Last friday and saturday my drama club at my school took our play to the NCTC play festival. On friday we missed school just to go and watch the plays cause we didnt perform until Saturday. The plays were AMAZING!! Most of the actors were clearly very pashionate about acting. I liked Ruthless! The musical. They had a really kewl set. And the main character was just a little girl, and she ends up shooting everyone!! With a gun that made a real noise and had smoke come out. The play No Problem was very moving. And Hush Little Celia was the funniest, and sweetest play EVER! I liked that one the best. The play Lockdown wasnt that great, but some of the actors were really good. We had to be at school at 6:40 am on saturday. And we i got there, first of all i was in Soffe's and flip-flops, and it was FREEZING! And then a tour bus pulls in the parking lot!! We were excited about having that. Then it turned around and left. Thats all we could apparently afford, was for the bus to come to our school, turn around and leave. *sigh* My car got there late because the Amy's mom didnt follow every1 else and she got lost. We almost missed the tech meeting, which was crucial. We watched the first play of that day "No Exit", it was really good! It was so different, it took me a while to figure out that they were dead, and in hell. 3 people, locked in a room together...forever, in hell. Morbid, I know. After that we started to get ready, and we were all sooo anxious. Our play was Alice in Wonderland. The only person in a normal outfit was Alice, played by Cami (she did really good.) The rest of us were in these cheap, almost paper, jumpsuits. Mine and Rachels, and the trees, were supposed to be dark green, but they turned out gray...oh well. Rachel and I also flower collars made out of those free things u get when picking out paint, the little colorful cards. And we also were each wearing umbrella hats. I pulled Alice through the stump in the beginning, then I sat on stage as a flower and laughed and my cues (as did all the trees and flowers.) And then I was the wiket that the queen of hearts (Tricia) "ahem"-ed to to stand up, bow, and stand with my legs apart for every1 to hit their babydoll heads through with their different mallets. Stange i know, but it was hillarious! The actual show went well i thought. Their stage was a little less wide, but deeper, so we had to squish. It was over sooo fast, but I enjoyed it! After that, the ajudicators gave us their comments on the play as a whole and on individuals. They really liked our costumes (go figure!) After that we watched the rest of the plays. The very last one "And We Approve This Message..." was the FUNNIEST thing EVER! It was making fun of this whole election. And there was actors playing Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, John McCain, and Sarah Palin. THEY WERE GREAT! Granted, the acting could have been better. But they actually asked the audience questions!!! At the end, it was a tie between Barack and McCain, so a race to Alaska would be the tie breaker. And they come out in slow motion to the finish line, and McCain had a walker!!! ROFL!!! Then they ALL started to beat each other up, still in slow motion! After that we had to wait while the judges made their decisions. For a while it was just out school playin duck duck goose, then more came, then we played red roover...on concrete. no one got hurt *phew* Then we did something that they called "Vouge" We all stood in a circle and clapped, makin a beat, and then people dance in the middle! I was soooooooooooo COOL!!! They do it in between classes at their schools. *sigh* Then when went back in, and WE GOT AN AWARD!! For "Innovative Design" They pretty much liked our entire set and costumes the best. Woot Woot! The two that went onto state were Ruthless, and Impromptu (I didnt like that one that much. It was too serious.) But tomorrow we have a cast party. Its gonna be a tea party!! lol. Time to do AP homework!! woooohoooo----no.
So...Steph has pretty much abandoned Gaia, so I, IndefatigableAnaphora, her wonderful sister, will be popping in on this account occasionally to grab some gold for her. Maybe if I make her rich, she'll want to start playing again. So, um...kthnxbai. rawr.
Stellar Steph11 · Thu Nov 06, 2008 @ 12:47am · 0 Comments |