
People call me Heav' and Sis
I’m simply a cousin on mother's side in this family.
I was born on July 4 which means I’m 15 years old.
Dear Diary
I am back! Finally the humidity was killing me. I been In Yokohama Japan with Opa. I never notice what an aweful year this been for Opa till now. Within the last week Mr. Yamamoto passed away.
Now let me intro myself. I am Oasis Sky Taylor. I live with my Opa, Alex Doger Taylor . He raise me and SPOILED ME ROTTEN! *ahem* My mother died when I was three and well the sperm donor (never will call him dad or father) is on death row. He deserves it. I help my Opa with the No-kill dog kennel, and the accounting firm that Opa started. I get hands on training and a job.
I am witty. I love to read up on odd things. I will be two-faced when bitter. I brag when I get new stuff. You know the kid who ask a thousand question? We'll I am one of them. I am inquisitive. I have an A-type personality, so being on time, everything going as planned, having everything orderly is a must. oh did I mention I am Spoiled Rotten?
My pets!Ruri, Bruce (dog) and sundance (cat) Hypnos, Eros, & Euphrosyne and many more till we get them adopted out.
I like Dance music
dresses like this to this
Medical and Discovery Channel
Glass Figurines
Cats and Dog because they are cute and cuddly
Chocolate Chip Mint Ice cream
being Spoiled
I love my Opa and Extended family
I dislike Sight of blood
being sick
Many cologne and perfumes
People who say they are for women rights then turn around saying we shouldn't help the women in 3rd world countries.
Not havng things my way
Horror flim
People not atoning for their crimes
crimes in general
I abhor the sperm donor!
Don't tell, but… As of now the doctors say I will never be able to have children of my own. I am steril. Opa still has no idea.
You should also know that I go to a all girls charter school. We have to wear this.
I live here. This here's my room.
Without the mask, I’m PantheaMarlon