So I totally forgot that I actually, finally, saw some good movies recently. Well it's not recent anymore because this was about 4 weeks ago. One was Sweeny Todd and I'm not the musical-movie-thing type. It was really funny to top off that gore "...smells like piss." "Smells like?....WHOAH!"
Quills (a Kate Winslet movie it's kinda old & nothing short of a porno with taste) and....I forgot some of the other ones.... Oh Brokeback Mountain was touching, but I don't see the reason for the hype it wasn't epic. I did like the buttsex however lmao!
Wedding Crashers wasn't that great either because I don't find using women for sex or lying funny.
Hideous Kinky (another Winslet movie) was probably very deep and thoughtful, but I couldn't catch on if it was.
The Virgin Suicides, also older, was good because it spoke the truth loud & clear. Obsessive, overprotective parents like theirs usually drive teens to commit suicide or if they don't, they become completely out of control when they finally get away from them. Usually ending in some type of tragedy because their wild behavior leads them down that path.
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Because I couldn't think of a title for journal #3
Undescribable, because, yeah it's my 3rd one on Gaia O_o
Again f#@$ photobucket, now i have to fix this section. Added to "to-do" list.