I think that this pic has to be the best one of its kind that I've drawn yet. I think I could do a lot better on the wings...but give me a break...its been well over a year since I drew the last ones
But It's soo good! You're such a great artist John! You even shaded it and stuff. I love it, It's sooo awesome!
That reminds me I drew one kind of like that.... Only it wasn't a heart it was a Peace Sign. XD And I drew flowers inside it. But It had the same type of wings though. :]
The Devils Musician Community Member
Wed Oct 22, 2008 @ 04:43am
i love hearts with wings they are my fave heart better wings then what i can draw razz
tweetys_babe Community Member
Sat Jan 10, 2009 @ 07:15am
I love that picture, I have it framed and up on my bedroom wall. heart