i see you again the weapon that deseaves me, yet i cannot look away with scarlet blood killing me and leaving scars to show my deseption i leave you now looking at the blood falling down into the sink killing me dreams washing them away with only pain i look at my arms the scarlet dripping down onto my skin and leaving dried reminisses and scars to show for my accusations i leave the bitterness in my world sorrounded by drugs and alchohol yet i do not touch i drown my sorrows with scarlet red falling into the drain of the sink looking at the mirror hoping it will soon go away.
worst day of my life
Okay, today i was in such a good mood....had my ovaltein and poptarts and my cup of coffee, then was chatting it up my my Lover....anyway....i got a call from my Boss Romona and she said there was an emergancy at the barn <A.K.A Animal Shelter> so i made a speedy trip there to find that a 6Month old puppy had been stapped on its hind legs 5 times.....i got there and Romona told me to put pressure on the wounds so she could use a tournaquit....well maybe two minutes in the process the Puppy died from loss of blood.....he died in my hands.....now im so depressed...