Wow, can't believe time's gone by so fast! I just had a look at my previous Journal... JANUARY! JANUARY! It's now October! sweatdrop Ayane's right, I need to write in these things more (thought I might just mention Ayane cus she's probably the only person who will end up reading this - on second thoughts, add Luna to that list as well).
To tell you the truth, i actually quite like writing in these things. It's been ages since I've written something about myself (and mostly to myself!), it's quite... calming. The only reason I don't do it is because I'm so lazy! *Smacks self on head*
So, what's changed? Well, in terms of Gaia, a lot of things, and yet, not much. I'm still glad that my Gaia friends are here. I haven't played a game on Gaia or been to town for a VERY long time now (come to think of it, might do it today! biggrin ) but I'm still in touch with my three good Gaia friends: Koili, Luna and Ayane. They're great guys smile . Things have changed in that situations have changed, we've all grown by a good few months (arrrrgh! we're gettin older!) and there's a chance I might lose one of my Gaia friends O_o. Well, dont really know what's going to happen but I think I've been rambling on for too long, all I'll say is: thanks guys for being here on Gaia with me, you've made the internet just that bit more special for me. Thank you smile
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