This is The DeviSama... just passing though...
no I'm not putting up any hidden cameras in Revs profile...
Don't be silly... er...
*wiggles away after lovering up Revs Profile*
HO's**t SON.
Nova tiem nao? Of course.
Coz Rev said I could. >:3
BAM! Restraining order.
He's Jared-Freakin'-Leto. He can do what he wants.
Wanna split a pineapple?
Blah blah babies! XD
-thinking very dirty thoughts-
AGOS - It's contagious. You got it from me? Or did I get it from you?
Can't remember.
********' rockstar. 8D
I love you. <3
You caught a Novamon!
xo- Novamon
* ninja s his way in* Hai hai Des here @~@.....I'm in Rev's body right now =ooooo.....hmm....things to say...oh I know! Rev's smart, cute, and kind ^_^ and all in all better the you =o xDDDD
Silent Hyphen Iridium here, laying siege to his Kiwi's profile. ;3
As anyone knows who talks to her, (mention ambulances to her and she'll go insane. It's hilarious. >3) my kiwi is a very kind, loving, generous, and foxy lady.
...Even if she's unwilling to admit to such facts herself. XD
She is a dynamite lady who's well worth talking to...
...But I'm afraid hitting on her won't do any good, as long as I'm around. ;3
*nuzzles her up himself* ~<3
Iridium AWAY!
*dashes off*