Alyx Wölf
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Rank/Profession: Major; Luftwaffe Ace Pilot
Birth State/City: Berlin
Favorite Pass Time: Flying, reading.
Other Info:
Alyx was born in Berlin. Her father fought and died in World War 1 before she was born. Her mother raised her well, even though she ended up running away and later joining the Luftwaffe and becoming a die hard Nazi. Her heart was incased in stone when she found out her mother was killed. Alyx had flown her to itlay for a nice vaction. A week later the british attack the small town her mother was in, and killed everyone. It was a blood bath.
So far no one had even found out Alyx was female. Except one British soldier; who had grabbed her chest while trying to choke her. She killed him quickly while he was paralized in shock mumbling 'female...Nazi female?' Her chest was almost completly flat, but not enough to fool any one who toucher her. If they got close enough. She always avoided contact, even if it was just a hand shake. She never spoke unless spoken to as well.
Community Member
she must kick a** however!