AIM !!--

T H E N A M E I S A L I C I A .
prounounced : uh-Lee-Sha. !
prounounced : uh-Lee-Sha. !

--•Dream && Believe ! <3
" If only you could open your eyes, and see that nothing is perfect for me. I struggle trying to stand out in the crowd, trying to find what's best for me. It's no walk in the park; it really isn't. But still.. I manage to live my life as if nothing was holding me back. This Is Me ! "--[♥]Alicia
• Take the time to get to know the real me. It's not easy to gain my trust, but once you've earned it, i promise i won't let you down. I'll keep laughs on your face, && turn that frown upside down. Everyone deserves a good friend, Don't you think?