I pledge my allegiance
To the burning fields of darkness
Of the United States of Destruction
And to the Republic
For which it burns
One Nation
Under Asuna (Phoenix of darkness)
With death and despair for all
Copy this to your journal if you like it!!!
I am not making fun of the US! This is just something I did with my friends because we did not like the fact that the Pledge of Allegiance had God in it. There is supposed to be a separation of Church and State, but the Pledge violates that by having God in it. What is worse is the stupid a** teachers and administrators that actually make their students say the Pledge! I love my country, really I do, but there are just some things that just piss me off to no end!
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Personel Journal of Rain Star
This is my journal where i will post things, that is all you need to know.