thestory about no one

A man, not a man, but still a man...
Always blamed when something goes wrong, or when something unexplainable happen.
It's always the same... No one...
There never is someone to blame it for... And there never was...
Not -until that day... when I saw him...

I first wondered if he just stalked random people... but he was acting kinda strange too.
He sometimes took items and hid them somewhere, or whispered into some person's ear.
Eventually, he also came to me.
I kept drinking my milkshake, sucking it through the straw, when he sat down beside me and looked at me.
I became a bit frustrated as he did. Why me? Did I look funny or something?
My patience eventually faded, a stranger so close, just staring at me, not saying a single word...
"It's very rude to stare you know!"
He looked utterly surprised when I spoke to him.
He even went so far, as to ruffle my hair!
"Hey!" I said and twitched.
"You can see me?" ,was everything he said.
The stupidness of this moment stunned me, but eventually I answered him.
"Of course! You've been stalking people, and doing weird stuff for as long as I've been sitting here. How could anyone avoid noticing you!?"
"You're the first ever to have seen me..." ,he said as he spaced out.
I continued on my milkshake a while.
What was it with this person?
Was he some sort of nutjob? Had he ran away from his personal caretaker or something?
"Hey?" -I asked after he hadn't moved for a while and I pushed him a little.
He snapped out of it and looked at me again.
"Sorry, I didn't get your name?"
"That's because I haven't told you yet..." I wondered if my popping vein could show, this guy had exceeded "annoying" several minutes ago...
"But if you have to know, I'm Lefty."
It was only part a lie... I usually got called that, since I'm the only one left- handed in my class.
But he just nodded and kept silent.
I waited... But then I realised he wasn't going to say it if i didn't ask him. God was he a retard!?
"And you?"
I took a deep breath. Boy was he getting on my nerves...
"What's your name?"
"I..." but he didn't say more, he just stood up, and walked towards a passing pair. Then, without any reason at all, he pushed one of them!
The girl just looked around, seemingly avoiding the weird guy with her eyes.
"Who did that?"
Her friend just looked strangely at her as she got up.
"Did you see who pushed me?"
"Um... there was no one there... No one could have pushed you..."

I looked in awe as the weird stranger got away with it. How?
He was standing right there!
Were they both blind!? He was right next to them, arms still stretched out! How could they not notice him!?
As I sat there, my mouth opened wide, he came back and sat down beside me.
He sighed slightly.
"Well... I guess that about explains it..." he said.
I just stared at him.
"That doesn't explain anything!" I shout and he nearly fell over by my sudden explosion.
"How come they didn't see you!? Why did you push her!?"
"I... thought it showed kind of clearly... As I did that..."
"Explain!" ,I shout at him and he got statled again.
"Try to calm down a little will ya? I wish to keep my ears, full and functional..."
I was about to shout at him again, but he silenced me with a lollipop out of no where.
The shock of a suddenly- materializing lolli kept me quiet and so he tried to explain again.
"I am, mostly known, as no one. I don't even have an actual name, no parents, and no place where I live or stay. I guess I could be described as a ghost... Drifting between fantasy and reality like this..
I know it's very hard to accept... I... I think..." he interrupted himself and stared at a little child that passed us.
"As said; you're the first person ever to see me... I'm also known as "someone", or "that person"... Shortly to say... I'm the one who get the blame of everything... And being who I am, I'm also guilty as charged."
As he said that, a keychain with a single key could be seen in his hand. It had a little nametag on it, "Dylan", and the nametag was filled with stickers of monsters and spider-man figures. Then I realized that it must belong to the little boy who passed earlier!
"You stole it!?" I suddenly shout and the lollipop fell to the ground.
He avoided to look in my eyes as I said it.
Somewhere far away I could hear a little boy cry when his mother scolded him as he had lost his keys.
"You're horrible!" ,I said and snatched the key from his open hand.
Without another thought of him I hurried through the mall to the mother and her child.

"Where did you find them?" ,the mother asked me as I gave her the keys.
I couldn't say that -"a weird guy" had taken them as I was speaking to him... So I made up a small lie.
"I saw him drop them by the fountain, thought it was best if I returned them before the little guy got into trouble." ,I ended it with a weak little smile, just as innocent as always.
"Dylan, thank the young lady for bringing the keys will you?", the boy's mother encouraged him.
"Th- thank you..." ,the little boy sobbed forth between the remaining tears.
I even felt a little bad for him, the poor soul hadn't even noticed that the weirdo had stolen his keys as he passed...
"It's okay. Just hold on to them better in the future will you?"
I gave him an encouraging smile and he nodded rapidly in response.
"I will!"

"You seem very nice with kids..."
I stopped and sighed, was I his next stalking -victim?
"I just returned the keys that you stole."
"Let us not grudge over happenings past, shall we?" ,he said and showed me my own keys. I snagged them before he had the chance to hide them again.
"Can't you keep your hands in line!?"
"Well now. I didn't steal them, you dropped them as you ran and "someone" happened to find them."
I pouted ill at him and started to walk again.
How could I easiest get this guy off my shoulder?
After a while I had grown more than just pretty tired of him.
"What do I have to do... To get rid of you?" I asked him without stopping or turning around.
"Who? I am no one, you can't get rid of me, since I'm not here." ,was all he said, completed with a genuine smile.
I just grunted and hurried on my steps.

"Okay listen! I've had well and enough of you and your damn stalking! Leave me alone or I'll call the police!"
"You don't have a cellphone." -was all he said.
I stood there for a few moments, my finger still pointed at him and my mouth still open.
"H- how did you know?" ,I asked after a while.
"Someone has to know, right?" he said with an easy shrug.
"You, I just... Wanna... AARGH!" I shout as I wavered with my hands, forming strangleholds in the air.
He watched me in silence as I raved about how annoying he was, and when I finally was done, all he said was;
"Shall we continue?"
I wondered if God punished me for something bad I've done... But I couldn't come up with ANYTHING that would be bad enough to flinch this guy at me....

It was already dark when I passed the small grocery store near my block.
The guy was still stalking me, and I had given up every hope of getting rid of him.
-As soon as I get home, I will quickly go inside, slam the door shut in front of his face, and call the police.
That was the plan I had made anyway...

As I was about to cross the street, I suddenly heard the shriek of tires and I saw a car coming right at me!
I stood as paralyzed, my legs didn't move, my body didn't listen to the voice screaming in my mind; "MOVE!"
I heard the the meat, hit against the car as it hit.
I felt the impact when hitting the ground...
But it wasn't me who had been in the way of the car...
It wasn't my body it had hit...
People ran out of the houses as I laid there.
Voices asking if I was alright, worried faces looking down at me...
But the only thing that I could think of...
"Why?" I said, but no words came out from my mouth.
He just laughed weakly at me.
"Someone had to take the hit... And this way, no one get hurt."
Was it... Really true?
As I looked at the anxious faces around me, no one even noticed the man on the road...
No one saw his wounds, or heard his painful moanings...
No one cared about the man, dying as he had been hit by the car...
No one, but me.

The next morning I wondered if it really was true...
Had I really met that weird stranger in the mall yesterday?
Had he really been hit be the car as he stalked me on my way home?
But there was no blood at the ground where he had been...
Not a single soul had seen anyone but me there...
The days turned to weeks and eventualy I forgot about that strange man I had met...

I was sitting at the fountain again, sipping yet another milkshake, as I always did the tuesdays after school.
Suddenly I became aware of something...
A sudden change in the atmosphere... As if something had sneaked in to ruin everyone's daily life...
Someone sat down right next to me and I gave im a look.
I almost choked as I did!
It was him! That weird stalker!
He just smiled at me as he sat there, unharmed and without even a scar to show what had happened.
"You..." ,I started, with milkshake running down my chin.
"Who are you talking to? There's no one here." he proclamied as he interrupted me.
But true as he said, people looked weirdly at me as they passed, whispering that I was "talking to myself" again...
"Are you real... Or just something out of my imagination?" I hesitately asked and tried to seem untroubled. Was I going mad?
He just smiled at me and reached for something he had hidden.