Working sucks butt. But!! I intend to work at a bank soon. Least there my cuteness will not go to waste. Not like that really matters right now though.
I have 1500 in my savings account and some hundreds in my checking account at the moment. I need a couple thousands for a trip I've been planning. Also....I need an ipod shuffle thingy. Evee needs her musica. So until I have ALL I want I shall continue work at meh suckie work place then come home extremely tired to long as my open canvas trial doesn't expire XD. Maybe I'll purchase photoshop 7.0 too some time soon. I am really getting better at drawing sketching on the compie...just can't color to save my life . *chuckles* Oh well. this has been my case since early childhood. I can draw but not color. just too hard for me for some reason.
Anywho, my hair!!! I chopped it some more do to boredom and not liking how it felt ^ ^;;; SO I cut it on my own. Buahahah(I'll get a picture up soon. huzzah) . I'll be a famous/crazy hair stylist in teh near future. then I'll move to Canada with a few friends and eat yummy food and stuff. Yay =D
Well this crazy Evee is done rambling. *looks foward to her surgery* Woot woot! Raise the roof baby! D:<
~A!ko Sagara
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=(^ ^)= =(0 0)= =(-.-)=; =(@ @)= =(X_X)= ^.^v yatta!
Aiko Tori Evee Himeno Sagara AKA Hatred Kitten
Aiko Tori Evee Himeno Sagara AKA Hatred Kitten