Donations and Updates for my Dream Avatar, Weekly update
Donations and Updates for my Dream Avatar, Weekly update Donations and Updates for my Dream Avatar, Weekly update Donations and Updates for my Dream Avatar, Weekly update I will post here weekly the kind people who gave me a Donation for my dream avatar, as also for what I used the gold for. Thank you kindly for the help! Please be friendly to them! They deserve it. Update from his sister ( Martina) for him!!! Since my brother and our family had an accident with our family car, he is unable to respond to you all for a while. His left leg got broken in several places but his surgery went fine, his is recovering now. He says thank you for all the well wishes and more so, for the presents at his birthday! That stupid nearly cried, lol. For the next weeks I will look after his account for him, since he has no internet in the hospital he currently is in for training his leg. Our right front car wheel went flying on our weekend trip, it suddenly broke and my mother couldn't react in time, that's why our car went right into the fence. My brother got between the seats with his leg, that's why it broke that way. Don't worry, he is fine now again. We all got hurt but its ok now. Update He comes back on October the 16. Martina
1 : LeSanity; 15000 Gold. And the Eloquent Tunic and shoes for my dream avatar! I thank you again for your kindness. To help out a new person without to know much about them, it shows much of a character of a person! I am very grateful for the help. Again all I can say is Thank you! 2 ; Perky Pirate: A lot of really cool items I can use to get my avatar complete! Thank you Kindly again for the help and the items! 3 ; Berryl: 5 items for my dream avatar! and another fife to my use, thank you soo much, Berryl! In times like this it comes in handy to have you as moms friend, lol Xd! icon_heart.gif 4 ; Silence71: Thank you cuty! For sending me the birds!
Count Silvanas
PS, If one of you people who read this have one or two cans or a boots too many, I would gladly take them, I quest for them too. Thank you
This is my dream avatar ![User Image]( I currently Quest for my avatar. I will post the Donations to me on my Journal. Thank you for each one!