My aunt shelly passed away on june 31 of this year when I found out she died I went stright into my depression mode were I hardly talk and I talk alot I got sick 3 hours after i found out she died I don't know why i got sick i just did. me and my aunt shelly had a few things in common well two that i know of right know we both loved make up and we both wrote poetry. my aut shellt was in her thirtys and she passed away with two kids named kenndale she is 5 and a little baby boy named taylor he is 2 and a half she even passed away with a husband named chuk my little brother calls hiom uncle truck cause he could not pronouce his name right when he was a baby when he said chuck it sounded like truck. I will alwaays miss my aunt shell and I am getting a tattoo in memory of her, my best friend anda my sister on my back it will be of their fav flowers and angle wings will be on the left and right side of the flowrs I will never for get my aunt shelly I will always remember her as a women who loved her kids,nisces,and nathews and i will rember her founldy because she got me my forst jewrly box and my first makeup set.