and bite so i grabed her collar and pulled he into her cage her head and 2 legs could get in so i ran into the house and locked my self in the colest but i forgot ot lock the door so she deos get in but she got in and messed up the house was at the door i tiped teo out but step on his chew toy and he woke up and growed again at me some i ran in my room wear my husban was and told him to get ride of his dog so every time we move he tried to corner us and but ours leg so i thought dogs like and chew toys so i threw a bonee and he got closer then he jumped on my husban i had to think fast so i ran down stairs and got bat and hit my husband on the face by mistake he told me to give him the bat but i said no and i kicked the dogs and hit him with the bat in the back then he fell off and my husband said he was noted out for a wile so we wet to the pet store and got a cage for the dog and he got me a new dog we locked him up and gave him to the animalshelter and i named my new dog james i got him the biggest dog house in the pet store and put carpet in it and wall tile on it and put dpg stuff in it and a ccouch,a chair and a big bed just in case he gets a gf annd a cribe if they hsve children smilebiggrinblaugh