
I really like to think your the only one for me
I like it
And i'm sure of it
You gave me confidence
And amde me think the most of myself i ever have
But teh truth is
No matter what i say
If i lost you
That all would fall out from under me
And i don't know if i could ever be happy with myself again
luckily i know you'll never leave me
Whenever i see your sister i try not to glare at her
but someitems when no ones looking i do
Because i wish she'd never done that to you
or at least that i would ahve been there for you

You were one of the best things to happen to me
And the best lesson i've learned
But most of the important people in my life dont know anything about you
Or about anything i had done
except that you were that boy from oregon with puppy dog eyes
I think i figured out that you liek Leafy a long time before
But i liked denial better....
Becasue iw as proving them all wrong about us
All i did was prove them right
and never told them they were

I see you everyday at school now
yet i still can't summon up teh courage to speak with you
My heart still pounds and my stomach still flips
even if i have no feelings for you
I think if told you how i felt back then it would stop
But without the rest of our old gang
You don't think i'm anything
And i still wish it were the same as it was 3 years ago
I cried so much the day you left that i was sick for 2 days the next week
Everyone thought it was a cold
But i just didnt have the initiative to get up and go to schoolwithout you there
My Chemical Romance

They will always be my favorite band
And i will always think of them before anything else when i hear about 9/11
They helped me through teh rougehst time in my life
Even if it wasnt that bad
And i still find comfort in listening to them
Even the black parade

The fact is i'm still sour about everything
I feel like you stole half my freshmen year
And i still feel less pretty when i'ma round you
And no matter how much i'ms ure he'lls tay wiht me forever
When you come around i'm always sure he looks at you more
And it makes me hate you a little inside
But i sometimes wish we could hang out like we used to
And drool over anime characters
I still like Ed, Rituska, Sasuke Kyo, Shigure, Dark, and watch anime all the time
But when i read or watch fruits basket i feel horrible
i'm thinking of sellling thsoe books...

You will always be my sister
No matter what you do
And no matter how long you go without staying over
Please dump that a*****e
My friends

If it weren't for you guys
I don't know if i'd be alive
Even though were not as inivncible as we were
I still think we're the coolest kids at our school
And i feel stonger when i'm with you
Even Gavin
Sorry Gavin
The rest of you

I like living as a fool
I don't think that will ever change
I'm ok with that