today during school there ws a tornado warning so we had to go huddle up by the lockers in the halls Xd what i as woried about was my school sinking not the tornado XD yes sinking were on a sink hole i believe that the school is structered strong enought but i do beleive it would sink before it ever got hit by a tornado XD but yea lol sweatdrop my opinion only but it counts 3nodding i have the most randomest crazy freinds whom i hang out whith at school but i loves them 4laugh especially my short evil chibi (amber) whee and my little freshman buddies ( i always have freshman freinds 4laugh ) i get them every year 3nodding alex and tre are my newest recruits to being f/b (freshman buddies) alex is pretty coool tre to he so small and cute he way shorter than i , tre is lol slex he funny we like some alot of the same stuff mathew is in 9th also i knew him since he was little he used to ride the same bus as i did im in the book club 3nodding im also going yo be n fccla whee yep yep yep omg my life is so crazy crying sometimes i don't ko what to do and i get really stressed out but i get over it just as quick as i get frustrated unless its something really stupid that happens like ... i dare not to give examples cause its to crazy ill just give two names to why i should be fustrated bridget and dillin XD youdd have o kow them to understand but yea i stll love them as stupid crazy as they are lol