.