Jenny walked by. The two boys watched her pass. She grined at them as she passed. Her perfect white teeth blinding them. Len could help but to watch after her. Her perfect red hair swishing behind her.
"Oh, If she were a goddess, she'd be the goddess of beauty. Did i say thus aloud." Len spoke sith out thinking and felt his tanned cheeks grow hot.
"NO WAY! You like Jenny Johnsen? Oh wow, that just sad. I am so telling every one of your jock friends." Len's best friend Jacob said, grinning evily.
"You wouldn't dare." len answered, glaring.
Jenny couldn't help but listen. She loved humans. They made her laugh. But Lens friend Jacob... he made her ill. So, she would force him into a depression so deep and thick, he shall never return. well, unless he can survive being ran-over by a train. Or maybe he'll slit his wrists to the bone. Well, no matter what she choose, he wouldn't survive, not with a goddess controling his fate. She smiled and recited an old spell under her breath. Jacob felt an unnatural sorrow come over him.
"God. I think I am.... going to go.... home.... and cry. Could by my friend." Jacob said, walking away from Len. Jenny waited for him to vanish down the hall. Len shrugged and leaned against his locker. Jenny checked her hair and went up to him. Well, it wasn't one of the seven tabboos to fall for such an attractive mortal.
"Hi Len." She said. he jumped, and turned.
"Oh, ello Jenny." His tanned skin grew bright red.
"Um, well, I have tickets to a consort next week... And, I was wonderin, you wanna go with me?