Cant we exist without feelings?If so why cant i?
Why must i feel?
If you truly love someone and they flirt with another girl or simply it seams that way... wat would you feel?
If a friend likes someone you like...How would you feel if that person asked you to get with them?how would ur friend feel?
If you like a guy with a girlfriend...wat can you do?What can you feel?
Why are these the feelings the ones we have most?
Where are these feelings?Do they truly exist?
So i keep asking weres my love?my joy?my happiness?
I know that if you love some one you must think of ther feelings first if not they'll be pushed away...but how bout them they must also know how you feel...but why do they ignore it?
can the rilly hate you?or are they scered to tell you how they feel?
do they just flirt araound to make you jealous or do they truly not care for you?
Why cant we just have no feelings?
or just have the good ones?
Why must most of us feel the bad?
Why cant we be happy?
Why do we brake our own heart?
Were is happiness?