Hun, I've seen those vids before and you gotta understand the depth of Peta... they're radicals. Yes, it's nice that they do wanna help the animals but those videos are nil. Some farms do abuse the animals, but not all of them. And if you seen the one with the chickens, trust me, they don't feel pain. Chickens don't have many pain receptors. Let’s put it this way, if you cut off a chicken’s wing, it would feel like a p***k on the finger to them.
Peta tries to scare you into supporting all this. Like I said, it's nice that they're trying, but they're to extreme. Do you realize what Peta actually wants? Do you have any pets? Well, yes or no, they wanna take pets away. They don't think people should be allowed to have pets. They don't think the police force should be allowed to have drug dogs and they don't think that blind people should be allowed to have seeing-eye dogs. Well here’s something for Peta: It’s a proven fact that house-pets, usually cats, bring down blood pressure when you pet them. That’s why most nursing homes have a resident cat. It’s a proven fact that more drugs are found in drug busts when they use drug dogs. And it’s just pathetic to take a dog away from a blind person. That’s downright horrible.
Anyway... I admit, some of the animal labs they break into are sort of for a good cause. Like that cosmetic crap, but many others they break into and destroy are labs that are testing cures for cancer and many other diseases!
They want to set ALL animals free... that means the ones in the shelters too. I understand they don't want to let those cute puppies and kittens be put under... but some of the ones that are waiting to be put under are supposed to be due for termination because they're too aggressive or have rabies! What about the little animals? The domestic animals? They would have no chance out there? Those little toy animals would get mauled in an instant. We already have an animal population problem... why turn it into a catastrophe?
I already have two cats that I can’t even let out my front door because my neighbor has a pit-bull. Why in the world would I want to let my cats go out into the world knowing that Peta has set free all the other pit-bulls and bigger more aggressive dogs that just might have rabies?
Also, one of the higher-ups of Peta... like the vice-pres or something... she's a walking hypocrite. I can't remember her name... but she has diabetes and uses insulin, insulin that was ANIMAL TESTED! She said something about needing her life to fight for the animals because they can't fight for themselves... but if she really loved the animals like she says she does, should wouldn't use animal tested supplies to keep herself alive. She'd die with dignity instead of living in a false reality.
One last thing... A couple years back Peta purchased a huge meat freezer, about 10 x 10, maybe larger. Now, there are only two uses for a freezer that size: to freeze human cadavers... or to store large quantities of meat. So, either Peta is killing humans to save the animals... or they're putting the animals down themselves in a way that they think is more humane, which surprisingly, is against everything they stand for.
Truthfully, I’m not trying to change your mind. If you wanna support Peta, then more power to you. I just don’t want you to be ignorant of what’s really going on. I know you probably think I’m ignorant for writing this, or ignorant of what Peta’s true cause is. I know what Peta’s true cause is and I support the cause, just not the way they do it.
Don’t only read into what’s on the surface, dig deeper and find the truth, because it’s usually buried.
Thank you for your time.
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