And not only that, but Emmett seems like a total jerk in the movie too. In one of the previews he's all, "Forget about her Edward. She's not one of us." I thought Emmet was some lovable, yet scary teddy-bear that Bella adored?
And James seems kinda more seductive then he is dangerous. Sure, vampires are supposed to be handomse and beautful in this movie, but they also have to make them sexy too? Well, I guess that's not a bad thing. It's more eye-candy for me. Anyways, it just seems like a lot of the characters in the upcoming Twilight movie are OOC. But that's just my opinion.
I am a proud YAOI fan! Haters? I laff at'chu!

WalterxHenry YUS! heart

WalterxHenry YUS! heart