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well...this is a story that i wrote.... i thought it was a good story plan but im not sure but feel free to comment and tell me how to make it better well anyways here we go.

It was another lazy day in Accident, Maryland. My bus ride from Northern Garret High School was as slow as ever and I had to find something to do to entertain myself. It started with twiddling my thumbs and then I braided my hair but nothing satisfied. I finally decided to surreptitiously pull out my Ipod. My bus driver, Mrs. Vilmer, would kick me off the bus if she new I had it. I set the volume on low and listened to my favorite Linkin Park album. Ah, the sweet sound of "Shadow of the Day". I started to mouth the words which actually seemed to suffice. While bouncing viciously around in the bus I felt that recognizing feeling you get when your almost home. I couldn’t wait to go out with my father and watch the full moon rise as we always did on those magical nights.


We looked up at the sky and watched the moon rise. It took three hours or so, but that didn't matter. I just enjoyed watching it. Thinking about how immensely huge the universe was. The silly scientific theories of it getting smaller yet it goes on forever. I smirked. Science explained a lot, but was it truly right? It states that mythical creatures do not exist, hence the mythical part, yet we haven't explored almost half of the Amazon and definately 90 percent of the ocean. My thoughts took me to different places and I hardly realized that the moon was done rising. It was nearing eleven p.m and I was getting tired. Time to dream of another place. A place where even I, Serenity Falls, could get away.


The next full moon (my father had late night at work) I went outside to walk my dog. He is a beautiful, chocolate brown, standard poodle. Suddenly, something directed my attention towards the moon. Like a large wolf or... or something. The moon shone on my face and something inside me fired. My fingers started tingling and I felt… powerful. I looked down and my fingertips glowed an electric blue. They looked like they were on fire!
My dog and I exchanged glances and he bounded towards the house. I couldn’t control myself. My fingertips fired further and I rocketed into the air. As I plunged back to Earth a man, whom I didn’t recognize, stepped out from behind a tree and caught me in his arms. He then lowered me to the ground. I immediately fell into a clump on the grass trying to catch a glimpse of my now normal fingers. I stood up and asked the man “What the hell just happened to me?”
He merely smiled down at me and laughed. He then said mockingly, “Silly girl, you have been chosen for the protector of the Moon and Sea”. And then of course I fainted… I mean who wouldn’t after suddenly discovering you are the protector of something outrageously important?
After I came back he swiftly picked me up from the ground. “WHAT?” I nearly shrieked at him.
He chuckled and said, “Okay, I expected you to faint but that was a bit late of a response.” He then laughed again and explained. “You are the only human on this planet that had a real connection with the Moon and Sea although you may not think it. Animals have good connections but not many can handle what you just did. You have powers that I am sure you know of by now. But you have many more than that one.” He nodded down at my fingers. “You have probably learned in your Science class that the Moon controls the tides of the Sea. That is not completely true; it is actually controlled by the moon and the last protector.” I stopped him there.
“Wait, wait, wait… right there… you talk about the Moon and Sea as if they are goddesses or something, and the last Protector, who was that?”
“Oh, They are. That’s why They need to be protected. The last Protector fought off many Dark Lords of all different kinds of Creatures including the Panda Bear.”
“There’s a Dark Lord of Panda’s?” I asked, more than slightly puzzled.
He laughed quietly, “ Ummmmm… no I was kidding but there are many Dark Lords.” Great, another jokester, just what I need.“And you asked about the last Protector? Ahem… yes… well I don’t know exactly. I am merely the guide and messenger for the new Protector. They get replaced every millennia or so.”
“I’M GOING TO LIVE A MILLENIA!?!?!?!”, I screamed.
“Well yes you have to protect them for quite a long time.”
“Gee, YOU THINK? Wow, a whole millennia. What will I tell my parents?” I thought aloud.
“You can’t. They mustn’t know.”
“AND WHY IS THAT? What will I tell them when they notice I won’t be aging for an extensively long time? I’m only sixteen for god’s sake! ”
“You’ll have to find that out by yourself.” He just stood there when he was finished, looking at me like he was waiting for something. Suddenly, I felt rage trickling through me all the way down to my toes. Why did I get picked? I’m just a normal teenager that hangs out with her friends and goes shopping. Why did they pick me? Why did he come? Who was he? I thought to myself. I then picked up the closest stick and ran towards him with it held out. I stuck it through his heart, or where it was supposed to be, but it slammed right through into the tree behind him. I looked into his eyes (which I hadn’t noticed before) and they were an icy white. They were so striking that I had to look away. He chuckled “You can’t kill me. I forgot to tell you that the Dark lords hunt the Protector and the ones they protect. And guess what? I’m one of them!” his skin twitched and withered and his muscles grew bigger. His head was elongated and fur was rippling through his skin. His teeth grew to almost an inch long. He had slowly shape shifted into a magnificent white wolf with those icy white eyes.


He had lied to me about the help he was going to give. Maybe he lied about the whole thing. But how could I believe that? I had seen the blue fire that raged from my fingertips. Maybe he was telling me the truth before the kill. Did I really have other Powers? There was only one way to find out. I found all the anger and hatred I could muster and pointed my fingers at the wolf right when he was about to pounce. Then with a moan from the tree and a gust of wind I had created a tornado large enough to wreck the Empire State Building! But strangely it only affected the wolf and nothing around it seemed to be bothered. The tornado died out and the wolf lay on the ground flustered but not badly injured. “Crap” I said aloud. I had to think of another way to get rid of this monster.
All I knew of was the blue fire and the sudden tornado but I had to try. I raised my hands into the air and then clenched them into fists. It happened so quickly that I hardly noticed what happened due to the fact that my eyes were shut so tightly. A tidal wave was coming down the street, which was actually really surprising since I don’t really live close to any water
Again, nothing seemed to be bothered except for the wolf. Maybe it only affected the beings living in the supernatural world. Listen to me; I guess I have to believe now. The gigantic wave tore down the street and struck the wolf. It carried him down to the end of the street and washed itself out. The wolf lay there limp, possibly dead. I ran to the wolf and examined it. He was still and didn’t look like he was breathing. I saw something shiny around his neck.
I kneeled down to take a closer look. At that very moment the wolf jumped up to tear my throat open but something flashed next to it and snapped its neck. It died instantly. The thing then reached down and pulled the shiny (was it a collar?) thing from its neck. I glanced over at the thing that had saved me. He was very pale. His eyes were a deep red color, almost black. His hair was pitch black and he was shirtless. His arms were very muscular and looked like they had been through many battles. He was also fairly tall. I looked closer and saw two white fangs sticking out under his upper lip. He didn’t look at me but simply stared at the ground. “Excuse me your Highness; you didn’t need to see that.” He apologized. “ No, no, no. It’s fine. Thank you for saving my apparently valuable life.” I smiled at him. “What’s your name?”
“My name?” he chuckled. “Is that what you’re worried about?”
“Well yes, I need to know who my hero is.” I stated.
He laughed again. “Okay. My name is Damian Banks. I am much obliged to be in your presence.”
“Thank you Damian. And if you don’t mind, what are you?” I nodded down at the dead wolf. “I’m going to have to ask after seeing that.”
“It’s fine your Highness. I am a what you would call a vampire.”
He must have heard my breath catch. “I assure you; I don’t hurt people… especially your Highness. I am not that filthy scum. I feed on the blood from blood banks that have been given willfully. Although they don’t know where it goes, I’m not killing anyone.” He flashed a dazzling smile at me. His teeth gleamed in the moonlight and I saw those elongated teeth that so many legends have told us to fear. “I was sent to help you on your quest to find your throne. It helps me to uphold my honor but that…” he pointed his finger, disgusted, at the now lifeless white body on the ground. “…Holds no honor. Anyways, I have some questions for you your Highness. What is your name?”
I eyed him suspiciously for a minute but decided he was my only hope. “My name is Serenity Falls. I am a human and I live in that house.” I pointed back up the street at 407 Moonlit Path. Oh the irony. He laughed at that.
“Okay. What have you already found out about yourself?” he said.
I didn’t even have to think about that one. “I have learned that I am the Protector of the Moon and Sea, will live a millennia, can shoot blue fire, can make tornadoes, and tidal waves that don’t affect anything except what it’s aimed at.” I thought for a moment. “In that order.” Had I remembered everything? Yes, I think I did.
He seemed to find me quite funny because he chuckled again. “Alright, you don’t know nearly enough.”
At that I fainted again. This was way too much for one night.

I finally squinted and opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was the pink and white flowers that covered my room from when I was little. I needed to paint it. I felt a cool towel resting on my head. Probably from my mother, she was always such a worrywart. I sat up slowly noticing that the towel was for the blistering headache my parents knew I would have. That’s when I caught a glimpse of Damian. Fully dress this time, most likely because the fight was over. He was sitting on my little sofa when he saw me sit up. He was glad to see I was smiling at him, although the pain in my head was almost unbearable. He smiled back.
“Did dad carry me in?” I asked.
“No, I did.” He looked a little proud.
“Someone must be full of themselves.” I teased jokingly.
“Well, I did carry the Protector to safety. It seems that I have the right to be vain, compared to my brethren.” He announced, clearly very happy about his personal achievement. “So… do you remember anything? You took quite a fall when you fainted.” He told me.
“How could I not? It was the most important thing to hear in any humans’ life.” I said feeling fatigued. “Tell me what I need to know. You said I didn’t have nearly enough information.” I told him.
“You know, your taking this quite well. You just figured out you were the Protector of the Moon and Sea, you got attacked by a Dark Lord, and have already defeated him, and you’ve met me, a vampire. Has nothing registered in your mind yet or do you have the Power to be calm?” he said, I think trying to be funny.
“Stop trying to change the subject. I want to know.” I demanded.
“Okay, I’ll tell you.” He said quietly. “Around 95 B.C. on the Harvest Moon, the sea had no tides. The protector had died. One of the dark lords had gotten a hold of him. That wolf was the one that killed him. I am surprised you even escaped. I mean you defeated him with water for god's sake!" he chortled to himself.
"You know I didn't kill him. You did that part." I was starting to get frustrated. Why did he keep changing the subject? I sighed, stood up, and walked into my bathroom. I could feel Damian looking after me as I went but I didn’t really care at the moment. I looked in the mirror of my very over-painted restroom and… Ugh, I looked horrible. I could see why my mother was so worried about me. I had bruises all over my face; it wasn’t from the fight but from the falling. I fainted so much in the past few hours that I really wasn’t feeling good, as I figured out when I sat up. My muscles hurt fairly badly and it was painful to even breathe. My bronze hair was a rat nest on top of my head. Oh god, how embarrassing, I thought to myself. My freaky deep violet eyes were slightly red but other than that other junk I felt alright. I walked back into my room grabbing a brush on my way out. I was starting to brush the tumbleweed on my head when he spoke.
“Are you angry with me?” Oh great, he’s putting me on the spot.
“No, I’m just frustrated. You keep changing the subject. I really want to know what my future holds.”
“We will learn your future when the future comes. Right now you just need to r-e-l-a-x.” I could tell he was worried about me. I decided to make a small joke. “Ugh… don’t spell out words, my head hurts too much.” I grinned at him as I brushed out the rat nest on my head, and drifted back to sleep.


The dream started pleasantly enough. I was with all my friends and we were watching a movie in my little house. It was a scary one but we all enjoy being scared. As we watched the film it started to go silent and I couldn’t hear anymore. A buzzing high pitch sound went off in my head. I couldn’t see! I was totally freaked out and everything was going pure black. Suddenly, everything was white, way to bright. I heard Damian shouting my name so loud I thought his vocal chords would rupture. I was shoved into a forest and my heart rate was escalating. He was running towards me at a speed unimaginable by a human. He picked me up before I knew it and whisked me out of the way of a boulder that had been plummeting down the mountain I was apparently on. He looked at me with fear in his eyes just staring. I felt so overjoyed for no reason at all and felt that I could kiss him. I guess he saw it in my eyes because just when I leaned in he looked bewildered and took off again. As he ran, I saw that shiny collar in his hand. What was that thing? I fell to the ground and my eyes flew open. I was awake. Why did Damian run away so quickly after saving me? That dream was just too odd.
I sat up and blinked so I could see the first morning light. I woke up early. I got up looking for Damian but he wasn’t in my room anymore. I should have known that. I walked into the hallway and peeped into the guest bedroom. I let out a little giggle when I saw him half on and half off the guest bed. And was he drooling? I giggled again and thought I would let him sleep. I walked into the kitchen to get my favorite cereal, Cinnamon Toast Crunch. The sweetness of it made me wake up a little. The cold milk poured smoothly down my throat and made me feel a little refreshed. I turned around after finishing and found my father behind me.
“So who is he?” my dad asked.
“He’s just a friend that helped me out when I needed him” I replied. It didn’t seem good enough for me but he was okay with it.
“I like him. He’s a nice guy and you may have him around whenever but his contacts freak me out. Otherwise everything’s fine.” he said. I was surprised but took the opportunity.
“Well thanks dad.” I looked up at him and asked, “Cereal?” I made him a bowl of cereal and left the room to check on Damian. He was awake but looked dazed. His hair was messed up fairly badly and he had dribble going down his cheek. I knew he was drooling!
“Hey. Do you need to eat?” I asked him.
“Yah but I’ll handle it. Do you have woods around here anywhere?" He looked hungry.
“Sure, about three miles from here. Deep Creek Lake has a state park that I think has woods.” He looked relieved now. “Why do you need the woods?”
“Animal blood is slightly less tasteful than human. It doesn’t bother me though.” I had chills when he said that. I still wasn’t used to the whole vampy ordeal.
“I’m sorry.” He looked ashamed of himself again
“Oh its okay, I’m just not used to it yet. Just wait I’ll be fine with it soon.” I soothed. “So are you going to go hunt?”
“Well yes, I am hungry. Hey, what do you think I can catch?” he asked challengingly.
“A squirrel?” I asked
“Bigger.” he said
“A deer?”
“Then what?” I asked a little tired of the game.
“A grizzly bear is what.” I must have looked frightened because he chuckled and said, “Its like playing cat and mouse, except the bear is the mouse.” He smiled with a toothy smile. I saw those two little fangs and noticed he was probably really hungry by now. We both got out of our “slept in” clothes and got into the car to go to the forest for the hunt.


It was a bit of a drive to the park but we made it there in less than two hours, which was record time. That was probably due to the fact that Damian was driving. He looked so huge in my little mini cooper but gas prices were high and I needed to save money. He turned to me and said, “Ready?”
“Yah, I’m ready to see you catch that grizzly bear you promised.” I was joking but he seemed to take it seriously.
“Don’t worry about that. I’m so hungry that I could eat an elephant! I could if I wanted to though, so I’ll stick with the grizzly.” He flashed that smile that seemed to gleam in any light and once again I saw those teeth. It gave me chills but I think I was starting to get used to it. We hopped out of the car and I trotted over to his side. I never really noticed how tall he was before and I felt exceptionally short next to him. I dropped that thought as he started to disappear slowly into the trees. I hurried along to catch up when I heard someone scream “OUCH”. I looked down and felt my eyes grow very large as I looked at a small red fox staring right back at me.
“Why are you going around stepping on my tail, human?” The fox actually spoke! Was I going insane?! “Well? What are you doing here?”
“I was just… I was…” I stuttered because I was actually about to talk to an animal… They are NOT supposed to talk. It mimicked me very rudely and said “I, I, I” and then he froze, his eyes looking glazed over.
That’s when I noticed Damian by my side. “Yum, a snack! Thanks, Serenity!”
“No!!! Wait!” I scooped up the fox just as Damian was about to do the same. The talking animal was struggling to get himself free of my arms, but no way was I letting him go. “Hey, little buddy? What’s your name?” I asked the wriggling creature.


"I'll tell you my name as soon as you get me away from that!" The little fox was talking about Damien. I used to think these animals were cute; turns out they are rude little buggers.

I really don't care about spacing and such...i have it saved on word so its better

User Comments: [2] [add]
Sideshow Attraction
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Oct 08, 2008 @ 02:20am
well i thought it was good....but im you so it doesnt matter MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH domokun

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 06, 2009 @ 10:56pm
you need meatier sentences.
or you need a tone adjustment. something just didnt seem right.
but im not a ood writer anyway sooo yeah. speaking of which i need to post my story.

_Thats Fantastical_
Community Member
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