It happened again today. I was walking home from school when I saw a man cutting down a tree. As I watched him cut through the tree's bark, cries for help filled my ears. It hurts to hear them scream. I can almost feel their pain. I covered my ears to drown out the sound but nothing helped. I ended up falling to my knees in front of my friends, crying for the screams to stop. My friends kneel down beside me to see if I was alright. The man cutting the tree stopped chopping to see what was wrong. "Young lady! Are you alright?" he called out rushing over to the gate. The cries for helped dimmed and soon stopped. I finally pushed myself off the ground and smiled sweetly. I hate lying to my friends about my abilities but it's hard. I looked at the man at the gate and nodded. "I'm fine sir. I just got a little dizzy." A small giggle slipped out from between my lips that made me seem like part of the popular clique. My friends; Maddie, Stacy, Krissy, and Jenny; looked at me and broke out laughing as we continued on our way home. "What was that Angel? You sounded like a pop!" Stacy yelled, lightly slapping my back. Stacy has the loudest voice. She can sing too. I love listening to her sing lullabies to her baby sister. I only shrugged her away and looked at her. "It wasn't my fault," I protested. "It just slipped out to make him believe I was fine." I smiled then ran in front of them. "I'll see you guys tomorrow at school!" I yelled at them as I turned into my drive-way waving. Well that's how it was. My power to hear and feel what plants feel and think acted up again. Why do I have this ability anyway? My parents don't. Do they? Whatever. I'll find out sooner or later. Hopefully sooner though.
January 2, 1993
School is boring. I'm in the middle of math and I can't follow at all. I'm too freaked out that people are doing constructing outside. What will happen if they hurt the plants and I start to hear their screams? I will start crying again! Oh no. The teacher is walking this way. I need to quickly write down the math formula.
ax2 + bx + c = 0,
Alright. Back to my problem. I'm starting to hear the grass asking the people to stop hurting them. It's soft now but I know it will get louder when the men start working on the trees. I feel sick. Ahh! The screams in my head! Their back. The men are cutting down the trees now and their cries for help echo through my head. Someone save me! That's it. I'm asking to go to the nurse.
January 3, 1993
My head still hurts from yesterday. I can still hear the screams ringing through my ears. When I asked to leave class for the nurses office Maddie and Jenny jumped up out of their seats concerned. I smiled at them and put up an OK sign even though I wasn't OK. When I got home I threw up beside the small house. I should really see a doctor about my abilities. But first; I'm gonna tell Maddie, Jenny, Stacy, and Krissy about my powers. They're coming over today to check on me, making sure I'm not seriously sick. It makes me ecstatic to now that they are all worried about me. I love my friends. I hope they take the news well. I've never told anyone about me being able to hear plants thoughts and feelings. Not even my mom and dad. Oops. Here they come. More tomorrow and how they took the news.
January 4, 1993
Well, I told them. They freaked out! They even laughed in my face. Then I had to explain that the reason I fell down on my knees three days ago. They calmed down a bit after that but I guess they need time to let it all in. Right now I'm in line to get my picture taken then we get to take them home at the end of the day. I chose a good day to dress normally that projects my inner character. Whatever. I'm gonna continue writing and paste my picture in here. There is no way she was letting her parents see her picture. I can see Maddie, Stacy, Jenny, an Krissy whispering to each other and looking at me. Why don't they come talk to me? I bet they think I'm crazy. They probably think I'm only imagining it. My turn for the picture!
Alright I'm back and have my picture. It look really weird but I like it. Here it is:

I can't believe this. I actually look cute. And it really fits me. Well we're leave the class room for recess so I'll write back tomorrow. Bye bye!
January 5, 1993
My friends haven't talked to me yet! Are they mad at me? Do they think I'm playing a joke on them? I'll go talk to them.
They really do think I'm a joke. They told me that they haven't talked to me because they were unsure whether or not I was joking and they were testing me. they said that if I came to talk to them that meant I was joking; if I didn't that meant I was telling the truth. Boy did I blow it. The construction is still going on outside and the screams and cries are louder than ever. I'm burying my head into my arms to drown out the sound. I think the teacher is standing at my desk too. "Angel. Angel. Angel!" she's saying. I feel dizzy. Goodni..........................
January 6, 1993
I'm at home? When did I get here? I think I passed out in class. I'll go see if there's someone home. It's a bit quiet. What the?! My friend are here. Jenny, Maddie, Krissy, Stacy. Uh Oh. They're staring at me. Jenny stood up from her place on the couch and ran over to me to hug. She's saying that she and the others believe me now after the incident yesterday at school. Like I care. If they truly believe me then they don't show it that well. They're liars. I'm going to bed. My head still hurts.