A nightingale in a golden cage
That's me locked inside reality's maze
Can't someone make my heavy heart light?
It all starts with a lullaby
Hello everyone~! This is Eternal updating from the depths of the night, the land of the moonlight, her infinite ensnaring dreamworld that wakes with the whisper of the the breeze amongst the twinkling stars!
... For this tattered heart of mine rests eternally in umbra, the illusionary cast of midnight, those hours I prefer to tread with the moon's comforting splendor resting at my back. The Moon - she watches with ageless eyes, lending protection to those whom seek her truth and compassion with pure intention.
-coughs- Okay, sorry about that, had a very sudden and strange urge to write something like that. =D;
Weeeelp, my parents left for their concert trip today, so me and my brother left alone until Thursday. We have chicken and salad for sustenance, but if we devour ( don't you just love that word? Deeevouuurrr... it sounds so malicious ) all of said foods, I am more then capable of making dinner myself.
I was dragged out to a movie with Azzy, Brandon, and Gabby. It was quite entertaining, if I do say. Unfortunately I forget the name of the movie we went to see, but I assure you that it was funny. Comedies are usually a good choice.
There was a brief stop at Timmies and A&P, as is our custom if we are returning from any place beyond that point. It was more for the opportunity for more chatter as opposed to any actual shopping, though Azzy did buy herself tea from Timmies.
I have recently started drinking tea. I was always so afraid of the bitter taste before, on account of some childhood experiences, but as I have matured and my tastes have changed, I now find tea a very pleasant drink. It can still be rather bitter, but three spoonfuls of sugar and a tiny bit of cream fixes that right up. I intended of having some tonight, but I had completely forgotten up until this moment, and I'd say it's probably too late for tea.
Ah yes, I finished Clannad during the weekend ... and naturally it was nothing less of what you'd expect out of Key - a visual and storyline masterpiece. Hmm, but of course you can't take my word for it, I'm a huge Key fan so naturally it was amazing to me. However, not quite as good as Kanon or Air, regrettably. I may write a personal review for it sometime soon.
Mentioning Kanon, I am in the midst of downloading all the episodes onto my computer in high-quality so they are easily accessible on my computer. I already have all the episodes of Air. It was nearly almost too late to do this, on account of the fact that since Kanon is now licensed it is being removed from everywhere. I am glad I thought of doing this before my last resource was pulled, or else it may have been a nuisance to find episodes ... well, in a minor sense anyways, undoubtedly people would still be putting them up somewhere or another.
Anyways, I believe I've rambled on enough for tonight. Once again I will be dead exhausted tomorrow, but it is really no one's fault but my own.
To live in the embrace of a dream within a dream, that is the saga of our own self-established omnipotence. Entities are naught but such.
Eternal says oyasuminasai~~ heart
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These are the records of certain occurrences and musings in my life. It is probably not of much importance to you, unless you enjoy being a sleuth or have some vague interest in listening to me prattle about my flavour-of-the-month.
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I felt vaguely sorry for her once she started crying, because I sort've knew how she felt when I tried to win Brandon back, but he turned his head from a kiss because he was involved. *siiiiigh*
Thank god those days are over. >.> Though I do sort've still miss the cuddling on the couch and the holding of hands and watching movies till 4 in the morning. I don't believe I've ever fallen asleep in someone's arms before I met him. Hehe. I remember the late night plotting to sleep on the couch with him, but eventually dragging myself back upstairs and cursing myself for not just going along with the plan. xP
Anyways, enough reminiscing!
When I read the first paragraph, I just scratched my head and sighed, thinking this would be yet another sappy entry. Lmao. But I was relieved to see it was only dragged on through that paragraph, and not through...well...The whole fricken thing. Haha. But yeah, Tea is awesome. And if you put enough sugar and cream in it, you can dilute the strength, and have it at any hour. Hence why I can have tea, and still feel tired afterwards.
My grandmother on the other hand. She has black on black. Nothing added. And lets just say you don't want her in the kitchen when she's on her second cup. xD;
And I've been tempted to watch some Anime's. I should finish Claymore, but I've been a little busy. But hey, if you want me to watch anything, just write me a list and I'll go through it when I have the time.
And now, I will end this comment with a brief note on how I'm going to start working on my KMH book again. xP I've had complaints about my absence. I must return! <3 I love readers.
So, till lunch time, I'll talk to you later!