Ok, idk y im so speechless upon this journal entry! XP Oh well, well what happened during the past weeks, well, Homecoming is coming tommorrow, and a football game is today, but unfortunately to me, I dont feel like going. Also, I had to write like 4 essays from LA/S.S nad AVID XP suckish, but the work's done , and nothing big comes like this.... yet. Also, I tried to tell my ex-gf but, she turned me over, and made me a promise not to tell Juan that she's lying about her dating my friend Dane! DAMN, IM SO SICK AND TIRED OF THAT STUPID SLUTY WHORE LYING AND CHEATING ON DANE! I WANNA STOP HER!, but idk if it's worth it. The problem is, there are some stuff I have to do, but can't do. I can't stop my suffering, I can't help some of my best friends, Im like stuck at a corner by someone holding a gun at my head. Idk what to do to help others, and ease my suffering, and now, I think Im gonna soon be the guy stuck at a corner by someone holding a gun at my head, cause I feel like Im nothing. crying crying crying crying crying