I think my own avatar is the easiest to draw, so I draw it a lot. I am such a pixel narcissist. XD
Kill L0cke
 I love orange. So orange outfit! I liked it, so I sketched it. The end! Right, so anyway my first attempt at drawing my Gaian avie, it's almost four years old now.
 I loooved those DragonGowns when they were released, so I thought that maybe if I did some art with my avie in one it'd motivate me to actually save enough gold to get one. Who woulda thought it'd actually work?!
d00m chibi!
 Too much CLAMP art + Gaia = teh kawaii chibi of d00m! I drew it last May (of '05), and it's my first try at animating anything I've drawn. It still 'walks' a little awkwardly, but it's sooo cute moving. ;3
Not Quite
 Finally the completely finished full-size version. Five am inspiration gone overboard after the guitars were released last May. XD;;;
: Ninja! :
 I'm not sure if it's good enough for up top here, but I did work on it for hours and like how it came out. I took a pic of it with my digicam so now it looks MUCH more like the IRL version which I love, even if the lines for those pants turned out seriously funky. ^^
 Oekaki fun inspired by the ZONY Discman Steph was insanely nice enough to just give me out of the blue as a surprise gift!!! Now even cleaned up lineart-wise in Deleter! Man, I just love the pose for this - like she's really jamin' out to the music! ^.^
Happy Anniversary ^.^
 For Gaia's 3rd Anniversary. I was gonna do some avie art of the admins or something, but I just loved how my 'gaia spirit' outfit for Gaia Spirit Week turned out so I ended up doodling that instead. ^^;
 Made it linkable now so you can see the waaaay larger full and finished version on my DevArt page if you want. ^_^ Another 'quick oekaki' I started after dressing up my avi with various Angelic/Solar items. I liked the tffect so much I had to draw it, and I love the way it came out looking so soft and painted!
 More 'I started oekakiing and can't stop!' art. I'm like addicted to that oekaki board lately! Just something small and cute/obnoxious to amuse myself. XD
Paint It
 Needed some new art to go with my avie's new super-short hairstyle! I figured it should be something less cute and airy than usual; so I went with quick, sharp lines and hard-edged coloring to bring out a bad-a** paintin' ninja. ^.^
 It somehow seems to be a cross between my avie and one of my mules, but I guess that means I can use it as a sig in either - bonus! This one's also linked to my DA account if anyone wants to see the full-size version I'm using as an ID. Ahh, just chilling out and drinking pop = life is gooood. ^_^
Art Shop!
 Another one of my hair-brained schemes - but getting sick and my summering running away on me kinda killed it. Ah well, least I got another chibi outta it!
Sig Headshot
 I wasn't in the mood to color and I hate going to the trouble of fixing black lineart beforehand anyway, so I kinda combined it and came up with something I do like! Just kinda a fun experiment messing with more sig art, but I think I'll hafta repeat it! ;3
Barbie Gurl? 0_o;
 Got tired of the old sig pic so I doodled this one up to replace it one night. Problem is once I got done I realized that this keeps making me think it was Barbie doll inspired rather than Gaia avatar. >_<;
Gaian Spaz
 My avie in its little house watching Gaia News 9 while some random part of Gaia is blown up/crushed/attacked by the undead/crashed into/etc. You know, the usual. XD
 More impromptu 'Finals are Impending! D=' art! Just started sketching up my holiday outfit and next thing I know it's some odd hour of the morning and this sits before me! Unusually enough I only used a couple layers on it, but it's kinda nice to just blend and let stuff flow once in a while.
Spastic Chibi
 This little avie bed time outfit was so damn cute I had to chibify it! I'm starting to notice for thicker-lined chibis like this and the little razzing head one it's easier if I start doodling in an Oekaki board first, then finish the lines and coloring up in my Open Canvas knockoff program.
 One of the few pictures I can't seem to find a name for, meh. Anyway my latest greatest fave work, started as yet another 'quick' oekaki (no such thing!) for some Paint BBS practice with my fave outfit at the time.
Pretty in Pink
 Latest desperately needed avi art, since my last one's over a year old. This is one of my project's I'm happiest with, even if I never did finish inking that collar or shading the hair. Also: pink swirly sugar hair is awesome fun to draw.
Gaian Halloween
 All of Gaia goes to hell this Halloween and we can't even watch Gambino's mansion go boom? Did it even go boom? Tradition shall not fail me twice! If you want a good old fashioned mansion-'splosion, guess you gotta do it yourself . . . >3
NeoSolar · Sun Sep 07, 2008 @ 08:24am · 0 Comments |