(Long to return home to the fish,
to the deep blue waters of hevean)
I want to go home! I miss my home! I've been trapped in a human body for the past three weeks and I still haven't gotten my true form back! And I don't think I can take being a human for another day, more or less another second!
I trip on these wreched things people call legs, every two seconds! I can't walk like a normal human being! I'm just not cut out for human life! I'm a mermaid, not a human. I don't need legs. All I need to get around is swim using my fin, or tail, whatever you want to call it. I long to return home to the fish, to the deep blue waters of hevean, my satuary, to my tresure trove.
My friend Plump Skater is still helping learn how to walk on these things. Though I still don't, and probably will never understand how, or why they put up with these things. He's doing everything he can to help me be a normal human until I can get my true form back. I owe him so much.
And when I think about it, my current boyfriend is a total jack a** compared to Plump Skater. Plumpy is the complete opposet or Andrew. Plumpy complements me on my appearance all the time. Andrew doesn't. Plumpy can always make me laugh, and make me forget why I was mad, or upset in the first place. Andrew on the other hand just makes things worse.
Truthfully part of me still want's to be with Andrew, but another part of me doesn't want anything to do with his sorry a**. And the more time I spend with him. The more time I spend talking to Plumpy. . . I find myself falling in love with him. But with Andrew the more time I spend, and spend talking to him I just get more pissed off.
I think I've just fallen in love heart with Plumpy naturally. Andrew and me, I think we only started dating because everyone said we looked cute together. Not because we were in love heart with each other.
With Plumpy it was the opposet! Plumpy, unlike Andrew, makes me feel good about who I am. Makes me feel better all the time. He doesn't annoy me. And he cares about me, unlike Andrew, who cares more about he's god damn, mother ******** Wii, to care about me. Plumpy knows how to charm a girl, treat, and make a girl happy.
I even wonder if he feels the same for me as he always flirts with me. He always says he loves me. He always calls me cutie pie, and so much more. I'm never in a bad mood if Plumpy's talking, or with me. We may live in two different states, which are both all the way across the United States from one another, but it feels like were always right there next to each other. As if were never apart. Almost as if we've known each other for our whole lives. heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
I'll admit it. I do believe I've fallen madly in love with Plumpy. He is the one after all who's helped me out a lot sense I became human. Oh Plumpy. My heart starts racing at the thought of his name. heart heart heart heart heart heart redface redface redface heart heart