Hey! I'm bored so here are some of my old drawings, ranging from about 3 years ago to about 1 month ago. Have fun!

The oldest. I drew this in I think 5th grade while I was trying out different styles of drawing.

A bunch of random stuff that Michi, Hannah and I drew during art class in 6th grade ^_^

*sigh* Back when I went through my Edward phase xd

These didn't scan too well but the thing on the right is supposed to be Full Moon o Sagashite's Mitsuki, and the thing on the bottom left I drew from bottom to top. Can you tell?

Drew this around Christmas time maybe a year or two ago

I'm so mean to Sasuke :]

The girl is an old rpc of mine ^_^

Aaaand the most recent one, a dancing person. There was a background to this one but it didn't show up in the scan =3=
That's it for now, but check back later and I might put more up. Please leave a comment! Thank you!

The oldest. I drew this in I think 5th grade while I was trying out different styles of drawing.

A bunch of random stuff that Michi, Hannah and I drew during art class in 6th grade ^_^

*sigh* Back when I went through my Edward phase xd

These didn't scan too well but the thing on the right is supposed to be Full Moon o Sagashite's Mitsuki, and the thing on the bottom left I drew from bottom to top. Can you tell?

Drew this around Christmas time maybe a year or two ago

I'm so mean to Sasuke :]

The girl is an old rpc of mine ^_^

Aaaand the most recent one, a dancing person. There was a background to this one but it didn't show up in the scan =3=
That's it for now, but check back later and I might put more up. Please leave a comment! Thank you!