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View User's Journal

Rawr and stuff
my personal view on stuff and i give a f*** if you like them or not
just another story i rped with a friend actually still am
in a rather dark cold stone corridor a girl with black long hair scrubbed the warn floor with a rag. her dress was raggedy and riped in a few places. only one small pocket at her side held a folded old photograph of the HigherUps. she was about done with her hard work for the day when one of the lords took the corridor she was in to head to Sir Freourdors office room. "doing good Cassy, you are always a hard worker here. Wonder why you don't get a raise...'' he walked right by her with out stopping, cape flying behind him.
she smiled knowing that was as much praise as shell ever get.

Zar sat at a table listening to his dad rant about how he was going to attack a village of another country when he heard his dad say even the children and animals weren't to be spared at that Zar got up and left not listening to his dad telling him to come back
killing children and animals just cause the other country owns them i will not be a part of that

finishing up the little bit Cassandra had, she carried her bucket to poor it out the window before heading down to a smaller hallway lit faintly with torches. behind a tall statue of an eagle she pushed slightly on one of the stones opening up a small room where her bed was. only a small glassless window gave her light

Zar ran he didn't care where he just ran out of his dads castle out of the city his dads big dark city to a small suburb he got a ride and told them to go to Azereth a city close to the capital of the country his father was going to attack

Cassy took her dress off and decided to take a nap before heading out to get some good cheese and bread with the coins shes saved up in a small box by a bed made of old blankets. there was no frame because the room was to small and oddly shaped to hold one.

Zar walked into an inn to get food and bed he was tired from all the running he had done he walked into his room and fell asleep

Cassy accidentally fell into a deep slumber and didn't get up until the sun shown on her face. she yawned stretching her arms and slipped on one of her nicer looking dresses

Zar woke up around midday and goes out to buy a new set of clothing so he would fit into the clothing style of this kingdom he changed and then walked to the castle walking the dark corridor he found some one to ask where the thrown room is

she grabbed her bucket and started to head toward the center garden to get some water from the fountain. the bucket was heavy as she made her way down the same corridor zar was in to clean the main hall.

he walked up to the maid "excuse me mam can you direct me to the throne room"

Cassandra turned around recognizing him in an instant. "z...zar?"

"um yes that is me how do you know me" looking kinda scared

she fidgeted. ''i...saw a photo... why are you here?!"

"well okay and i am here to tell the king that my dad is planning an attack on your kingdom not leaving anything alive" he said looking at her hoping she would understand that this was major

she looked behind him. "you came alone? do you know anything about my country?!? if they know your the kings son they will throw you in the dungeon and hold a ransom well trying to make you speak of all there secrets...."

" oh i guess i wasn't thinking i guess ill have to leave and find some where to stay" he said about to turn and leave

she fidgeted again. "if you want to send the message to the king... i can help you there..."

"and what do i owe you in return" he said expecting a major price

"n... nothing. and i have a room you can borrow too... that is if you want to sneak around the place a lot...''

" i need a place to stay and a way around here would be a good idea so wheres your room" he said looking at her like he knew her

"ill show you, its behind the eagle." she hid her bucket behind a large suit of armor before pulling zar by the arm happily to her chamber.

"behind the eagle?" he said walking so she didn't have to fully pull him "so do this people actually respect you?"

"no... not realy... but i have access to all the rooms and i have a plan!"

"thats to bad you seem really smart so whats your plan' he said thinking about something completely different

she shook her head "i neva went ta teachings.im not that smart. and i think if we can make a letter i can place it on one of the lords desks and they can tell the king if its written well. don't you think that will work?

"really thats weird you seem really smart and ill write the letter" he said guessing she wasn't able to write it herself

"i can read... i have access to the library... and we should make it a letter from someone who doesnt exsist like from.... eothan, son of grorthan. oh and we should put some small information thats true and have the king investigate and trust *eothan* and have it like a chain of letters!"

" Are you implying that i am lying to you" he said getting mad over the thought that she might suspect him of help his father

"no. im just saying that we should have the castle believe the letters is all"

"and why wouldnt they believe the letter" he said figuring that she mentine his origin

because there narow minded and wont take new info tha' easily" she said pushing the right stone in the wall to open her bedroom.

"okay and your room is hidden" he said almost laughing at that "sorry its just my dad is cruel and horrid and he never did that"

"realy? theres a hole lot of diferent corridors that lead no where in this castle. and not to mention empty rooms. to bad i have to clean them all..."

he laughed "why dont you have any help no serfs or slaves" he said looking at her and wondering how any one could make any one clean the whole castle 'are you being punished" he said hopeing not so

she shook her head. "no. i was rased here by the kitchen laidies. they allways tell me the harder i work the more illget out of life. i know i dont got much here... but this is all i got." she said"tonight you can take the bed, i can sleep on the floor. but right now i have to go scrub the main hall. if you want to come help you can. i bet the lords wont recognise you"

"i am used to helping the maids at my dads castle but i dont know if i do a good job" he said chuckleing at that thought of him actually messing with wash stuff

"ok, we can shair a bucket cant we?'' she rumaged threw her small closet for another rag.

"he laughed only if your fine with it we can share" he said still laughing at the idea of him not sinking to that level

she smiled before heading back out of the room. the photo makeing its way out of her small pocket as she moved.

He looked over noticing the picture "if you dont mind me asking what is that coming out of your pocket?" he said hoping he wasnt intruding into her personal life

she turned to look at her pocket knowticing her photograph that she stole. "...nothing." cassy quickly moved it and put it in her bra where it wouldnt fall out.

"oooooooooooookay so where else do you need to clean" he said laughing in a weird manner "the reason i ask is so i can buy you another possibly bigger bucket so i can make your job faster" he said hoping she wouldnt get pissed of at him

she shook her head. "i dont need a bigger bucket. any bigger and i wouldnt beable to carry it." she kidnaped the bucket from behind the statue carrying it with both hands.

he laughed "here et me get it for you" he said gentle taking the bucket from her hand so not to hurt her

her face turned red "t...thanks.''

"are you okay your turning kinda red " he said clueless of her feelings "you know i could clean this whole castle for you" he said trying to be helpful

"no... thats fine im ok.'' she picked up her pase a little

"okay do you need your space i can go stay in your room till your done if you still want help i will stay" he said looking at her and seeing for the first time that she was really cute

''um... acualy im not fealing to peachy today... i think ill check in early today i can clean the hall later. you can... just get a feel of the place if you like...'' she started heading back to the room.

"oh well ill clean it for you so you dont get into any trouble" he said plushing himself

"t...thanks....'' she said before closeing the door of her room slideing down the wall she was leaning on after to sit on the ground still red in the face

he started on the floors still plushing he looked around then wisper a few words and a glow appeared from the floor when it faded it was clean he kinda wobbled in place damn i thought i would be able to do that small of magic guess i cleaned the whole floor

cassy didnt thnk he would come back and took her dress off to lay in her bed naked. her room was rather hot in the summer and rather cold in the winter.

He walked back to the room "hey i finished early" he said not looking at her cause of the head ache he had from the magic he used he lade down on the bed looking to the side "ah sorry didnt see you have a horrible head ache" he said turning red all over he got up and ran out gods why did she have to do that

cassy was already asleep in the bed.

he walked back in threw the covers over her and slept on the floor hoping h e would wake up before her and work on the halls again

cassandra woke up abit after he fell asleep and got up to put him in her bed. the moon was behind the clouds making her forget that she was naked still and climbed under the covers with him scooting in closer to his warm body falling back asleep faster than before.

He woke up the next morning and saw he had been moved into bed with her he smiled and went back to sleep faceing her

somehow, she managed to wiggle his arms around herself. half asleep when the sun came up she didnt want to open her eyes. his arms felt so calming makeing her fell almost special and she had half a mind to start undressing him but was to lazy to.

Zar finely got up and picked her up to move her he set her down "wake up we slept in you might get in trouble" he said smiling at her and finding a clean dress for her to put on

cassandra didnt want to wake up but she pushed her self up with her arms. "i hardly ever get n trubble. besides its sunday. im not realy saposed to work this day.''

"oh in that case what do you do for fun" he looked around "want to go some where different" he said laughing

she wraped the blanket around her loosely to hide her bare skin. ''i can show you around the castle town if you like. theres a new shop that opened that sais they have a new discovery, milky sweet treat thats cold!

"oh okay" he said looking at her forgetting she didnt know he had magic powers

cassy grabed a dress and sliped it on showing as little skin as possible in the process. then, she put a homemade belt on with a small pouch on the side with a few coins settleing on the bottom. "ok, lets go." she smiled

"okay" he looked around and saw a place to go change he put on his clothes and walked out he laughed "i can pay if you want"

she tilted her head. "for what? all ive done was give you a place to stay... even though its not much...'' she got up and pushed the door open.

Zar laughed "cause i am a guest so it feels right for me to pay for stuff plus i prefer doing something for my host" he said smiling at her

she blushed a little."theres no need. all i want is peace" she smiled turning around to walk to the town. the photo fell silently to the ground its edges were warn and the photo itself was faided lightly but the faces of the higherups still shown, standing next to the dark kings councel. both of the kings were smileing acting like old friends. a boy stood behind the dark kings legs glancing over as the photo was took.

Zar laughed "it will be a while till there is peace but it will come" he said kind of out there he looked down and saw the picture on the floor he picked up the faded picture and laughed "is this how u know me threw this picture it was taken when my dad and your king where friends i dont know what happened all my dad will say is that your king betrayed him and that he would never be friends with him again i use to play in the garden here with his daughter but one day i was told his daughter died and that it was my fault" he said kind of upset

she blushed "that photos not how i know you by... n she didnt die from you. there was a black death here a while ago and she caought it. but i heard the black death came from your side of the contenent."

"you know alot about his place and it is nice to know that i could of still be my fault that she died it was my birthday gift from a knight the knowledge that she was dead cause of me that is" he said sitting down on the bed tearing up

cassy accualy disliked the princess. to her she was just a snoby rich kid that didnt cair about others if they didnt have money. she remembers watching them play from behind a pillar loathing her, but she couldnt stand watching him cry. cassy crouched down and smiled. "how can it be your fault? you wernt there. and besides the kinight was probaly trying to gain controll of your mind emotionaly by telling you or mabey it was your dad that told the knight to tell you so you would stop going to our side.

'i know it is unlikely that i killed her but still she could a good person if you just showed her how and if the knight did attempt mental controll it didnt work i sent him to a guest room and told him to stay the night and to leave the next afternoon when my party was over i told three guards to guard the knights door when i came to his room with a steak for the knight the guards didnt exspect anything i was ten how could they i walked in and closed the door when he saw me come in he just stared at me i came up and gave him his food after a few bites i walked up to him and asked for a hug he figured a 10 year old would always do that so i walked up and put my arms around him hugging him like my best friendthen i..... used the steak knife on the tray to....to kill him..i remember watching him fall to the floor and... laughing at him screaming that he ruined my birth day my dad came in and patted me on the back told me good job and took me to my room i cant believe i killed a messenger i stayed in my room for five days when my mom came in she asked me what was wrong i told her what i did and she patted me on the back and said it was all right that he was going to attempt to kill dad if i hadnt" Zar fell silent he couldnt stop crying

casandra didnt realy know what to do. she sat there for a bit before her body moved on its own kissing zars lips heavlily hopeing he stops crying soon. ''its alright, a lot of people regret doing stuf... and i think the night sorta deserved a punishment...n your parents shouldnt of praised you like that. its not right, but whats done is done, theres no changeing it. besides, i dont think you will kill again for a while unless you have to." she smiled at him again hopeing that cheered him up even if it was just a little.

He stopped crying and just sat there he leaned over and kissed her he elt better with her like she would stop the sadness if just temporary he smiled blushing"so frozen treats " he said laughing

she smiled again. "ok, ill buy oh and we need to start thinking on what to put in the letters."

"uh okay i think you should write it it is easier that way you have a different type of hand writing and well i dont think he likes my languages hand writing" he smiled and began to walk outside when he heard a familiar voice it wasnt his dad it was a womes voice he stood still he thought it was his moms voice but why would she be here

casandra pulled his arm. "come on they close soon. and i dont want to wait till later to eat some frozen cream.''

"huh oh okay" he said laughing he opened the door and saw to cloaked figures walking off it is not my concern who that lady is "well which way?" he said kinda bored

its over hear she said smileing before kissing his cheek. a small line was infrount of a stand with icecream paintings around it advertising there sales

Zar turned and kissed her back "so how much will this cost you" he said hoping she wouldnt waste her money on him

ill have a penny left" she smiled getting in line. 3 boys about the same age as her pushed her out of the way hard enough to make her fall down.
"we were here first," they proclamed.

Zar picked her up are "you okay" he said looking at her to check for any enjorys

"yeah im ok.''
aww... ant that sweet. shes got herself a boyfriend. i wonder if hes as stupid as she is.'' the group laughed.

Zar got up "i am going to be nice first and just tell you to say sorry you think your sad street rat selfs know the words im sorry or will i have to beat it into you" he said his eyes glowing red

the guys were laughing to hard to knowtice his eyes. ''s...sad! you think were sad when were laughing our asses off!"

Zar laughed "you dont get it your about have the s**t knocked out of you and trust me you are sorry pushing over women like your better i am going to kick your a** send you home and let your mother kick your a** and so on and so on you a** holes" he said by that time the cloaked figures had turned around dew to all the noise and were watching carefully

cassandra stood up behind zar watching them laugh still. "you think you can come up with a better responce like that and accualy act tougher? man.. my grandmother can kick your a**!"

Zar laughed at them then out of no where he lunged forward and slammed his knuckle into the first boys face the boys fell over blood uzing out from between his hands Zar laughed pick the boy up and threw him into the next one "go take him home or i will repeat this action again" he said eyes glowing red then he stared into the boys eyes and he fainted Zar walked off back to Cassandra the cloaked figures laughed and walked up to the boys picked them up and walked over to Zar "nice fighting style sir" they uncloaked and they were to old ladies 'come with us" they began walking off.

casandra hugged zars arm not realy wanting to go with the ladies. "who are they?"

"they are my mom and aunt weird they both supposedly died" he said smiling and following them

she didnt realy want to pester him when he was meeting his mom again. so she let go of his arm. "i... ill be back at the castle if you want to stay again you can...'' casandra was worried that it was a trap but it wasnt her buisness to get involved.

"o well okay" he said kinda sad that she was leaving "oh where is your friend going" his aunt said seeming upset its okay she must be tired' he said they entered a small house 'so what are you doing here mom" " oh i am spieng for your father i guess you are to son" "no mom i hate him i left you faked death even from your own son how low i thought you loved me and how did you get aunty to go along with it" "son if you tell any one i will have you murdered i love you but you cant ruin this for your dad i will tell him your here and he will pick you up on his visit here where are you staying so i can tell him where to pick you up" "mom im not going back" "fine then son good bye i hate to do it but if yo arent going back ill have to kill you" "what your..... your....going to try to kill me" "i wont try i will kill you son" "mom i cant let you and wont" he said he threw out his hand and muttered something and a blast of energy shot out of his hand killing his mom a tear rolled down his face and he stumbled to cassardas when he got to the door he opened the door and fell in

Zar?!" cassandra was shocked that he came back . she was sitting on her bed wondering where he was "whos blood is that?" she said looking at his bloody cloaths. moveing him onto the bed she started cleaning him the best she could with a rag, "what happened?!"

"zar cryed a knot in his throat he couldnt talk he just sat there and cryed he tryed to speak but nothing came out i killed my own family not just one but two i dont deserve to livehe sat there and let cas hold him

the sun was about to set and zars shirt was covered in blood so cassy started undoing his top to go wash it before the blood stained the cloath. "ill be right back ok? dont do anything rash well im gone pleasae.

Zar stopped crying and laughed "i wont do anything rash promise" he said getting up and finding a rag to wash off his knuckles

she went to the door but stoped. cassy sat back down by the bed. "illstay here.'' she smiled.

"uh okay" he said kinda blushing "so whats up" he said not wanting to talk about what happened that afternoon

cassy knew on the back of her head what had happened. "shouldnt we write a letter?" she asked kissing his cheek.

"i guess h=but what exactly do you want it to say something like dear king i have been informed that there will be an atack on your nation in 6 days" he said laughingly he kissed her on the cheek and found some paper and a pen

or you can say stuff like.... 'i have came into communication with a high resorsed personel, and i should inform you that a rather well planed attack will be put to acction secretly from the _____ kingdom on --,--,---- and will be comeing from _____ regon of your own land' and mabey even tell the king on the best thing to do with the army or city it will be in." she smiled.

"yes right that down and the thing to do is to evacuate all small villages and he will attack on March 30

"allright ill put that down." her handwriteing was nice and neat with a whole lot of squiggles and not one inkblot wich was rather hard to do. "do you want to sighn a name at the end? i suggest not your own..."

"not really putting a name will get that person questioned"he said yawning "gods i am tired"he said lying down

She kissed his cheek, then sleep i can deliver the letter and i have to wash some cloaths.'' cass y neatly folded the letter and put it in her shirt so that a guard wouldnt suspect her of anything lateron before grabing the cloaths on the floor and heading over to the maids bath takeing a sidestep into a lords office that was empty that time of day leaving the letter on the desk in plain site.

Zar quickly fell asleep to tired to wake up dew to all the magic use he had done

cassandra finished her bath with the wet cloaths in her hand she headed to her room to drape them over the rope that she had strung a while ago to dry.

Zar woke to the opening of the door

not knowing that he was awake she hung her dresses over the roap and put his now white shirt beside them accidentaly droping her towel.

zar smiled at her "good night Cas by the way nice breast" he said lying down and closing his eyes.

casandra jumped from hearing him and immedently wraped her arms around herself. "i... i th...thought you were sleeping.'' she bent down pulling the towel back up and around her quickly.

"i wake easily and i am sorry for scaring you so did you put the letter in the king grasp" he said laughing

"no, i cant get into the kings chamber hes to well guarded and the lords chambers arnt. but he is going to be here tonight so hes going to see it in an hour or so"

"oh okay well i am tired night" Zar put his head down and began to fall asleep

''night...'' she steped over him to sleep closer to the wall makeing sure hes eyes were closed.

Zar fell asleep quickly

casandra was getting cold and snuggled in closer to zars bare chest unconsously wraping on leg around his body.

Zar opened one eye looked at casandra and smile he turned towards her and wrapped his arm around her

cassyfell into a deeper sleep dreaming of a rather *encaptivating* fantacy causing her DD sized breasts to become more sensitive to a mans touch.

Zar fell asleep dreaming of special events occuring between him and cas
zar woke up to the door opening he looked to his side and saw cas was still there who the hell is that
casandra stured a bit turning over to face the wall with zars body against her back.

Zar "wake up some one is in here and i dont think they want to borough sugar" he whisper into cases ear

still sleeping she responded to him in a whisper"mmm.... but zar...i wanted the creamy stuff....'' cassy said hugging a pillow more

zar poked her lightly in the shoulder "wake up and ill go with you to get the ice cream stuff or what ever later" he whispered bac watching the figure close the door making the room completely dark

casandra woke up alittle before knowticing something was wrong and fully wakeing up. she quickly and accuretly found a special brick in the wall opening up a small tunnel that lead outside of the castle. sence the room was dark she didnt think the perpitrator could see eithor so she pushed zar inside before screeming her lungs out as the little door slid closed blockng zar from the intruders grasps. several people that were close to casandras room heard and dashed closer serching the wall for the brick that opened the door.

Zar heard her scream and got pissed that she shoved him into this tunnel fine well if i cant be there i can at least make the other door open he muttered something under his breath and the brick that opened casandras door pushed in he lied thre just listening for something

casy pulled the blanket up to cover herself before the door opened letting in the dim light from the hallway and a few guards with there short swords drawn.

Zar sat and listened why did she have to push me in here i couldve just teleported us out or killed the intruder
when the door opened a cloaked figure was standing close to casandras bed

the soiders took a stance to balance there weight "you there, move away from the lady!" one of them commanded.

The figure laughed and muttered something the guard fell to the floor not dead but knocked out "listen closely casandra you have a bigger fate then you think by the way get poor zar out of that tunnel"

cassandra was not at all comfortable letting zar out. if the other people saw that a boy was in her room well she was naked there would be dier consiquinces "...i havent seen him in..... several years." she said trying to get out of trubble.

"really well okay" the figure said sitting next to her on the bed

"are you going to be alright cassandra? the other man said picking his commanding officer up off of the floor.
"yeah, if theres any trubble ill screem again." she smiled not knowing who the hell the person was.
"alright... ill be listening then... sorry to of intruded in such a way.''
its ok. realy it is.''
the people left and the door closed behind them

"so when do you have to work" the figure said taking of its cloak reveiling a young man about casandras age he had long brown hair and a white complexion

"who are you?" casandra said backing up twards the wall where shes hideing zar.

"alex and i am one of zars old friends by the way i dont exactly know why but he came here to you which means that he trust you which mean i guess i have to. so i am going to go sleep in that corner over there" alex go figure he found me that little stalker

casandra sighed and opened the tunnle for zar. "ill go get some more blankets....''
she stood up n put her dress on that was now quite dry without showing to much skin.

Zar got out of the tunnel "alex you dunce what the hell are you doing coming into casandras room unanounced and out of no where" "oh i am so sorry that i didnt tell you that i was coming to busy running from your dad by the way you really pissed him off" "good" zar said smileing

casandra dug threw her closet and pulled out more blankets that she usualy uses in the wintertime and made another bed. "so... your zars friend? how do you know magic?"

"i am a wizard's soni had to learn it and Zar you know magic why didnt you fix this girls room for her" he said sounding alittle unhappy

"you do?" she turned over to look at him now done with makeing the new bed. her face turned a little red. "i like my room how it is....''

"yeah i do i figured you knew" he said blushing
"gods are you two going to do this all night" alex said

"i am rather tired..." cassandra said yawning, but sleeping before your guests was rather rude.

"alex lade down on the bed she made "i am rather tired thanks for the bed" zar laughed "just like you alex so antisocial" "yeah yeah by the way you r little girl friend is an elf just thought you might want to know" he said falling to sleep "what"

"an.. an elf? arnt they extincted from this king thinking that they were evil?" casanra said hardly believing alex.

"An elf i dont see how thats possible" Zar said "really casandra have you ever been in a garden and you heard voices but you were the only one there"

"i... i always hear stuff in the forest....but whats thta got to do with anything. it could of been the wind."

"sure and all those people earlier just fell asleep" alex said laughing "that is kinda weird you hearing voices in the forest and all" zar said kinda worried

"but... my ears arnt even pointed." she said feeling them

"thats probbally just a side affect of being around humans all your life" alex said smirking

casandra sat back down on her bed hardly believing the fact that shes an elf.
"If im an elf how come im not killing everyone."

"who said elfs where bad your king he hasnt been able to be intelligent since his damned daughter died" alex said kinda pissed

"... true.... but im tired... im gonna sleep some before i have to get up to work...''

"fine Zar already fell asleep"alex said looking over at zar who was sleeping soundly alex closed his eyes "night"

casandra layed down close to the wall. zar took the only pillow so she rested her head on his belly.

Zar smiled

hugging his arm casandra fell asleep her back curled up close to his bare side.

zar woke up at day break "cas its time for you to go to work"

still asleep she turned over.

"cas wake up" zar said laughing

Cassandra started to wake n kissed zar smiling. "mornin."

"morning" zar said kissing her back

whyd u get me up so early....'' she turned around again so that she was on her belly. her dress was pulled up from all her moveing and showed her a**.

zar plushed "hey cas you might want to fix your dress and the earlier you start work the earlier you finish which means i can take you for ice cream" Zar smiled

casandra sat up and her dress fell down again covering herself up. "i only have to clean the lords rooms now. but most of the time they kick me out so i cant do there rooms. but i still have to check to see if they got the letter..."

"ah well okay hope they did my dad will attack in a few weeks" he said
"oh your going out for ice cream and leaving little old alex here" alex said coming close to cas and hugging her "morning casandra"he said flirtingly
you b*****d flirting with her zar just sat there grinning creepily

"um... morning?" casandra said sqirming out of the hug and leaving to go do her chores.

Zar got up from where he was "what the hell was that"
"what are you talking about i just hugged her good morning"
"sure you did and made sure her breast touched you too"
"so she is cute and you dont seem to be engaged with her"
zar slapped him in the face "i sleep with her and i dont seem to be engaed is all you care about you dumb a** she doesnt even like you"
alex punch zar "so what if i harashed her a little and for all i care you could be payying her to sleep with you"
"payed... her.. to..sleep..with..me..thats it get out or i will kick you out"
"fine ill go back to our kingdom tell your dad where you are and get your girl friend sent to the dungeon of her own kingdom get her called a back stabber and your dad will whip you to an early grave"

casandra didnt fret on the hug much and she quickly realised the note did get delivered to the king and they have figured out it was an inside job that gave them a hint of the attack. the lords room that she entered the other night was now heavily guarded and she coulnt even get threw to clean.

"you ran from dad you couldnt tell him if you tried"
"i may have run from your dad but he will gladly let me come back for that little piece of information
"im sorry but i cant let you do that" zar said holding up his hand he muttered a few words and hishand emitted an orb that encased alex
"let me out" alex said hitting the orb

casandra was walking down past the eagle statue when she heard the ruckus going on in her room so she opened the door to see what was happening.
"why are you two fighting?'' she asked a little confused still holding her bucket.

"he wants to reveil us to my dad" zar said pissed off

she looked down. "please dont...im sure theres another way... why do you want to reviel him anyway? the king already receaved the first letter...''

"cause he slept with a girl i like"alex said with a twisted grin

casandra sighed. "i can honestly say, the girl probaly doesnt like you back. so quit fighting!" her hands where clenched yelling at the new guy.

"the girl is to stupid to know what she likes"alex said yelling back "oh really but ithink that she is and by the way i think you have a little to much room"zar said muttering a few words the orb became smaller almost fitting to alexs body

zar quit it, its just makeing him want to tell the king more. and i do know what i want. and i dont want an obnoxous womanizer like you" she said folding her arms glairing at him her eyes flashed blue than a light silver

Zar laughed "not if i break his legs and make him mute" "you wouldnt dare and womanizer i dont see the point in calling me that women were meant to clean cook make men happpy and have kid" alex said laughing "alex if you dont shut up i am going to let her kill you"

casandras ears were turning rather sharp and her nails were growing long and deadly.

Zar looked at her "are you feeling okay casandra"

she growled ''im fine just... fine.'' without ebven touching the special brick the door opened when she swung her arms fearsly leaving for the zinfilled forest.

zar frowned muttered something and the orb stuck in place and makeing it sound proof "wait up casandra" zar ran in the direction that casandra did

"what what do you want?" she turned around her black hair was faiding into a sparkeley silver, her skin turned a lighter shade of white.

"i wanted to see if your okay" he said braceing himself in an invisible magic shield

"im fine! just leave me alone like when princess lardass was here" casandra ran away into the forest to hide in her favorite place.

"what the hell are you talking about" zar said run why do they all have to run zar used a spell to see where she was and began to follow her

the trees bent and moved hideing the trail that she used. casandra climbed a tree and droped down into the holow center onto an empty squirl nest.

zar moved under the trees still useing his spell to find her when he got to the tree he climbed it and looked down it "hello mind explaining the insult to the princess that you made"

"no and leave me the hell alone!!" a hole grew larger in the trunk beside cassandra and she climbed out.

"um i wasn't really requesting and you are really getting on my nerves with your attitude" hw said using the same spellhe used on alex to hold her in place

casandra turned around and sat down on the bottom of the sphere. she looked nothing like herself.

"so start explaining your atitude" he said sitting down infront of the sphere

the whispers from the trees grew louder. 'dont..... deep within.... power...... distructin...... calm...........soothing.......' casandra could no longer hear zar her mind was spinning with the words of the forest. she cluched her head with her hands to try to block out the noise but she couldnt stop them.

"fine dont talk but i am not going to leave you in the forest" he used a teleportation spell and used it to go to the meadow

as soon as she got to the quieter location she put her hands down and fainted on the bottom of the orb. her hair changed back and her body went back to its normal shape and color.

great she fainted i cant talk to her if she fainted but i am not taking her out of that orb just yetzar sat down and waited for her to wake up.

casandra not long after the fainting eased herself up exhausted. "where am i?"

"the meadow i made when i was five" zar said laughing

"owww... my head hurts.... howd we get out here?"

"you ran out to the forest changing into some elf looking thing and insulted the dead princess and ran from me so i caught you and brought us both out here"zar said smiling

"she deserved whatever i said. n iM NOT AN ELF!!!"




"I AM THE LAST MY KING MADE SURE OF THAT! and why not? she spoke ill of me all the time. Shes the one that kept me from you and kept you for her own greedy hands!!"

"SHUT UP YOU RUDE ANNOYING RUDE BRAT SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND YOU MIGHT GET LUCKY AND NOT GET SQUEEZED TO YOUR DEATH" he said changing in skin tone to a pasty white and a mark apearing on his face his eyes glowed red and the orb grew smaller

casandras body started to dissapere as she uncountously started to transport herself to another location. her spell was much stronger than the orb she was in so it was easy to get out of. cassies hair was turning white yet again.

Zar uncountously made a magic shield block any magic from working the mark growing to his chest

casandra was still stronger than his streinght that was growing. before she fully left she stood up her eyes glowing a silver light. ''i sugest you go back to your *friend* and leave me the hell alone, your absence is probaly puting him in panic...''

"no he is your boy friend and he is panicing for you" zar unconsciously copied her spell and followed her his hair growing longer and the tatoo growing still larger

cassandra went back into the woods as soon as her foot touched the root of a great oak the vines and small tree trunks wraped around her forming a ball before she could even process the information around her. a purple flower bloomed inside parting with its uniqe smell sending cassandra into a slumber. a small tree imp with a twig looking body appeared infrount of zar speeking in a high piched voice.
"please dont anger her..."

Zar's voice was deep and demonic "anger her you got it wrong she angered me and that is not the brightest thing to do" he said forming a blade of fire in his hand in case this nymph wanted to fight

the nymph held its arms up scaired of fire. "no, no please dont. her power is greater and would kill us all. so sorry she angered you, she realy ment well. speaking out of line is a weakness in her mind."

Zar laughed "her weakness is that she cant keep her mouth shut i dont know who you are or why you want to keep me away from her but ill be nice and play along what reason does she have for her words"

the creature twisted its 6 fingers together nervously. "well yeah, and she dislikes the old princess due to how she treated her when you all were still little..." the great oak behind them twisted sending a low whine threw the air. perking up like a little puppy, the ears of the creature heard causing him to shrink more into the fetal posistion scaired of its father. "...so angry.... shouldnt be talk to human....'' he said holding its walnut shaped head with its hands covering his green bulging eyes.

"dont think of me as human think of me more like a demon that will slowly burn you if you dont keep talking how do you know so much about me and casandra"he said picking up a dead leaf and centering it in his hand the leaf began to burn slowly but burn all the same

he yelped a bit."we can see in her mind when shes in the forest."
the tree bent again sending a low grumble over the land
"...so lot trubble, much preasure....'' he fumbled with his hands again

"hey what the hell is that thing saying anyways it scares you apparently and i am not leaving with out answer and see into her mind what the f**k is wrong with you she is at least human acting if you go in her mind that is an invasion of privacy"he said his hair turning to fire his eyes glowing reder

the imp realy wanted to run away but knew the human would catch up. "...s...s.hes p...part of the forest. ff...ffforest has right t-t-t-t-t-to her mind."

"no in this world the forest has rights to be nothing more then building blocks now listen your going to hand over casandra and you are going to crawl back into your tree and understand that she is at least by some law a member of society" he said his clothing changing into a pair of pants and no top showing the tatoo glowing

the imp quicky bowed before turning around touching the twisted wood with a slim finger. immedently the trees unwound themselves leaving casandra asleep at the base of a berch. then the imp scattered into a bush.

"thanks" zar said losing his demon like form putting the dome over casandra again then tryed to find a way out of there "damn it" zar said finding no way to get back he couldnt use the spell he used to get there cause it to much magic

the tree behind them moaned again and a high pitched squeek sounded a little after. the imp jumped down from the branches running away from the sqinging branches of near by trees. "follow, out, fast, now!" he paused a bit infrount of the humans signaling to get moveing or get traped in the forest forever.

zar looked back "damn it fine" he said running after the nymph the orb following him where ever he went

the imp quickly found the fastest path out of the forest evaiding the roots of trees trying to entrap his twiglike legs.

"so why are they after you" zar said lighting a root on fire when it grab the orb

"cuz i defied the forest king!!!" the imp jumped over a branch and dashed under a root that tryed hitting its small head.

"forest king okay this is getting annoying i would roast this forest if i didnt think i would burn you as well" zar said laughing jumping over a root and burning a vine

his bug eye twiched. ''your allready doing a nice job at it....'' the pasture of a human farm was comeing into view.

zar laughed "no that is a cutting burn spell" zar picked up the nymph and used a speed spell to get to the farm faster

a cow was pulling a plow threw the soil guided by a farmer shocked to see the forest trees moving so fast. "woah...'' the tree elf bounced a bit in zars arms.

"stop moving or you might fall and snap in half at the speed i am going" zar said laughing at the little nymph

the imp wraped its fingers in the sleaves of zars shirt holding on as tight as he could. "cant i move into the ball with cassandra? i dont like the frount seat"he said kiddingly.

zar said a couple of words under his breath then slung his arm back towards the orb throwing the little nymph into the orb zar laughed i dont think youll like it in there but trie to wake her see how much she remember and check for damage i may have slung the orb a bit to much" zar said laughing the farmer coming up zar stopped when he got to the farmer "sir can we stay in you building for a little bit" "like hell i wont keep forest s**t in my house" zar growled "fine have it your way" zar mumble a spell and the farmer turned into a cat zar knelt down and pet the cat "dont worry its temperary"zar said laughing at the cat

the imp clicked its toung nervous of the quick action. and sat on cassandras belly. "well she...shes still breathing, and the flower will wear off in a few hours...."

"great im glad the farmer is going to be a cat for a while and whats your name"zar said laughing at the cat hissing at him

"name? i dont have one. all the forest sprites dont have a name to them selves." he fluttered his wings a little to gain balence on top of cassandra.

Zar frowned at those words he walked the orb inside and destroy the orb make casandra fall slightly to the ground zar looked at the nymph " i dont wanna keep calling you nymph or you so think of a name you like"

it wasentrealy aloud to think of your own name in the forest but there was one human name he rather liked. "how about rohan?"

"rohan well that works for me and now that youve broken two rules i dont think they want you back there so come live with us" zar said kinda hoping it wouldnt hit a raw nerve

the imps eye twitched realising he wasnt needed for his Father anymore and was just an outcast to the entire groupe. he didnt say anything back to zar

zar relised that he had hurt rohan and changed the subject "so what do you eat" zar said hoping that they had it

the nuts and fruit i gain from permition from the plant.''

"so what ever a plant lets you have okay then i guess youll have to eat at nite since casandras house doesnt have a plant at least not one i have seen" zar said smiling at rohan

casandra turned in her sleep but still could not be woken. rohan flew over to her opening one of her eyes with his twigy fingers "about half an hr and shell be awoken."

""great so in an half hour ill be in a fight with her joy" zar said looking out the window and laughing at the bull examining the newly turned cat

the imp sat on cassandras belly grumbeling something.''if you knew more about the princess you wouldnt like her eithor..."

zar mumbled a spell under his breath and rohan was pinned to the wall "shut up" zar said holding his hand up in the direction of rohan his eyes starting to glow red again

rohan sqirmed a bit his legs dangled from the floor. "i...m.....sss...oorrry....'' he said trying to breath.

"if you knew more about my family you would get why i dont" zar said his eyes turning to normal and putting down his arm the spell fading off and rohan falling to the floor

"ooff..."rohan sorely got up."if you knew all that she knew you would defently have different oppinions, but im just saying that to tell you the truth." he stratened his leafy skirt unbending several of them.

"i wouldnt feel any different then i do now if you told me she killed an innocent person for laughs" he said walking into the houses kitchen and pulling out a loaf of bread and ripping of a piece to give to rohan

rohan pushed the piece away. "Fruit and nuts, member?"

"right and let me guess you would die if you ate this stuff" zar said eating the piece of bread he had offered rohan

rohan shook his head. "no its against our ethics to digest plants that have been rudely harvested and are in that nature."

"ah so thats why" he said pointing at the field and making the plants "go see what you can get to eat hopefully plant grown by magic are nice" he said laughing and taking another piece of bread and eating it

rohan started up his wings and flew out the window to try to qart the plants to give there seeds
casandra started wakeing up

zar walked back into the kitchen and got a glass of water for her

casandra sat up slowly holding her pounding head. rohan flew back in threw the window with an armfull of seeds *only about 5*

"hey look she's waking up' he said refusing to talk to her directly

rohan droped the seeds in a nice pile on the counter before jumping down onto her lap.
"where am i?''

"some farm out side the forest she warp herself to" zar said telling it to rohan instead of talking to casandra

rohan did not like being the go-between rohan ruffled his wings angrily before heading back outside to chat with the plants.

zar walked into the kitchen after handing casandra her glass of water

cassandras head pounded with pain. she didnt even knowtice zar or the glass of water.

zar noticed that the glass of water had hit the floor and shattered on the floor zar looked over at it and made the glass form back and made the water go into it he looked over at her and laughed got a headache do you

"yesh... i do..." her eyes were shut n she was in a ball holding her sore head.

he held out his hand aim at her and mumbled a spell trying to make her head ache go away if not just to add a new one even worse

she could still feel her head pulse but it was a little better. rohan was sitting on the windowsill munching on a seed.

"there you go heads as good as i can get it now good bye" he said walking out the door and walking into the field hiding in the tall plants

casandra jumped ontop of him before he could excape into the plants. "dont go... please dont go. i promis i wont talk ill of the princess...''

zar flipped her off him "no you'll just accuse me of incest again" he said getting up and teleporting to the roof where he couldnt be messed with

casandra knew where he was but she just sat there crying. the cat went up to her to try to confort her.

zar sat on the roof holding his knees unconsciously forming a metal dome around him from the rooftiles.

"y...your a total a**. not at all what i thought you were when she was still alive... i guess all people from the western country are the same..." she said just loud enough for other ears.

zars eyes glew red and the plant next to casandra lit on fire

casandra stood up and turned around yelling at zar. "well its true. if you people got your heads outof your asses mabey we wouldnt be in this situation!"

zar formed the roof back to its original form and jumped behind Casandra "if it weren't for you big mouth babbling on and on about how we are such big idiot and just worry about your selfs maybe we wouldn't be such asses and by the way if i was an a** i wouldn't of gone after you to help you i wouldn't of tryed to help you when those retards mistreated you and i would of just tried to kill you when that big tree had you" he said teleporting away from her to his hidden garden he ran off into a dark willow tree hiding away from anything that might come tears roling down his face to think i liked her she is just like every one else rude evil unkind and no were near friendly

rohans leg was caught in zars pantleg and couldnt get it out so he got transported along with zar. "g...get oooffff.." he was under zar. half squished.
casandra was crying and moved to the liveing room of the farmhouse punching the pillow beside her rather weakly before buarrying her face in it.

zar got up and picked up rohan "get the f**k away from here go kiss the little b***h and tell her that it is all right.... better yet just go the hell away" zar said opening a portal and about to throw rohan threw it

rohan grabed onto a willow branch "nonononono i dont wanna go. besides i can help stop your argument!"

"let go of my tree" zar said closing the portal and hitting rohans hands till they let go "i grew that tree the normal way and love it possible the only thing i can risk loving" he said jumping onto one of the branches and lying down on it

rohan ploped on the ground in a tumble before holding his head with one hand. thats when he realised the fall broke one of his fingers clean off. rohan quickly got up wings vibrateing angrily behind him as he flew up to zars height. "you, ive been dealing with your dispicable behaviour sence the forest but now its gone to far! Shes loved you sence she first saw you playing with the whore, and i bet she still does! she probaly loves you more than you love this tree! but no, your sight has to be soo narrow all you can see is a mirror. IM OUT OF HERE a creature like me cant stand so much stress!" he turned around and headed to the other trees to make his way to a new home.

zar trapped rohan in an orb "are you so stupid as to think i actually loved my sister like i liked casandra you stupid creature you call me narrow sighted when all you care about is yourself and that rude b***h if i am narrow sight then you must be blind and i love this tree cause .... it is mine just mine just like the rest of this garden and you will not make a home out of this garden you sad rodent you may leave to what ever place you like just tell me where and i will teleport you there just dont ask to stay" zar said tears still in his eyes

"s..ssister? i never said or heard anything about a sister."

"the princess was adopted from my parents kinda as a gift cause the king and queen where unable to have a child so they gave them my little sister thats why i was always over there to see my little sister to play and have dinner with her thats why i dont want you or any one else talking rude about her when she died .....i wasnt aloud to go to her funeral or come over to give my regrets or any of that i had to stay in my room while my dad screamed at my mom and when i did come out of my room my dad beat me cut me across the back with one of his blades..... before i left my dad told me that was his favorite blade zar said tears rolling down his face

his wings slowed down abit almost to a stop but he started them up again so he didnt fall "see the argument has faulters on the base. she thought the princess was just being mean keeping her from you two and she thought you two were in love.''

zar began laughing "i love her just not that way i figured she knew wasnt it big news when they got my sister" zar said still laughing a little

they cept her quiet. they didnt want anyone else to realise they were infurtal. but i can tell casandra will like this news. that is after she yells abit at you for running away...'' rohan looked down before sitting on a branch.

"if she yells at me so be it" zar said laughing "it wont hurt me any it will feel like home"he said opening a portal to the farm "lets go before i change my mind"

"but... my finger...'' he still held onto the end that had broken off with his other hand. he followed him threw the portal. casandra was still laying on the couch not realisin the portal.

zar looked at his finger then at the one with out fingers rohans finger slowly grew back painlessly zar laughed "what about them"

he droped his old finger "aww... its cricked..'' he flew threw the portal and sat on the back of a chair.

"make sure the nerves work right" zar said hoping that he did it right "so you just going to ly there or are you going to talk to me" zar said looking at cassy

casandra wiped her eyes and sat up. her face was still red from the crying.

zar walked up to Casandra and kissed her on the lips

her eyes widened before kissing him back. "i thought you didnt like me anymore''

'i dont like you i love you i just didnt like you insulting my little sister is all" zar said smiling that she kissed him back

"little sister?" cassy looked confused.

"the princess was my little sister" zar said frowning a little

casandra looked away for a bit. "comeon lets get back to the castle then. i bet your friends haveing a fit about now.'' she stood up smileing n holding her hand out to help zar up.

"aw cant i just turn the pain into a plant rohan will always have a tree to stay in that way" zar said zar got up and opened a portal and the fun begans

casandra smiled and went threw the portal with rohan on her sholder munching on his nuts that he got.

'hello alex" zar said shaking the orb to wake his 'friend' "ah your back from your honey moon joy" alex said rudely

"perhaps i shouldnt show him the extra secret room he can use to sleep in....'' casandra said glairing at alex.

"no i dont think you should" zar said smiling wickedly "rohan you think he would make a good tree" zar said looking at rohan

rohan turned his nose up. "poisoned oak more like."
casandra laughed.

zar laughed "so you dont want him as a tree we dont want him as a human so what do we do with him" zar said still wanting a tree

why dont we lock him in the room i remembered? he wont beable to get out."

"thatll work but for the hell of it i remembered an animal he hates" zar said looking at alex with a twisted grin "what are you talking about animals i hate" alex said flinching

"what animal does he hate? rats? cats? dogs?" rohan didnt know what they all were that casandra was asking about.

zar laughed semi wickedly "he actually hates turtles said they where unnatural walking around with a house on they're back think he would make a good turtle" zar said holding out his hand and make Alex twist and bend using a more torturing form of the morph spell "you b*****d" alex said his face form into a turtle's face

Could you two quit it! i dont want a turtle!" casandra yelled annoyed by the two

"aw but i love turtles so small so defenseless plus this way he cant do anything" alex was hitting the orb with his head aiming it more at his reflection

"turn him back! the tempitures here will kill him." she pleaded not wanting alex a turtle.

"fine" zar said using the same spell to morph alex back "good boy now roll over and she might give you a treat" alex said tauntingly "i liked it better when i thought you were dead"zar said glareing at alex

"why are you guys always fighting anyway? arnt you both runing away from your kingdom?"

"yes we are but he wants to go back and tell about us being here and my plan to stop my dad" zar said his eyes starting to glow "and if i am does that give you the right to lock me up in a orb" alex said yelling at zar

"why do you want to go tell the king? " casandra asked trying to get to the bottom of this aurgument.
rohan was haveing fun in the corner sweeping up dirt and dust to plant his last seed.

"so i can go back home tell on zar get to stay and probably klive in the castle" alex said glaring at zar
zar looked at rohan and made some soil form in the corner ignoring the conversation

"you already are in a castle. why dont you just stay here with zar?"
rohan chirped hapily before buarying his little fists in the soil to determen the correct hight the seed needs to be inorder to get its full potential.

"because i am not wanted in this castle correction i am wanted just if they get me they will kill me is your lower education getting this" alex said glaring at casandra
zar smiled making a little patch of soil to replace the rough tile of the corner

"OK TURTLE HIM! hes getting me mad!" casandra said kicking the orb.
rohan left the seed at exactly 2 inches under the top of the soil.

"i could just erase his memory" zar said still adding stuff to rohans little garden corner

"turtel! or dog!" casandra kicked the orb again before going to sit on her bed.

"fine" zar said turning alex into a turtle and filling the orb with water "need anything else rohan" zar said smiling

"water. and mabey some more sunlight would help.'' he said with his high pitched voice.

"um okay" zar said making a small dome over the garden and making a light crystal appear along with a creek that fed itself

rohan clicked his toung happily
casandra got up to go clean something.

zar walked up to rohan "could you plant this seed for a berry" zar said smiling at rohan

"Yeah but that would need the seed to go threw some sergery...and berrys make us fat."

"why i just got it from my garden and i wasnt planning for you to eat the berries they can make all sorts of magical things" like a necklace that will let casandra control her elven form

rohan continued mending to the little garden pokeing the earth with his fingers in key locations makeing some parts glow and gave it places to breath.

walked up to the orb and began tapping it making food appear where he tapped

Noyoki -no one-
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