okay, this one's not quite as random as the other night, this one was more of a freaky dream. okay, so...here's how it goes
i was at the park with shelly and we were on the swings. it was about near sunset. the park was pretty normal looking, but the trail was messed up, it went around the park in a circle, and then the forest was past that. you know, instead of the trail running THROUGH the forest. yeah. i dont know how to describe this, but anyhow everything was fairly normal. well, one of the benches was moved too, and there was a guy sitting on it. so thats the layout right there. so me and shelly were talking and swinging and stuff, mindless chatter like we usually have of course. then it started getting dark, but we kept swinging. after awhile it got very very dark, the sun had set and it was very quiet, the only sound was the swings squeaking. we had stopped talking and were just kind of sitting there. eventually one of us spoke up and said that we should probably start heading home. so i got up from my swing and we walked forward, and there was this old lady there. not terribly old, just kind of old, maybe about fifties. she said something about us to be careful on our way home, since it was so dark. and then the man who was sitting on the bench got up and stood next to the woman. i tried to see his face, to see who he was, but it was SO dark you couldnt see anything. it was pretty freaky. so me and shelly started walking toward the trail, and then i heard shelly say "what was that?" and she's all freaking out, so i look over at the trail, and there's this white glimmer, i couldnt tell what it was at first, but it was VERY bright considering how dark it was outside. then i noticed that it was a little girl. she was about seven years old and she had braids and she carried a basket, she was skipping down the trail and singing softly. but the thing was, she was just glowing and you could just tell that it was a ghost. so me and shelly are kind of freaking out and we start running up to pass the trail (i'm guessing that in this strange universe my house was somewhere beyond the forest) but then we see another figure, and its a woman, about late twenties and she's crying loudly. she was glowing too, but they were almost like...like flames on a candle, they would flicker like that. she was stumbling down the path and crying so loud. shelly said that lets just pretend its someone we know and maybe it will go away. i dont know where this logic came from but i agreed to it, desperate for anything to get these people to go away, so shelly calls too the ghost and she's like "hey emma, we gotta go, its kinda late so we're going home" and i'm like "yeah, see you tomorrow" and we start running as fast as we can to get past the trail,( i dont think they were able to get off the trail, so once we get past it we were clear) so we're only a few feet from the trail and right when we get onto it and i'm taking the step that will take me past it, i feel something tugging on my shirt and i turn around and its the crying woman and she's screaming at me yelling "my baby, give her back to me!!" and i freak out and stuff and her hands are stretching out towards shelly, so i grab her arm and pull her up the hill to the forest, and then i woke up. aaaah freaky, yeah. it was really weird though, because when i woke up i wasnt terrified at all, i was just trying to remember everything. normally i forget my dreams really quickly, i dont know why i wanted to remember this one, but i did. well, thats about it i guess. you know, the weather's really weird today. i heard only one roll of thunder and that was about half an hour ago. and now there's nothing. i love the rain so much. i hope it rains. but i dont also, because now i want to go to the park. woah, there's another roll of thunder. how odd. its like premonitions. *twilight zone music* okay, well, i'm going to go now. toodles
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Don't you just hate when someone says, "I <3 you."?
I mean seriously, all they're saying is "I less than 3 you."
Woot. Someone less than 3's you. Celebrate, why don't ya.
I mean seriously, all they're saying is "I less than 3 you."
Woot. Someone less than 3's you. Celebrate, why don't ya.
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