I am in it, I am tired of all the crap that has been going down here. It is really unfair, my sisters apparently don't care about this house and I do but I just got over some kinda of bug or poison *don't know which and don't care I was just sick as hell* and I am still very tired and feel weak. The house is trashed and they bring friends over instead of helping clean, so I gave up, if no one else cares then I don't either. Then my older sister thinks she can use my wireless internet and I tell her she can not. This in turn pisses mom off cause I basically get s**t internet and when someone is on it its cut in half and on the main computer their priority is over mine so I get dial-up speed when we have cable >.<. Also I can't get a job at the only place that I can where I live without moving out of the house. But they way its going I am either going to go out on my own, in a body bag, or in the back of a police car. Probly not the last one. More then likely the middle, cause I now know why I hated life so damn badly when I was younger, it was my sister tabatha. Mom told her she was not going to make amanda's life a hell this summer so she is pissed and is taking it out on me. Then she has the nerve to ask me about my sexuality, damn it she knows I dont like to talk about it. When I do she makes fun of me and makes me feel stupid......
well maybe next time I can leave on a good note, later all. Also I noticed a lot less people are reading my journals so yay! I personally dont care but its kinda cool I guess.