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Okay, this RP is a Naruto YAOI rp (no yaoi in the sample I'm about to post), and its VAMPIRES. Mmmm. Sexy. XD
This was written by me and my ane-san Sara!!!! <333
So, Sara-neechan writes the first few paragraphs, then I take over, then her, we alternate. If you notice any distinguishing factors between our writing styles, you can tell its one or the other.
I am Sasuke and Iruka I belive, and Sarah is Naruto and Kakashi.

Even though this is a fanfiction, I have legal rights to it, while limited, though I am not accepting any pay or selling this to anyone. This peice of literature is for the author and it's readers enjoyment only, and not for monetary gain.
So, tell me if you like my style. And then we'll RP BABEH!!!
I do normal, Barton Town, Anime RPs, Original RPs, Book RPs, Movie RPs, YAOI rps, you name it. <3 So, pm me and we'll get down to buisness. =3

An exert from chapter one

Loud music blared into the the driveway of a large east coast suburban home as a 20 year old college student turned off his vintage car. His ears twitched as he sipped warm coffee and awaiting his charges entrance into their house. Hatake Kakashi was a very well known architect, he had designed many things for their city as well as other worldly locations.

Sasuke came into the house, iPod on full blast. He was unusually conservative-looking, wearing just two eye-blinding colors instead of the numerous amounts of odd pigments and patterns. Lowering the sound a few decibels, he turned to Kakashi. "Hi, Dad... job interview today." Kakashi looked the raven haired boy over once and realized that the normal neon streaks in his hair were dyed back to black, and his nails were clean.

"Where did you interview for today? I see you toned it down." Kakashi asked his 'son'. From the very beginning he told Sasuke that he was his father and his mother ran off somewhere to the other end of the planet. He didn't feel too bad about the whole it all being a lie issue because he knew that Sasuke would eventually get the hell over it and deal with what eternity had to offer him. But whatever happened he knew Sasuke wouldn't stray far from him...they had a close relationship.

"Y'know my summer job at that alternative store back when I was 16 or 17?" Sasuke said, lowing the blasting music in his ears a few more decibels. "Yes," Kakashi said, "I remember it. Well." Sasuke smirked. "Well, the manager wrote me a letter of recommendation because of all the stuff I did. So now I'm hopefully going to be a model for a jewelry line... I think the name was Venom." He paused, stretching... "A good way for me to get some money, eh, Dad?" Kakashi paled slightly. Venom was owned by a vampire. Not bad, more neutral. He sighed, contemplating.

If Sasuke worked for who he thought was in charge than his son would defiantly be more exposed to half of his culture that had been kept under raps the past 20 years. Things like this were bound to happen... Kakashi put his coffee cup down and looked to Sasuke before the young 'adult' went off to his room like normal. "By the way Sasu...we will be having two visitors over for dinner later. I hope you would like to stay and meet them..."

"Ok, sure..." Sasuke ran his fingers through his hair as he walked up the stairs to his room. 'Hmmm, that's unusual for Dad to have visitors over...' Sasuke thought to himself before he went into his room.

Naruto sat in the passenger seat of Iruka's medium sized SUV, they were on their way to interview a new candidate into the coven. Naruto and Iruka being the oldest but sometimes not always the wisest (on Naruto's part) in the area. They had been driving for around 45 minutes and Naruto was getting antsy. He hated car rides but didn't want to attract attention to themselves.

"Calm yourself, Naruto. Even after all these years, you havent changed... Heh." Iruka grinned, shaking his head. "See? It's that house up there... Kakashi-san said to listen for blasting music." He drove up to the house, a simple white-painted two story one with a garage. The music was a little more then loud to their fine-tuned ears, but Iruka ignored it. "I'm sure that it is Kakashi's charge, Sasuke-kun."

Naruto sneered at the loud rock music, he was still akin to what he grew up to his first few decades after the turn. Maybe he was somewhat like Gaara and couldn't get used to the new fangled technology like electric guitars and synthesizers..."That sounds like someone is dying...I hope it stops when we are at least in the house or I won't be able to even talk to Kakashi."

The SUV pulled up in front of the home and Naruto could feel eyes from the second story look down at him, even from the outside of the house Naruto could smell the pure blood that pulsed through the kits body. It was one of the sweetest scents he ever came across...Luckily the music was turned down when they reached the front door.

Kakashi opened the door right as Iruka knocked. "Ohayo, Iruka-san, Naruto-san. Welcome!" Kakashi smiled as he ushered them in. All turned to the stairs as Sasuke made his descent, wearing something thankfully not as much as an eye sore. He nodded towards the newcomers. For such a 'loud' teen, he was awfully quiet.

The blond bowed back to their host. Kakashi looked like a nice man with casual clothes and his home was nice and neat, but even so Naruto had to be cautious to who they let into the coven. Many things had gone wrong in the past and now interview like this were mandatory.

Kakashi grinned to his son. "Sasuke, come and meet my associates. This is Umino Iruka, and his friend Uzumaki Naruto. Could you please get them something to drink?"

"Yeah." Sasuke went off to the kitchen to brew tea after bowing back to the yellow-haired boy. It struck him as strange, a man as young, if younger then him being so polite.

Iruka smiled at Kakashi, who offered them all a seat on the couch. "Please excuse him, he isn't as polite as he should be..." The silver haired man grinned to himself.

Sasuke came back out with four tea cups on a wooden tray and set it down on the coffee table in between the two sets of men. Naruto loosened his tie a tad and put on ankle on his knee. You have a lovely home, Kakashi-san. I hope that during these times troubles never ail you..." Iruka nodded his agreement and took some of the tea. Their bodies could take in regular human food but gave them no sustenance and often brought along stomach aches.

Kakashi nodded with another big smile. This was going smoothly..."Arigatou. I didn't design this one but our other homes I did."

"Ah. Well... It suits you." Iruka smiled. "Now... does he know? When are you planning on..." He started pointedly. Sasuke glanced at him curiously from his spot on a lazy chair.

Kakashi's eyes danced slightly as he rubbed the back of his head, "Uh...soon. I knew it would be around this time but it's a very...heavy thing to bear."

Naruto sighed, "You realize with your membership things like that will be hard to..." He thought for an unrevealing word, "keep to yourself..." The half vampire, half human sipped his tea. "Yes I agree...I'm sorry I couldn't offer more taste acquiring beverages..." The blond nodded again, "I understand Kakashi-san, no worries.

"Uh... Okay, then. So where should we start off?" Iruka cleared his throat, glancing at Naruto, then to Kakashi, lingering momentarily on his protégé, who was looking at his guardian curiously.

The blond sat up a little more from the couch as his back was straight. "In order to consider your membership we will need birth documents, death documents, blood samples, as well as your recommendation letters, and the application itself. Do you have those with you?"

The silver haired vampire nodded as he got up from the couch. "Yes Naruto-san, I have everything ready to give to you." Kakashi walked over to an cabinet close to his office. He opened the door and pulled out a thick manilla envelope. He walked back over to the group and handed the package to Naruto. "I'm sure this is everything. If not, please let me know."

'D.... death... documents...?' Sasuke thought, looked at the yellow haired kid with a strange look on his face. 'Whose death documents?' he pondered. Iruka took the manilla envelope from Naruto and leafed through it as well. "You have everything. Wow, a few years after I..." He thought aloud. Sasuke glanced at the chocolate-haired man. 'What is going on? So strange...' he thought.

"Very good Kakashi-san, after Iruka and I look through you're things we will let you know about the final ceremonies. I'm sure there won't be anything that will keep you from joining our cov..." The blond stopped himself mid-sentence and a mischievous glint in his ice blue eyes."...Oh excuse me I should use the term exclusive club." He chuckled lightly. The whole thing about hiding their true existences from the young was becoming quite tiring.

Sasuke coughed when he heard the term 'exclusive club'. "I thought you said this was a job interview. Not a 'get-into-a-club' interview. Whatever, this is strange." He excused himself and walked to the stairs. "I'll be up here if you want me."

Kakashi sighed, "Kids these days. It basically is a job interview, ne?" He looked to the two older vampires. "That's true Kakashi-san...the membership includes employment benefits as well and the stipulated obligatory engagements." Naruto chose to speak without revealing more, he could tell the little brat was still hiding on the second floor near the stairwell listening in on the conversation.

"Now Kakashi-san I did want to ask more about your contract with the Uchiha's...you were left custody of..." Naruto closed his eyes for the right term...Japanese wasn't his forte since he grew up with Latin but he had to make due to the prying ears up stairs. "A certain item a little under two decades ago. The will..." He went through the package documents and found what he was looking for, "Yes...here it is. It says that you will be in full custody until the item reaches this age stated here on the document, correct?"

Kakashi nodded. He knew exactly what the blond vampire was talking about.

Sasuke felt more weirded out by the moment. "Items... custody... death-certificates... wills... This is one strange-a** club." Sasuke breathed. Iruka heard him as if he had whispered loudly, and smiled. "Ok then, but you need to seriously consider about the situation with..." He said pointedly, glancing in the stair's direction.

"You cant hide it all forever, Kakashi-san." Iruka finished.

"I understand Iruka..." He sighed and knew this would be difficult. For the longest time he enjoyed being Sasuke's father...and in a way he was. Hell, he changed the little s**t's diapers for two years of his life he was Sasuke's father. If not by blood than a vampires nature turns the blood closer to those you care about anyway if you stayed near that individual long enough.

"Sasuke? You can come down again and stop ease dropping. There is something I need to talk to you about." Kakashi got up from the couch and met the brunette at the bottom of the stairs. "Let's talk in the kitchen okay son?"

Sasuke's face was blank as he nodded and lazily followed the silver-haired man and the others, Naruto-kun Iruka, into the kitchen he knew only so well. ' Why is this starting to feel bad?' He thought to himself, as he leaned lazily against the surface of one gleaming white countertop. Iruka stood a few feet from Kakashi, and Naruto in the doorway.

"So what is it you have to tell me, exactly, Father?" Sasuke said carefully, looking the man in the eyes. Kakashi's black ones looked back at him, filled with hesitation.

With a heavy sigh Kakashi stood on the other side of the bar like counter top and looked Sasuke in the eyes. "You know that I love you very much and that I've taken care of you from the day you were born. I know you call me Dad and I call you son..." He knew this probably sounded absurd to Sasuke but he knew if he hesitated to much he wouldn't be able to continue. "But the truth is that I'm not your real father."

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