Not sure why I'm anwsering these questions but I don't mind.
1.Do you still talk to the person who hurt you the most?
2.Do you like to dance?
Well, I like Dance Dance Revolution. XD
3.Are you obsessed with someone?
No one that I can think of.
4.What is the best thing about your job?
Hmm. I like that it's simple.
5.Do you like more than five people right now?
Do friends count?
6.Name something that you would like to eat right now?
7.Did you get any compliments today?
I'm not sure.
8.Who was the last person to call you?
My younger brother.
9.If you could pick the temperature of the outdoors for the rest of your life would you?
Not really. That would mess with nature.
10.Do you steal people's boyfriends or girlfriends?
11.Are you happy?
At the moment not really.
12.Who was the last person you texted?
No one.
13.Who was the last person you talked to?
My father.
14.Are you moody?
I don't believe so, but I'm very quiet at times.
15.Last person you hung out with?
My nephew.
16.Have you ever tried to get back with an ex?
Nope. Never had a girlfriend.
17.Have you ever toliet papered someone's house?
18.Have you ever gone camping?
Only one time when I was a little kid.
19.Do you love someone?
I don't have anyone to love at the moment.
20.Have you ever gone to the beach?
21.Have you ever had a stalker?
I'm not that good looking to have one.
22.Are you thirsty?
Yes I am. I'm going to go get me a cup of water.
23.Who was the last person to make you mad?
I think it was my dad.
24.Are you listening to music? What are you listening to?
I'm listening to "Somewhere I Belong" by Linkin Park.
25.What do you do before bed?
I brush my teeth.
26.Have you ever lied to your parents?
27.Have you ever worn your best friend's clothes?
28.Have you ever thrown up from working out?
One time I nearly threw up.
29.Who do you miss?
I miss my friend Mark.
30.Where are your siblings right now?
My younger brother is in Guam and my older brother is in Washington.
31.Last person you kissed other than family?
No one.
32.Name five things you did today?
-Woke up.
-Ate lunch.
-Logged onto Gaia.
-Watched comedy shows.
-Took a shower.
33.Last person you yelled at?
I don't remember.
34.Future kid's names?
Hmm. Maybe if it's a girl then Destiny and for a boy it'll be Jason.
I'm not too sure.
35.Do you have plans for tomorrow?
I think I'm going to go get me a checking account.
36.Are you on a laptop or a desktop?
37.What is you mood?
38.Is anyone jealous of you?
Online maybe, but in real life......I doubt that.
39.When was the last time you smiled?
It would be when I last chatted with my best friend.
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Little by little I learn more about life....
The name is Paul.
I'm a kind hearted person. I will be writing about life as it passes by with every second. I'll write about anime, games, and different things.
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Because ten billion years' time
is so fagile, so emphemeral...
It arouses such a bitter sweet,
almost heartbreaking fondness.
is so fagile, so emphemeral...
It arouses such a bitter sweet,
almost heartbreaking fondness.

Find your Celestial Choir
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Wooohooo.. and btw, you dont know why youre posting this?? *coughs*
The architecht of all this is yours truly. haha wink
I luhve it! heart 4laugh